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primary cover capacity

Hi there can anyone tell me how much oil i need to put in the primary cover on my bsa m20 any help would be much appreciated cheers and thankyou

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Re: primary cover capacity

Hi Shaun
I looked at a couple of manuals & lubrication charts & they don't give an exact amount, but it isn't much.
One manual says to fill with engine oil until it weeps from the level plug on the outer chaincase, underneath the footrest securing bolt. I'd estimate you'll need about 200-250 ml. As I said, not much.

Re: primary cover capacity

Hi bob thankyou very much for your response it is a big help cheers shaun

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Re: primary cover capacity

I find that filling to the level plug is too much oil and I get excessive leaking from the rear of the chain case at the clutch centre where the oil flinger gets overwhelmed. I fill to a depth where the chain just dips into the oil bath.

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