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Rear wheel installation

Had to do a frame repair on the rear stand pivot lug and, once repaired, I installed the rear stand (the rear wheel was still off at this time to mount a new tire). Now I am trying to install the rear wheel, but it appears that the rear stand is in the way. Is there a trick to installing the wheel with the stand still in place or does it need to come back off?

Re: Rear wheel installation

Hello Keenan,

The wheel of a wm20 should be able to slip in with the rear stand in place, but you'll need to take the rear section of the mudguard off to do it. That's why they had it as a removable item. Otherwise I suppose you could jack up the rear end to a great height, and perhaps that would work?

Best wishes,


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Re: Rear wheel installation

Thank you Allan! I'm still relatively new to M20s and didn't realize about the removable section of the rear mudguard.


Re: Rear wheel installation

Hi Keenan,

Make sure that the stand is only around 10 degrees from vertical, if much more it will put again an unfair strain on the pivot and lugs.

BR. Michiel

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Re: Rear wheel installation

Also make sure that the snail cam is the right way round otherwise your stand won't return to rest properly and you'll have to take it all apart again.......Lots of us have done that:rage:

The snail should be such, that as you turn it anti clockwise it will move the wheel backwards (tighten the chain)

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