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Valve Lifter Cable

Just a wee query...
Having recently purchased a valve lifter cable (the original one broke)I am having difficulty getting the thing fitted.
The spring on it seems to be too strong and I can't get everything in place.
Is there a method to installing it???
Many thanks...…

Re: Valve Lifter Cable

Are the overall dimensions of the cable (length of the outer cable and free length) the same as the original?...Ian

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Re: Valve Lifter Cable

I remember having the same problem when fitting one recently. Can't remember how I did it though. Sorry not to be more helpful but at least you know you are not alone!

Re: Valve Lifter Cable

I had the same problem with ones I had bought . Ron recommended I send all my old cables off and had them made to the originals ,they all came back and fitted fine .


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Re: Valve Lifter Cable

Just measured the cables...the new one is 1 3/4 inches shorter than the original....😕

email (option): Jimmy

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