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Tappet lubrication

Hi All
Just a simple question.
I checked tappet clearances this weekend and although they were spot on, the exhaust was making quite a tapping noise. While she was running I squirted in a little oil onto the contact surfaces and the volume of the tapping almost disapeared.
Aside from that the tappet chamber was quite dry with only a small pool of very watery oil at the bottom om the push rod guides (white too, so assume that is a bit of condensation getting into the oil ?)
Question is, how much oil should be in there for lubrication and is there a drain hole/crank case breather at the back of the chamber and should I be able to pass a wire through it to check if its clear ??

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Re: Tappet lubrication

Hi Rich,

I believe there should be a small hole drilled at the tappet chest, behind and a bit to the right
To the nut who is in the chest.
It is used to pass oil spray/vapor into the chest. AS FAR AS I CAN REMEMBER...
Sometimes it is being blocked by a wrongly installed barrel bottom gasket or exessive sealant.


Re: Tappet lubrication

Should I be able to pass a wire or something through the hole or is it not that big ??

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Re: Tappet lubrication

Hi Richard...Noam is quite correct...The tappet heads etc. are lubricated by the oil mist forced from the main crank case into the tappet chest on the downward stroke of the piston...

You won't have any difficulty passing a wire through the hole to ensure it is clear...The hole joins up with a small chamber cast into the cases (on the inside) between the cam follower guides...So, your wire will 'bottom out' after it has gone in about an 1" to 1 1/2"...Ian

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