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Pegasus Enfield.

Morning Ron, are we going to see an example of the latest Enfied creation, gracing your fine collection???🤔

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Re: Pegasus Enfield.

Duck, because they'll throw grapefruit at you now.:grinning:

Re: Pegasus Enfield.

Morning Ron, are we going to see an example of the latest Enfied creation, gracing your fine collection???🤔
If you're talking about the limited edition RE Pete? I wouldn't think so! It's just a nod at the original Flea and I guess it's an obvious marketing ploy. But it looks like a bit of fun and I can't help being strangely attracted. But I'm not sure I could cope with all that modern regalia, like..... brakes, suspension, mirrors, indicators, electric starter and road holding etc. Ron

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Re: Pegasus Enfield.

Ha ha Ron, now and again mate,you have to " push the envelope" to use an aeronautical term as it were. 👀

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Re: Pegasus Enfield.

Recent history of Royal Enfield suggests this is probably a way of mopping up a few more 'Bullet' sales during the long wait for the new Interceptor. I think the whole Airborne tie-in is rather tacky myself but if they shift some more units with a coat of paint and some extras, well...
REgards, Mark

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