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Royal Enfield 'Pegasus'
Re: Royal Enfield 'Pegasus'

It's real..but no need to get excited....

It's just another half assed factory 'limited edition' to go along with the 'great escape' Triumph on which they didn't even manage to get the colour right, The world speed record Jonny Allen Bonneville 'tribute limited edition' bike that was basically just a different paint job, the BMW R90T which shares nothing with the original except the colour etc. etc. etc....

Fortunately only 190 are coming to this country so they shouldn't have too much trouble to find that many gullible punters....

Unfortunately, it appears they've also roped in a veteran to publicise the thing...Ian

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Re: Royal Enfield 'Pegasus'

I must say, this sort of thing leaves me more than a little queasy. Tribute or rip-off?

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