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Free French airforce 1944/45.

These photos date from 1944/45 and show Free French airforce pilots,out of the 50 photos three have motorcycles on them,one is an Ariel WNG,the other one is german with a RAF number painted on,some of the larger photos have writing on the back which mention "pilote du groupe "Alsace" and Belgique and Hollande. The photos below are much larger than the snapshots and have writing on the back of them.

Re: Free French airforce 1944/45.

The ex-German machine is an NSU so it's allowed on here...'Norton Spares Used' :grinning:

Re: Free French airforce 1944/45.

Hello Steve is there any chance you could email me a pic of the Ariel and the Jeep ? as I have both in RAF markings. Cheers Pete.

email (option):

Re: Free French airforce 1944/45.

Steve, so you own these ?

I think that I can read...

"Progres Ile de France, Alsace
Le théatre d’operations de Belgique, Hollande
Demain coup d’oeil sur la carte"

Advance Ile de France, Alsace
The theatre of operations of Belgium and Holland....
Tomorrow a glimpse of the map..."

Is there any chance of a flat copy showing the back ?

Re: Free French airforce 1944/45.

Found some more info on the above photos I think they are from RAF 341 squadron,which was free French. Photo below is the only one with a clue to where they were taken (row of houses). below is the back of the above photo. below is another photo of an Ariel WNG with free French airforce,but may not be from the above squadron as its from the web.

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