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Hi folks,
Do any of you know what the old W /| D stores reference ticket would read for a complete DU42 unit would be?

I imagine it would be something like:-

LV6/MT4 2204 7204
Headlght Complete
Qty 1

But I do not know for sure, so if anyone has this info, I would be extremely grateful to know it.

The headlght is complete with ammeter, switch, flat glass and all the gubbins inside, plus the mounting bolts.

Many thanks for your help
Best wishes
Ian F

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Hi gang,
I'm surprised that no one has replied to this one... I thought it would have been an easy one to answer as there were (so I thought) quite a few loose NOS headlights floating about the group, some still in their original boxes, which would of course have the info I'm seeking...???

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I have quite a bit on the 8" DU 142s but I don't have much info on the later stuff. One of the problems is that there were various specs and lots of changes and earlier parts books did not include the MT3 and MT4 proprietary spares. Very few surviving books retain the extra inserts detailing these.

I have a late-war Norton parts book that lists :-

Headlamp Type DU42/MAG C/w mask as MT3/LU/DU42/MAG

This would be the headlamp with switch suitable for magdyno ignition and of course the blackout mask.

In an earlier attachment, the DU 142 was listed under section MT3/LU

Headlamp Complete Type DU142F, Service Green LU/515680

Most of the NOS lamps I've seen have been post-war with domed glasses - they were being produced as spares well into the 1950s. I wouldn't trust a paper label part number to be honest. It could be correct and the part could still be of a far later specification.


I did start to have a look and found MT3/LU/DU42/MAG in one of my M20 books and LU/DU42/? in my RAF M20 book and then I realised that the different manufacturers adopted a part number to comply with their own part numbering system. So I guess the number you are looking for is the one that Lucas would have attached for that specific headlamp without BO mask. Ron

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Thanks Ron and Rik for your extremely kind help in this hunt.
I think you are both right as the prefix LV6/MT3 and LV6/MT4 both cover "General Electrical Vehicles" parts and the DU42 also makes sense.
I was wondering if additionally the box label would also carry the OEM number, but maybe not, who knows?
But thanks again, your help has been gratefully received :-)

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Ian, I suspect so. I have no boxed OEM Lucas parts but what I have from Norton and from Amal all include the 'NC' or 'AM' prefix as appropriate followed by the OE part number - These are often the same as pre-war civilian so we can be pretty sure that they didn't receive a War Office part number - the unique manufacturer code was enough to ensure a unique part number.

Post-war of course, the NATO stock numbers were introduced. It might even be possible to find M20 parts carrying them.

Wartime dated WD packaging is not all that common and generally very late-war. Most of the parts were checked and re-packed in the 1950 so the cards and labels that we see may not be typical of wartime packaging.

There were not many users of the DU42 prior to the introduction of blackout masks and post-war there was the change to the domed glasses and the SSU range so if you're looking at an actual example and it has a 'Difusa' glass then it is probably quite early or maybe made for an area where blackout regulations were not in force so again this could mean that it carried a part number that was not shown in the standard WD parts book.

If I were looking for a headlamp to use then the only thing that would interest me would be the number impressed on the lower front edge of the shell. If it is for display in its box then rest assured that there will be very few rivet-counters who could call you out on an incorrect number ! :smiley:


I have a NOS DU42 but it didn't come with a label or box.

This label is on an empty box which once held a NOS truck headlamp with "DP" dual purpose flip up blackout mask, I don't remember if it was a Butler or Lucas.



email (option): robmiller11(a)


I brought a NOS DU42 about 5 years ago this is the ticket on the lid Cheers BarryLucas box

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