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One of those days..

Left my place this morning for a lovely ride into Plymouth, in the sunshine, to pick up some bits and pieces I needed..A mile or so from home the car in front stopped in the lane for one coming in the other direction and then reversed without looking behind..No damage fortunately as I was 'paddling backwards' as well at that point..!
Ah well..crossed the moors and at a roundabout on the outskirts of Plymouth discovered my gearchange lever was no longer with me...A swift 1/2 mile hike in the wrong clothes recovered the lever but had me in a sweat..Got back to the bike and found a large puddle of petrol under it...seems the copper fuel line also had a small split in it..not at the soldered joint but just back from it.
So it was just a question of whether I could cover the 8-10 miles back home before the petrol ran out (and/or the gearlever fell off again..)
I decided that the more you use the less you'll lose so I drove the bike absolutely flat out all the way home...after some repairs and a cold drink, sat under the Chestnut tree in my garden, I decided it might be better to try again tomorrow..

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Re: One of those days..

My first ride of my Denish BSA M23 silver star goos verry smooth bud after 10 miles i want to chance gear bud there was notting to chance i rode the same way back and found the lever on the street i was verry happy to find it if it was falling on the side of the road i never found it back and the original one i nevver get back Gr Theo

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Re: One of those days..

Hi Ian
Sounds like a normal trip
Full tool kit ,,,,check
Spare levers,,,check
Spare kick start ,gear lever ,, check
Full set cables ,,check
nuts & bolts one of each size ,,check
Spark plug ,,check
Gas bottle solder ,,check
Head light ,stop light bulb ,check
After all that ,the thought of siting under a tree ,bottle of wine , might go for a ride another day John

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Re: One of those days..

Ian, I thought you were going to say that a branch fell off the chestnut tree ? It's too early to have nuts landing on your head !

There is nothing like that feeling of hooking for a lever that isn't there anymore, is there ?

I'm glad to hear that it didn't turn out too bad in the end. It could've been worse !

Re: One of those days..

Ah, a normal day in the life of a Brit bike rider..!
Tomorrow will bring more adventures

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Re: One of those days..

Why does every WD bike loses their gearchange lever once and why always in 4th gear??
Luckily enough we always find them back!!

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Re: One of those days..

Ian, how bizarre this story, took the G3L for a spin and lost the gearlever also, managed to get back home and retraced with the car and found it! Is it a WD bike trait or the unusual sight of the sun.

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Re: One of those days..

a collecters bike one of those that you go back and collect the bits have fell off and ian turn your petrol off even parked for a few minutes

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