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Hello, im posting this info on as many BSA /WW2/classic motorcycles orientated sites and forums in order to get more info about the BSA WM20 my granfather owned 1946-1957: WM20 29827 - C4346419 - dutch licenseplate 1947-1957 :L-58735 COULD IT BE ALIVE SOMEWERE? has been sold/traded for a Citroen Traction Avant somewhere in 1956-1957 in Amersfoort region or Den Haag/Leiden region it was olivegreen/brownish and there was no censusnumber on the petroltank, only a red/yellow BSA logo it had a rare(?) extra headlight/searchlight. maybe i can find the bike or a still excesting engine? THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ALL THE INFO!!! Feel free to contact me for specific names and pictures at when you think youve got a lead.
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