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Sprung Bracketry

There is a little spring bracket thing attached to the gearbox of my Matchless G3 that just touches the back of kickstarter enough to take the paint off. What exactly does it do? Surely it has more of a purpose in life than to spoil my paint job?

Re: Sprung Bracketry

Its a back up, just in case the K/S spring breaks.
W/NGs have them aswell.
Cheers, Mick.

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Re: Sprung Bracketry

Cheers Mick, It's as simple as that! I sat there for ages wondering what it was for, I knew one of you lot would know.

Re: Sprung Bracketry

Mick Holmes
Its a back up, just in case the K/S spring breaks.
W/NGs have them aswell.
Cheers, Mick.

That is not actually so, it's for the DR coat, so it doesn't move the kickstarter back, and ruins the internals of the kickstart ratchet.



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Re: Sprung Bracketry

Also sounds very plausable. I suppose that would very soon start causing all sorts of chaos inside a gearbox, so you'd need something.

Re: Sprung Bracketry

Here a picture of the thing!


email (option):

Re: Sprung Bracketry

I have a couple of spare ones at a tenner each if anyone needs one. Ron

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Re: Sprung Bracketry

Ron Pier
I have a couple of spare ones at a tenner each if anyone needs one. Ron

Me too, but for 8 quid each!!

My postage will be more!!!



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Re: Sprung Bracketry

Yes Lex, that's the one. It took me ages to work out where it went as there were all sorts of things from different bikes in with my Matchless parts, so I assumed it was from something else.

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