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WTS NOS exhaust pipe

Well, the M20's sold. Now I have a very few parts left.

Anyone have need of an M20 NOS chrome exhaust pipe? Came from Domi Racer in Cincinnati, Ohio. Part number 93-00693.
Make an offer.

Also, I've still got that Volks Ltd D-shaped air filter that I was told fit an early 50s Triumph. The only numbers on it are D53946/1I(?)SS4.
Here again, make an offer.

Anyone need a WWII Dispatch rider's helmet? It's got the brass bolt holding on the webbing. No neck shield. Then I've got what looks to my uneducated eye to be a standard Tommy helmet dated 1941.
Some where near $75 for both.

I have photos available. Quicker to answer via my email:

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