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I've started putting the front half of the bike back together - annoyingly, some of my lovely paintwork has flaked off where nuts and washers make contact. Is there anyway to avoid this? Ive used good quality paint - made sure I rubbed down the primer to make sure it 'keyed' in and everything.

Would it be better to use the shake-proof type washer rather than the flat type to help avoid this, or will the affect be the same?

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Re: Re-assembly

Hi Andy..This is always a problem for which I have yet to find the perfect solution.(if there is one).
A natural desire to give everything a good coat of paint means there is plenty for the washer to bite into and the drab synthetic finishes don't seem to be particularly hard.
I find a little grease on the back of the plain washers helps but you can still get the problem. Where it is not too plainly visible I sometimes fit a black fibre washer under the steel one.
I'd be interested to here other contributors tips on this subject myself....Ian

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Re: Re-assembly

I powder-coat with RAL6014, and then apply my favourite concoction of mud-brown with some green pigment added. That powder-coat base is VERY resistant and any damage of the top coat will be hard to notice.

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Re-assembly

assemble the bike and spray it all afterwards carb cables and all nut and bolts like the army did

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