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Question for Henk

Hi Henk. After a lot of trying i am still unable to colour match the original olive drab on my WM20.This includes buying supposedly the correct colour from a company that supplies paint to military vehicle restorers. The colour on C4864035 looks spot on.Could you tell me who supplied it and any code number it may have. Many thanks. Michael.

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Re: Question for Henk

Hi Michael,

This colour was mixed many years ago from an original paint sample Rob van Meel had. This was done at a company in Utrecht with a code that only they could use. As far as I know this type of paint is not allowed in Holland anymore and can't be made anymore from that code.

Here a sample that was made in 2004 when Leon needed paint, they had the remix the colour as the original code couldn't be used by that time anymore. As far as I know this code doesn't work anymore either.


M20 paint

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Re: Question for Henk

Thanks for that Henk.It looks like i've drawn a blank there.I will just have to keep on experimenting. Michael.

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Re: Question for Henk

while on the suject of paint is cellulose paint now banned in the uk

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