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Any idea from what bike this is?

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From what bike?

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Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

Think it's Triumph....

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

Yes, the ends do look like Triumph axle fixing

Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

From about what period?


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Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

Late post war! (I think....)

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

Henk, it does look like Triumph, evidently for capped fork ends. It looks similar to my T140 front spindle, but the packaging suggests maybe late 60s, early 70s (just a guess). I'd guess at late T120 Bonnie. However, it looks like there's an O-ring on one end, which doesn't make any sense to me. Trident? Rocket Three?

It would help if you posted the length of the spindle.

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Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

It looks like Triumph OIF from the 70s conical hub front, have the same in my 650 72 tiger. I am not sure, if i have a thread on one side. greetings jarek

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Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

It looks like a WD box to me, minus label. Wouldn't that point in the direction of a TRW ?

Rik (who know b* all about Triumphs !)

Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

The Navy had T140s and so did the Royal it could be a comical hub part as Jarek stated..What about the Dutch Army unit construction 500s?...Ian

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Re: Any idea from what bike this is?

BSA B40?


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