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Cylinder Head

I am about to glass-bead blast my cylinder head to get the scale and paint off. I plan on re-sleeving the barrel so I am not worried about hitting it. Is there anything I should worry about damaging? Threads, ports etc.?? This is obviously my first time! Thanks.


Re: Cylinder Head

No worries. Cast iron is impermeable to the glass bead. You may find that you need a better cutting agent, like sand or silica. Wash the head thoroughly in soap and water afterward.


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Re: Cylinder Head

The question then is 'What to use afterwards'? Someone had mentioned success in using Stovax paint, anything else that I have used has been disappointing. I'm keeping my fingers crossed with this stuff.

Re: Cylinder Head

Hi Aaron...Glass bead is really a 'finishing' bead for aluminium components. You will need to use a coarser Aluminium Oxide grit to make any headway on an iron barrel or head. You will also need access to a reasonably powerful compressor/blaster. Remove as much paint as you can before starting, then thoroughly degrease the parts.
On completion clean everything thoroughly. If you wash the parts in soapy water to do this use hot water and immediately warm the parts to dry them out...cast iron rusts extremely quickly once exposed even to damp atmosphere.
Have your paint ready to go before blasting and paint everything straight away. apply a little WD 40 or similar to any surfaces that will not be painted...Ian

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