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Those pesky main bearing circlips....

I'm sure every M20 owner who has replaced his drive side main bearings will have cursed the circlip used by BSA which is difficult both to remove and replace.
A 'straight fit'modern replacement with 'eyes' for circlip pliers is available however.
They are American but should be obtainable through any good bearing factors.
Part number is NI300-0200....Ian

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Re: Those pesky main bearing circlips....

I bought some of these circlips on Ian's recommendation. Brilliant idea! Likewise get "modern" clips for that bearing in the chainwheel on QD crinckle hubs. The cost is negligible compared to the hassel of the originals.

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Re: Those pesky main bearing circlips....

But how can you look the concours judge in the eye knowing you have non standard parts fitted!

Re: Those pesky main bearing circlips....

When I became a man, I gave up chidish things....and that includes conkers! Ron

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