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Reconditioning fuel tap corks

That's usually done by immersing in boiling water, but now I heard that scorching with a cigarette lighter is another and reputedly highly effective dodge .
Any thoughts?

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

Hi Hans, I can't help but think that would dry them out even more.

Unless a layer of soot on the outside makes them seal better

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Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

I am replacing cork washers with synthetic cork - slicing from a synthetic bottle cork and making the central hole with a red-hot rod. They seem to work a treat and will never need reconditioning - maybe replacing eventually, but they have been OK for 2 years so far. Will they be ethanol-resistant? Will soon be finding out! Ferg

Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

AH Ferg
Some of the wine thats about these days,tastes like its full of Ethanol,so they should be ok for ever.

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Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

If the cork sheet is the standard nitrile rubber bonded stuff then it will react with ethanol (I believe that we already have the 10% shit here in Belgium). I made a filler cap gasket from this and it curled up just from the vapour.

It is possible to find cork sheet bonded with viton and that should be OK.

Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

Why not just go with the Viton and forget the cork?...Ian

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Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

Found a reference to this 'scorching' in the 4259 issue of

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

Hi Hans,
Last Ewarts tap I reconditioned after a lay off for any number of years just involved dunking the stripped tap in petrol overnight. Hey presto, no more leaking corks.
Hope this helps.

Re: Reconditioning fuel tap corks

I converted all the Ewarts taps that passed through my hands to the adjustable type; never ever leaks!
But what I heard about scorching the corks was for the slide type, as used on the M20. A long time ago I changed the cork disks to 1/8" rubber-bound cork gasket material, no problem with the 5% ethanol here in the Netherlands. But in France with the 10% ethanol they started to disintegrate. Now I use cork gasket material with a mysterious binder from space technology

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

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