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Single spring Clutch

Hi I was putting my clutch together when one of the studs from part# 15-4308 pulled out & one other started to.
What was the original style of fitting the studs was it braised as with the repo one I was using?
Does anyone have an old one for sale ?

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Re: Single spring Clutch

Hi Michael..The studs were brazed to hold them into the plate originally. Occasionally they do come adrift. I repair them by removing all the remaining braze using a file, emery and by lightly countersinking the rear face.
A 1/4" cycle (or BSF) stud can then be tig welded into place. With the weld flattened off on the rear face the plate can then be reused. Fit shakeproof or spring washers under the nuts and then just 'give them a nip' to tighten. It is not necessary to do them up overly tight. A dab of 'threadlock' Loctite will also help though I don't use it myself for this job...Ian

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Re: Single spring Clutch

Thanks Ian
I had thoughts down that road


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