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Unveiling brick

If I remember well, the 4th of June was considered to be the best date for the ceremony; Sunday is - I think - the militaria show at Vierville, and Monday many will have to return to their places

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Unveiling brick

What is the story of Sgt Donald Fife? Was he Canadian, where can I find more information?

Re: Unveiling brick

Just do a forum search, but there will be hundreds of items!
Perhaps Henk could put a summary on the website?
In short, Don Fife was a Canadian Provost Corps biker who was kia in the Netherlands, a month before the end of the war. Mail me off list, I can send you a .pdf.

email (option): viaconsu # planet dot nl

Re: Unveiling brick

Vincent, to some of us he has become a sort of mascot. Ron

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