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Where is it now?

I've been asked if anyone knows the where abouts of WM20 with British Reg number OTO 975F. Ron

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Re: Where is it now?

Hi Ron,
I can't help with the search. I have tried on the DVLA web site
but this bike comes back as no details found - which means either it has been in the back of a shed, etc since system went computerised or has been permenantly 'demobbed' to that great MT pool in the sky.
I only replied as the web site link is quite useful for checking possible purchases.
Happy new year to all.

Re: Where is it now?

I suppose it could also have had a change to an 'age related' number. People have frequently suggested I should do that with my own 'F' plate M20. I always considered the 'F' plate to be the correct 'age related' number as that was what it was issued with at first registration after 'demob', having only had an Army number prior to that date.....Ian

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Re: Where is it now?

i was looking on this dvla site about my triumph 100ss that was stolen from my shed in late 1971 ish i never reported it stolen as it wasnt insured and i didnt find out until late 1972 when i came back from abroad in the forces on the dvla site it comes up year of manufactured in 1964 but registered in 1979 does any one know why it has a later registration

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Re: Where is it now?

The plate may have lapsed or the bike could have been rebuilt with a later frame & parts. If the bike was not not taxed for a while the plate may have been taken out of 'service' and allocated to a different bike altogether.

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Re: Where is it now?

thank you sir ewok i was hoping it was still my old bike

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Re: Where is it now?

Maybe some of it still is. A serious prang may have damaged the frame, forks and front wheel. Changing such a large portion of the bike makes it a different bike in the eyes of the law. You may choose to regard it as 'your' bike, or not, depending how you feel about it.

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Re: Where is it now?

its not my bike anymore its been gone for so long i even scrapped the old logbook some years later i dont think i could lay any claim to it

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Re: Where is it now?

Have you tried OBM Ron ? I think classic bike have a place to ask too , and maybe a letter to Windscreen ?

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