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10.000 euro M20

Did we see one this expensive already before?

10.000 euro M20

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Re: 10.000 euro M20

Sacre friggin Bleu!!..£8500!????? For that it should at least be the right colour

email (option):

Re: 10.000 euro M20

Nice project, I see a Vokes and a contract plate on the tail piece of the mudguard. I am used to start with less. Cool carburettor


email (option):

Re: 10.000 euro M20

Worth more than the current bid of $900, even if just for parts, but it has 5 more days of bidding, so I'm sure its final price will be more.

email (option):

Re: 10.000 euro M20

The french site is curious, to say the least. Many of the bikes on offer are at about their correct prices. Others, not so much: a Suzuki 500 for €5,500; a CB750 for €16,500; or look at where the headline says Norton for €10, the principal photo is of a Vincent and the click-through photos are of what appears to be a civvy M20 and an older HD.

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