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Australian M20

The serial number on this M20 is a little unclear but it looks like C4357617 which would make the frame number WM20 41025 which is listed on Henks frame numbers page as belonging to Geoff Bridgland of Australia.

Could this be an actual wartime shot of his bike?


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Re: Australian M20

He should be able to check using the ARN C13424.

Re: Australian M20

If that is the case will it be a first? Does anyone else have a wartime photo of their own machine?....Ian

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Re: Australian M20

It's a bit of a holy grail.

The only other case I've heard of is the Cobbaton Combat Museum Sherman, they actually have a wartime shot of it.

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Re: Australian M20

Great photo is it an AWM Photo? it is unusual because it has the British Serial number on the Tank but a Commonwealth Number Plate I.E. A red C followed by the ARN (army registered number)13424 which was normally assigned to vehicles used within Australia does the description fix the Location?

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Re: Australian M20

Hi Ron

I don't know where this photo came from, I've looked at the AWM site and I can't see it?

Would Australian vehicles keep there ARN plates if they served outside Australia? and are there any surviving vehicle records?

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Re: Australian M20

There Should Be Surviving Records I have been unable to chase any down but we will continue to search both the AWM and the national Archives. The Problem is in part that a ww2 Vehicle could have up to three Numbers the British C number if sourced from British ordinance A commonwealth Number if bought on Charge in Australia AN AIF number if sent Overseas.
the Latter 2 will have the 5 figure ARN prefixed in the Commonwealth number by a C and in the AIF number I have seen evidence that it may have no Prefix if shown on the tank or be the 5 figure ARN prefixed by an L if shown on a number plate
(Relative but)

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Re: Australian M20

Fellow readers -
I have the original photo of this person and rider and know him persoally.Taken during WW2 near Darwin Northern Territory;
Lt. George Gormly SX25128, 27th South Australian Scotish Div - Battalion intelligence officer - BSA wm20 supplied as transport.
The photo paken in Darwin 19/2/1942;
George comments were - the photo shows a broken headlight that was caused by my coming 'a gutsa', old saying as i was watching a Lockheed Hudson bomber coming into land at the RAAF drome in Darwin and i hit a washaway on the road. Cost me a beer in the officers mess later. Side valve BSA's were held in high regard for their reliability in all kinds of shockig condtitions, especially during the 'big wet' seasons. good luck, George now 87 years.
This is one of many original photos is have of Australian despatch riders on duty both here and overseas riding both BSA and Nortons.
Australian vehicles were issued with a 5 number allocation when they arrived;
These are found in Books 125 in AWM Canberra - a lot of reading and luck to find the bike entry;
I found mine in these books and where it served ending up in Adelaide where i live and privately sold after WW2 - one can by lucky
Brian Forth
South Australia.

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Re: Australian M20

Hi Brian, is the original photo clear enough to confirm the serial on the tank, i'm not too sure about the last couple of digits Rob.

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Re: Australian M20

Fellow readers -
Australian vehicles were issued with a 5 number allocation when they arrived;
These are found in Books 125 in AWM Canberra]

Brian Thanks For this information but it looks like A Trip to Canberra is called for as it appears this information is not on the AWM web site?

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