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D.R. Gear

Recently I've had the opportunity to join a group of WW2 Living History re-enactors, they had a display at an airshow and when I mentioned I had a BSA dispatch rider's bike, well ,they just about fell over trying to recruit me. Of course I joined up willingly, and have attended a couple of their meetings to a warm reception. Ordered a set of WW2 Canadian Battle Dress trousers and tunic from Spearhead militaria off e-Bay, to go with my boots, helmet and Jerkin that I already had, and some more P37 web gear.
Here's my questions, then:
Did DR's regularly carry a compass , or binoculars? It would seem a logical addition to their kit, but I can find no references if they were issued or not.
What about the riding breeches, "S.D. Pantaloons", does anybody know of a source for new/reproductions? Other than e-bay?
Of course the drive this winter is to get my own M20 back roadworthy, I'd hate to be the lone DR at the back of the pack marching with the Infantry and Airborne members at the D-Day comemmoration parade....
And do most guys wear full DR kit when displaying their M20's or other lesser military motorcycles?
Cheers, and Merry Christmas.
Nova Scotia, Canada

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Re: D.R. Gear

Hi Vincent..and welcome to the forum. Certainly on this side of the pond lots of riders wear DR kit. I always take kit to Normandy for the D Day commemorations and use it for many other events. In England if you are part of a reenactor group it is compulsory.
If you google '65 for 65 Normandy 2009' you will find some film clips of 140 or so military bikes on the road with most riders wearing some form of kit.
I don't think compasses or binoculars were a standard issue item for DRs though it would have been entirely possible for a DR to have carried either item I would think. If you look on the 'Accessories' section of this website you will find information on the correct kit....Ian

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Re: D.R. Gear

Thanks, Ian,
I've been in and out of the forum for several years, but now have the drive to get back into my M20. I have the boinoculars, just curious if it would be appropriate. Alternatively, I may try to acquire a Pattern 37 triple ammo pouch to offset my pistol holster. (Ideally I'll someday fill that with a de-activated Enfield revolver, If I can legally find a way to do it). It almost seems pointless to be riding a M20 without the proper equipment.
Cheerts, Vincent

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Re: D.R. Gear

Hi Vincent, I would think the binocular case would be a more appropriate 'extra' than the pouches...I use one sometimes...very handy for your cash/digital camera and in my case..cigarettes ...Ian

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Re: D.R. Gear

Imagine telling somebody in 1943 you had a digital camera- he'd thingk it was finger sized. And a cell phone? H'd think you ripped it out of a jail. A credit card? Must be a note from your sweetheart for a memorable evening of pleasure
What else can you fit in a binocular case?

Re: D.R. Gear

I've got my Grandfathers binoculars that he had when he was in the Royal Field Artillery in the first world I suppose I could put them in there! ...Ian

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