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Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

I don't really recognize all parts in these photos, if you do please let me know. Most if not all is for sale.


Look what I found

Look what I found

Look what I found

Look what I found

Look what I found

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Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

How much for bags & caves grips Henk

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Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Hi John, I thought I just let you know that your nuts and bolts are plated, I just picked them up this morning.

email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Hi John,

I have 5 canvas grips on which one isn't really usable.

Here some sizes:

Two new grips 1" inside and 125mm long.
one used 7/8" inside and 110mm long.
one used 1" inside and also 110mm long.

Used 25 euro each and new 30 euro each.

I have one used set of bags for 150 euro, these are in pretty good used condition.

The other set of bags is NOS but these are not 100% matching. 175 euro.

Used Y straps 50 euro NOS Y straps 75 euro. The used straps needs some stitching to be re-done.


email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Hi Henk
could you send me additional photos of both bag sets & used grips suitable for m20.

Ta much


email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Hi Dave

Will be in touch during the week when back in the uk

Best regards


email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

No problem speak to you soon

email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

John I'll send you some photo tomorrow. Leon had already asked for the new set by email.


email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

No probs, I'll get these tomoro eve hopefully, not 100% sure as behind "the iron curtain"

Ta much

email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Henk: how much for the "unsable" grip, if it's 7/8? I'd be using it as a pattern, so it does not need to be in good condition. Someone on this forum had said, some time ago, that he would be making some pattern grips but I never saw a post that said he accomplished it. I'd like to give it a try, so I need a pattern as my bikes all have rubber grips.

email (option):

Re: Look what I just bought, most is for sale.

Hi John,

The damaged one is 1".


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