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brass speedo bezel

Does anyone have any idea where I could buy a brass speedo bezel from. The new old stock speedo I have just bought has a plain steel one. Dont know if that means its not n.o.s. I can find lots of chrome ones but I would really like brass as I think it would set it off nicely. Any help appreciated.
Cheers,(Merry Xmas)

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Re: brass speedo bezel


I had my bezel stripped of chrome and brass plated here in melbourne if that's any help. Not original but good to fool some


Re: brass speedo bezel

Many (most/all?)of the original 'civvy' speedo bezels were made of brass and chrome plated. Civvy pattern bezels do not have the 'radiused' form of the military types but have a 'sharp edge' on the top. These can be subtly reshaped to pass muster as a military type once the chrome has been removed if an original is not available. If you have a chromed one a quick test with a magnet will determine whether it is brass or steel...Ian

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Re: brass speedo bezel

I remember asking this question several years to a speedo reconditioner in Brisbane, Australia. Otto I think the company was about this. He said when they get them made as they were getting them made at the time I could have brass or chrome because they are made of brass then chromed. So ask your speedo reconditioner.

Re: brass speedo bezel

I thought the rim was painted anyway?

Re: brass speedo bezel

Its just nice to see a bit of brass on a bike WD though

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Re: brass speedo bezel

the only reason the bezels were painted it was hard not to with a 4" paint brush

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Re: brass speedo bezel

Don't know if this will do:

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