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Steering head ballrace extractor

Hello!The thread of the steering head ballrace extractor is 1+1/2 24TPI CEI,
Whay does CEI means?

Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

Cycle Engineers Institute.

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Re: Steering head ballrace extractor


Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

Also known as BSC or BSCY....'British Standard Cycle'...Ian

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Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

It's 60 degrees included angle. Just like American standard threads.

Do not confuse with Whitworth forms which are 55 degree included angle.

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Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

When you remove worn bearings, just weld a piece of metal in the ball race and remove it with a met rod and hammer. But if you want to re-use them this is not an option.


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Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

I want to remove bearings from one frame and fit in the other, so welding a plate is not the solution.
Today I ordered to make a pieze of steel with the same thead to extract it. Tomorrow I will try to change the ballraces.

Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

i knocked mine out with a brass drift they didnt seem that tight in the frame

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Re: Steering head ballrace extractor

This morning I removed the ballraces with the extractor. The surfaces of the frame and bearing was a little rusty so I had afraid to broke it;it was not very tight in the frame.

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