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Talflow from Brisbane

Look what I had in the mail today. Does any of you have an idea about the 3 bolts in the bottom? Are these original? It has a serial number on the plaque that reads 10890 any info on that known?

My son Vincent arrived in Brisbane yesterday after about 24 hours, the Talflow needed 30 days to get from Brisbane to Holland. I nearly started to believe Ron's story about pirates having it send to Poole.

I never expected to ever find one.


Talflow air filter

Talflow air filter

Talflow air filter

Talflow air filter

email (option):

Re: Talflow from Brisbane

if it wasnt for the bolt sticking through i would have said that is where the rubber buffers went and maybe they are for a different fixing there is a photo of an air filter alongside the rear wheel above the tool box

Re: Talflow from Brisbane

Well since those pressing in the bottom where the bolts are, look original, and since this picture clearly shows a large gap at the bottom. I would think they are indeed for some sort of rubber feet. Ron


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Re: Talflow from Brisbane

That burnt toast doesn't look very appetising!!

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