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Key to M20 power boost?

Cooling the M20 engine to minus 4 will double the power output..I went for a ride today and every time I cracked the throttle open I could easily spin up the back tyre.
I never get that sort of power in the summer...I can only put it down to the freezing air temperature.
It didn't seem to handle quite as well as usual though...maybe I need some more air in the tyres? ...Ian

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Re: Key to M20 power boost?

Ian ive noticed the power !!!sat outside the workshop spining for about an hour !! bike sounded great just needed the show chains john

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Re: Key to M20 power boost?

Well where I live,that happens all the year round,specially when I go to WORK ! I have always been impressed by the power of an M20,so much so,I shiver on these cold mornings,when I open it up.
Cooling has never been a problem oop North,so there ye'go.

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Re: Key to M20 power boost?

the colder the air the more air you get in a cubic
meter hence more power ian i think the wheel spin is more likely to do with the ice

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