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its on the way...

hey mick snows on the way get your spade ready

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Re: its on the way...

No worries, the G3 has block tread tyres, the thermal undies are primed!
Summers coming!

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Re: its on the way...

It's only a month to the shortest the evenings will be 'pulling out' by Christmas where did I put those Bermuda shorts? ....Ian

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Re: its on the way...

Amazing what the old Aladdin blue flame kero heaters can do in a workshop. Even heats up a pot of tea.

Re: its on the way...

sod the dvla if there is more than a foot of snow off i go on my mathcless with my block tread tyres like to see the cops catch me now

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Re: its on the way...

Yo Mike! Still no sign of a log book then?
Better get the letter stamps ready.
Cheers, Mick.

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Re: its on the way...

Here's a taster of what's to come... wrap up lads! lol


Re: its on the way...

Great picture LJ....Ian

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Re: its on the way...

Well I'm supposed to be riding across the New Forest on Sunday to 'Carlos' near Romsey for breakfast with some other guys. The cold doesn't worry me too much....I just can't afford to fall off again though . Hope it doesn't snow down here.

Ron soft southern Jessie.

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Re: its on the way...

We love snow during our winter rally and we take care we have it


email (option):

Re: its on the way...

i only went out for an hour the other day nice and sunny but cold suffered with a back ache for the next four days because of the cold was wearing all the gear

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