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Problem with the polls

Anyone else having problems with the polls? They keep freezing up on me.

Re: Problem with the polls


The biggest issue related to the polls right now - at least on our end - is the reader's inability to see the results after they vote. We have been experimenting with several different types of polling mechanisms in order to assess the accuracy and useability of each.

Since swapping out poll types in the middle of an issue would invalidate the most current numbers, we must wait until the beginning on the next issue to try another. As always, we welcome input on this matter in order to expidite its resolution.

In the mean time, be assured that Dave, Edgar and I have access to the poll numbers, even if readers do not. These numbers are cross checked among all of us in order to accurately determine category winners and the MoM as well.

Thank you for for patience as we work out the bugs in our system.

Steve Bolin

Re: Problem with the polls

I've actually not voted because all the new polls are frozen. I know a little something about polls and such and think it may be the polls place that makes your polls for free.