Rapture Flight to Heaven

Pre-Tribulation Rapture Forum ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In Loving Memory
  April 29, 1947 - September 5, 2020

Update: On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, the founder, administrator, and head moderator of this forum, Valerie S., went Home to be with the Lord.  Her obituary can be found on https://memorials.demarcofuneralhomes.com/valerie-skrzyniak/4321619/index.php.

This posting is dedicated to the forever memory and honor of Valerie, who was the founder of, and the inspiration for, this Web site.  The Web site will continue to operate in Valerie's remembrance, as requested by her family.  God bless!

Dedicated to God  the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit​​​​​​​
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

   For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.     

​​​​​​​2 Timothy 4:7-8
For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing

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Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Russia, UN, Syria Rebuild Pagan Temple of Baal in Palmyra: Third Pre-Messiah Gateway
The Russian government recently announced that it will partner with the Syrian government in reconstructing the ancient temple to the pagan god Ba’al in Palmyra. If successful, the project will necessarily mark the third incarnation of the Roman Victory Arch of Palmyra which an ancient Jewish source states must fall and be rebuilt three times before the arrival of the Messiah.

Trump Follows Genesis 12:3: Asks God to Bless Israel, Gets Blessed Right Back in Song
U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the Israeli American Council National Summit in Florida on Saturday night. The event, attended by hundreds, was hosted by billionaire Sheldon Adelson Miriam Adelson who appeared onstage alongside the president, praising him by noting he “has already gone down in the annals of Jewish history, and that is before he’s even completed his first term in office.”

Netanyahu: All Jewish Communities in Judea-Samaria will be Part of Israel
Regarding Judea and Samaria, the Israeli premier seeks to integrate all Jewish communities into greater Israel saying: “Just as I wanted American recognition for our sovereignty over the Golan Heights, I want American recognition for our sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. This is important. It has been said that we did not formally discuss the plan; true, it has not yet come up. But the subject has been discussed. I have raised it with Secretary of State Pompeo and I intend to raise it before the Trump administration.

If NATO is Going to Fight Terrorism, it Needs Israel
It’s that its Cold War origins and its Eurocentric focus have blinded the alliance to the fact that a full-fledged member of the alliance—namely, Turkey—has mixed sympathies with respect to the fight against terrorism, and that it continues to exclude from its membership the State of Israel, one of the world’s key players in that battle.

At least 5 Iran-backed militia members killed on Iraqi border
Five Iranian militia members were killed after unidentified aircraft attacked Iranian warehouses in Al-Bukamal in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syria near the Iraqi border on Saturday night, according to Syrian media. This is the second attack in the Al Bukamal area in the past four days. The attack targeted three weapons depots belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in the area, according to the Step news agency. Large explosions were reported in the area and some Iranian militias escaped the area after the attack in fear of additional attacks.

German Chancellor Merkel begins her first ever visit to Auschwitz
Poland’s Foreign Ministry called her visit ‘historic,’ in an obvious acknowledgment of the unique status Auschwitz has in the world’s collective memory. The ministry also noted that it was just the third visit of an incumbent head of a German government. German Chancellor Angela Merkel entered the hallowed grounds of the former Nazi German death camp of Auschwitz on Friday as she began her first-ever visit to the most notorious site of the atrocities that Adolf Hitler’s regime inflicted on Europe.

Two pigs engineered to have monkey cells born in China
Pig-primate chimeras have been born live for the first time but died within a week. The two piglets, created by a team in China, looked normal although a small proportion of their cells were derived from cynomolgus monkeys. “This is the first report of full-term pig-monkey chimeras,” says Tang Hai at the State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology in Beijing. The ultimate aim of the work is to grow human organs in animals for transplantation.

French riot police use teargas on protesters as strike, demonstrations continue
French riot police used tear gas on protesters Saturday to break up demonstrations that have brought Paris to halt as the country’s general strike continued into a third day.

Eruption at Whakaari / White Island
It says the Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 4. There are reports that people may be on the island, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Pentagon Alarmed Russia Is Gaining ‘Sympathy’ Among US Troops
Perhaps US military households are also smart enough to know the Cold War is long over, and only bad things can come from a direct confrontation with Russia, not to mention that involvement in proxy war in Ukraine has nothing to do with America’s national defense or to “protect and defend the Constitution”.

The Space Force Appears Cleared For Launch
Congress has agreed on a plan to create a Space Force, a new branch of the military wanted by President Trump, lawmakers hinted on Saturday. The House and Senate’s compromise on the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act is expected to be filed on Monday, Rep. Adam Smith, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, told reporters on the sidelines of the Reagan National Defense Forum. Smith declined to give details until the bill is finalized.

FBI says it presumes base shooting was act of terrorism
The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.

Russian Su-35 jets scrambled to stop Israel over Syria – reports
Iranian and Russian media reported that Russian Su-35s were scrambled from Russia’s Khmeimim air base in Syria to intercept an alleged Israeli attack near T-4 earlier this month. The report, first put online in a blog at Avia and then picked up by the website Almasdar News and then Tasnim News in Iran claimed that the Su-35s sought to intercept Israeli planes over Syria.

Is Iran’s advanced uranium centrifuge a game-changer? – analysis
Iran said on Saturday that “50 new achievements will be unveiled on April 9, including new centrifuge systems,” referring to the date of National Nuclear Technology Day. Is this the final nail in the coffin of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal? Will Iran continue racing toward a nuclear weapon in the hope it will achieve that point before anyone can stop it?

Uganda floods: At least 16 people dead, Red Cross says
Flooding in Uganda has claimed at least 16 lives, the Red Cross says, as the region reels from weeks of rain. Rescuers have been recovering the bodies of victims swept to their deaths by the flash floods in the western Bundibugyo area, the aid group said. Homes have been washed away and a number of roads blocked or destroyed.

New Zealand volcano: At least five dead after White Island eruption
A volcano has erupted in New Zealand, leaving five people dead and several unaccounted for, police have said. Tourists were seen walking inside the crater of White Island volcano moments before Monday’s eruption. Twenty-three people have been rescued, but it is unclear how many people remain there. Police say rescuers are not able to access the island because of the risk of further eruptions.

Saudi Arabia ends gender segregation in restaurants
Saudi Arabia will no longer require restaurants to have separate entrances segregated by sex, the government says. Previously, it was mandatory to have one entrance for families and women, and another for men on their own. The restrictions had already been quietly eased in practice, with many restaurants, cafes and other meeting places no longer enforcing segregation.

Norway to withhold funding to PA over inciteful curriculum
The Norwegian Parliament decided last week to cut funding for the education system of the Palestinian Authority, due to evidence of the existence of materials inciting violence, terrorism, and martyrdom in school curricula across the Palestinian territory.

Rockets hit military base hosting US troops near Baghdad airport
Several rockets slammed into an Iraqi military complex that hosts US forces next to Baghdad International Airport on Monday, wounding six Iraqi troops, the military said. Security forces found launchers with rockets that had not been fired properly, indicating a larger attack was planned, a military statement said.

Christian groups back new LGBT civil rights bill that protects religious institutions
A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives Friday backed by faith groups seeks to extend federal discrimination protections for sexual orientation and gender identity while providing protections for individual and institutional religious objectors to homosexuality.

Emma Thompson foresees people eating pets for ‘protein’ due to ‘climate crisis’
Fido and Sylvester could be in big trouble, according to Emma Thompson. The actress issued a strong warning on Thursday of an impending “climate crisis” so dire that people will have no choice but to eat their own pets.

Victoria Falls dries to a trickle after worst drought in a century
For decades Victoria Falls, where southern Africa’s Zambezi river cascades down 100 metres into a gash in the earth, have drawn millions of holidaymakers to Zimbabwe and Zambia for their stunning views.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Trump Praises: “Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”
During the annual lighting of the White House Christmas tree this year, President Donald Trump made good on his promise to bring “Merry Christmas” back to America. He then doubled down by referring the Jesus Christ as “God” and “Our Lord and Savior”.

‘Mega-fire’ burns out of control just north of Sydney, Australia
More than eight bushfires have merged to form a “mega-fire” which is now raging out of control across a swath of land just north of Sydney. Firefighters said it will take weeks to control, but will not be contained without heavy rains.​

Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer
No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself.

Televangelist Fraud Kenneth Copeland Is So Surprised By Inside Edition Reporter That He Winds Up Telling The Truth And Exposing Himself
This video starts at a fairly high level of uncomfortability, and as it proceeds, flies right off the charts like an exploding thermometer from those old cartoons. Kenneth Copeland receives a surprise visit from Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition, asking him questions about his lavish lifestyle and previous comments he has made about his followers being ‘demons’. Copeland by turns stutters before lapsing into silence, lashes out in a frenzied rage, and concludes with some very hard to watch hand kissing combined with some rather creepy comments that were intended to be compliments. You’re watching Kenneth ‘Crazy Eyes‘ Copeland at his finest, showing us the demon that he truly is.

Elton John Biopic ‘Rocketman’, First Major Film With Gay Sex Scenes, Was Partially Funded By The Vatican Through Their Centurion Global Fund
The Roman Catholic Church, under the direction of Pope Francis and the Vatican, has finally begun to step into its prophetic destiny as the ***** of Babylon, and 2019 has been a banner year towards realizing that goal. Pope Francis has made breathtaking progress with the creation of the One World Religion of Chrislam, as he has been gathering together the finest elements of Laodicean Christianity, paganism, Islam, and the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement. It is that last group we will be discussing today. Why? You might want to sit down for this one, it connects the Vatican with Elton John and new movie ‘Rocketman’.

Muslim Ilhan Omar Recites Islamic Prayer To Allah At Catholic Church In One World Religion Chrislam Service Attended By Over 25 Members Of The 116th Congress
Everywhere you look now, the One World Religion of Chrislam is coming together, orchestrated by some of the most-people religious figures of our day. At the top you have Pope Francis with his Chrislam covenant called the “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” document that he has already had major players from Islam and Buddhism sign off on.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Ring of Fire latest: Are 60,000 earthquakes a sign of a Big One brewing in the Pacific?
NEARLY 60,000 earthquakes have rocked the planet in the past year and more than 4,700 struck last month alone – but could these tremors be a sign of the Big One in the Pacific Ring of Fire?

Israel Threatens Iran With “Own Vietnam” In Syria, Hints At Major Pre-Emptive Strike
defense minister Naftali Bennett has warned the IDF is ready to give Iran its own ‘Vietnam’ in new remarks vowing the Islamic Republic will never get a firm foothold there. Addressing an Israeli conference on Sunday, Bennett further stated “it is no secret that Iran is trying to establish a ring of fire around our country, it is already based in Lebanon and is trying to establish itself in Syria, Gaza and more.”

Apple “Deeply Concerned” That Chinese-Born Staff Who Allegedly Stole Trade Secrets Will Try To Flee
Given the international brouhaha surrounding the ongoing Huawei CFO extradition hearings in Canada to face fraud charges in the US, reports from Reuters that Apple has “deep concerns” that two Chinese-born former employees accused of stealing trade secrets from the company will try to flee before their trials if their locations are not monitored – could well throw yet another cog in the gears of any imminent US-China trade deal.

Japanese volcano spews ash, lava in strongest eruption in years
“The mountain has been erupting for a while, but this is the strongest day yet,” an official at the Japanese Meteorological Agency told Reuters. “This will go on for a while.”

U.S. Supreme Court leaves in place Kentucky abortion restriction
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky restriction requiring doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to women seeking an abortion, turning away a challenge arguing that the measure violates the free speech rights of physicians.

Iran Accuses Israel of Nuclear Missile Test Aimed at Islamic Republic
The Israeli military conducted an unannounced missile test on Friday morning that was clearly visible from Tel Aviv. “The defense establishment conducted a launch test a few minutes ago of a rocket motor system from a base in the center of the country,” the Defense Ministry said. “The test was scheduled in advance and was carried out as planned.”

In Christmas Message Palestinian PM Calls Jesus a “Palestinian Guerrilla Fighting Occupation”
A recent article in WAFA, a Palestinian news site, described a bizarre pre-Christmas ceremony in which Jesus was described as a “Palestinian guerrilla fighter” and the Arab Christians were presented with the greatest holiday gift: the Intifada and its martyrs. “Christmas is a Palestinian national holiday, and Jesus was a Palestinian guerrilla fighter, standing against injustice, calling on the citizens living in Birzeit to support their town.

Is Now the Right Time for a US-Israel Mutual Defense Pact?
U.S President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promoted the idea of a Mutual Defense Treaty between their countries in September, with Netanyahu branding such a pact as being “historic” should it be achieved. The idea is now back in the headlines in Israel. Energy Minister and security cabinet minister Yuval Steinitz stated in recent days that the signing a defense pact is one the reasons why Netanyahu wants to remain as prime minister for the next six months.

6 Saudis detained in Pensacola attack, including 3 who filmed shooting
Six Saudi nationals have been detained in connection with the Friday shooting attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola, in Florida, after a Saudi military trainee was identified as the suspected shooter who killed three U.S. personnel. The Saudi nationals were detained Friday near the scene of the shooting attack, including three involved in filming the incident, according to the New York Times.

EU to debate Mideast policy as 2-state solution hopes fade
European Union foreign ministers will discuss…whether the 28-nation bloc should modify its Middle East policy amid growing concern that Israeli settlement activity and U.S. diplomatic moves are undermining hopes for a two-state solution. “If we want a two-state solution we need to help and encourage both parties to enter into a serious and credible negotiation…” …..Josep Borrell told reporters…

Mayor Moshe Lion gives green light to US embassy project
The Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Lion, has announced that the city’s municipality gave the green light to the project of building a permanent headquarters for the US embassy in Israel’s capital. Lion and deputy mayor Fleur Hassan Nahoum discussed the project’s details in a meeting with embassy personnel and US State representatives Addison Ted Davis and Thomas J. Quanzo on Monday.

Ukraine and Russia agree to implement ceasefire
Ukraine and Russia have agreed to implement a “full and comprehensive” ceasefire in eastern Ukraine by the end of 2019, after top-level talks. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky met face to face at a Paris summit on Monday. Mr Zelensky was downbeat, saying little had been achieved at the meeting and he had wanted to see more resolved.

Deficit spikes 12 percent in first two months of fiscal year: CBO
The U.S. government deficit rose by 12 percent in the first two months of the 2020 fiscal year, hitting $342 billion, according to new estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. The deficit is on track to surpass $1 trillion in the 2020 fiscal year, which began on October 1.

More Americans Delaying Medical Treatment Due to Cost
A record 25% of Americans say they or a family member put off treatment for a serious medical condition in the past year because of the cost, up from 19% a year ago and the highest in Gallup’s trend. Another 8% said they or a family member put off treatment for a less serious condition, bringing the total percentage of households delaying care due to costs to 33%, tying the high from 2014.

China Uses ‘Social Credit System’ to Control Domestic, Foreign Companies
A Bloomberg News report…described how Communist China uses its “social credit system” to control not just citizens but corporations – and not just domestic companies, but foreign companies seeking to do business in China as well. Nervous foreign businessmen are forking over thousands of dollars an hour for training in how to avoid being flagged as miscreants by the most pervasive surveillance system in history.

U.S. trade offensive takes out WTO as global arbiter
U.S. disruption of the global economic order reaches a major milestone on Tuesday as the World Trade Organization (WTO) loses its ability to intervene in trade wars, threatening the future of the Geneva-based body. Two years after starting to block appointments, the United States will finally paralyze the WTO’s Appellate Body…as two of three members exit and leave it unable to issue rulings.

Report: Russian fighter jets thwarted Israeli attack in Syria
Two Russian Su-35 fighter jets on Saturday thwarted an Israeli airstrike on the T-4 airbase in southern Syria, causing the Israeli craft to return to base… blog AVIA.PRO reported…The blog also reported that the Israeli attack had been planned against an advanced weapons shipment from Iran to the airbase, which included advanced air defense systems.

Elizabeth Warren says she’ll wear Planned Parenthood scarf to her inauguration
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has said she will show support for the nation’s largest abortion provider during her inauguration if she won the 2020 presidential election.

Samoa Bans Kids from Church as Measles Outbreak Kills 63……
hildren in Samoa have been temporarily banned from attending church services and other public gatherings, due to a growing measles outbreak that has claimed more than 60 lives and threatens to cancel Advent celebrations.

Twitter now ADMITS to shadow banning users after years of deceptive denials
It’s been quite the trip to watch the tech giants go from completely denying that they engage in any type of censorship whatsoever to actually enshrining censorship policies into their official terms of service.

Democrats are “summoning the DEMON of political violence,” and the next phase of their criminal coup will unleash blood in the streets
Democrats are “summoning the demon of political violence,” meaning they are taking active steps right now that will result in blood spilling onto the streets of America.

New Zealand volcano eruption leaves ‘no signs of life’ on island
Authorities scrambling to search for survivors after a volcanic island in New Zealand erupted said Monday that aerial searches have revealed “no signs of life” since the eruption.

Social Media Users, Christians Call New Controversial Video Game ‘I am Jesus Christ’ Blasphemous
A controversial new video game that allows players to become Jesus Christ is being called blasphemous by Christians and social media users.

White Island volcano erupts, killing at least 5 people and injuring 20, New Zealand
An impulsive, short-lived eruption occurred at New Zealand’s White Island volcano at 01:11 UTC (14:11 LT) on December 9, 2019. The Volcanic Alert Level was raised to 3 and Aviation Color Code to Orange. The eruption affected the crater floor where up to 50 tourists were located at the time.

Shock as EU adopts law to mark out products made by “illegal” Jews
For anyone who missed the news, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that food and wine produced by Jewish Israelis beyond the Green Line must be explicitly marked.

Hundreds Iranians dead, thousands injured as the regime slaughters protesters – Media is silent to avoid damaguing the image of Iran’s Islamic regime
According to reports by Iranian human rights activist Masih Alinejad Hundreds of people were shot dead during protests in Iran, thousands of protesters arrested and tortured in Revolutionary Guards prisons, but the media is silent as Iranians have no Internet access.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

‘I am Jesus Christ’ lets gamers play through being crucified and fight Satan
The controversial game allowing people to play through key moments from the Bible is due to be released on Steam for PC – but Christians have argued it is blasphemous.

Democrats have ‘committed an act of constitutional vandalism,’ political analyst notes
U.S. journalist and political analyst Geraldo Rivera believes the Democrats have “committed an act of constitutional vandalism,” by announcing articles for the impeachment against President Donald Trump, according to one of his tweets. He also agrees with the general opinion that the controversial impeachment promoted by the Democrats will turn against them.

Israeli minister Katz: ‘If necessary, Israel will take military action to keep Iran from acquiring nukes’
Israel will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and will take military action to prevent it from doing so should all other options fail, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Tuesday. His remarks came in response to an Iranian threat on Monday to “level Tel Aviv from Lebanon.”

The ‘Baby Muhammad’ Jihad Comes to America
If Muhammad cannot beat the infidels on the battlefield, he’ll outbreed them—literally: Last year it was reported that “Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands for second year in a row.” Muhammad is apparently also the most popular name in England. In fact, Muhammad is one of the most popular names throughout Northwest Europe. And now, for the first time ever, Muhammad has made the list of top ten baby names in America.

Pentagon to halt training of all Saudi military personnel
The Pentagon announced on Tuesday it was halting operational training of all Saudi Arabian military personnel in the United States until further notice after a Saudi Air Force lieutenant shot and killed three people last week at a base in Florida. The decision will have far-reaching impacts on visiting Saudi personnel, including grounding more than 300 Saudi Arabian military aviation students as part of a “safety stand-down,”

British Labour Party who Might Win Elections on Thursday, Aligned With Angel of Darkness says Rabbi
“In a year awash with anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic, no one has done more to mainstream anti-Semitism” in a democratic country than the U.K.’s Labour Party under Corbyn’s leadership, the Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote in a list of “2019 top ten worst anti-Semitic incidents.” The SWC listing was significant as it placed Corbyn above John Earnest, a white supremacist gunman accused of opening fire inside the Poway synagogue in California in April, killing one. “The left-wing does not want the world to be led by God,” Rabbi Glazerson said.

Cascadia Fault Could Trigger Earthquakes on San Andreas with ‘No Separation in Time,’ Scientists Claim
The Cascadia and San Andreas Faults may be linked, with earthquakes on one triggering events in the other “with minimal or no separation in time,” scientists have said. Chris Goldfinger and Joel Gutierrez, from Oregon State University, say their evidence showing a relationship between the two goes back almost 3,000 years.

A-G: families who receive ‘pay for slay’ payments forfeit state benefits
Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit told the National Labor Court…that it should support the state in rejecting a request for state economic support payments by an east Jerusalem family which receives “pay for slay” payments from the Palestinian Authority. The family requested economic support…but their request was rejected because they did not produce documentation regarding payments they had received from the PA.

Trump to issue executive order to fight antisemitism on college campuses
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz praised US President Donald Trump…ahead of his expected issuance of an executive order…invoking Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to fight antisemitic rhetoric on college campuses. The new executive order would…label Judaism as a nationality in addition to a religion, so it would fall into the category of Title VI…

Assisted dying: Western Australia passes legislation
Western Australia has legalised voluntary assisted dying, becoming the second state in the country to do so. There were cheers and emotional scenes in the public gallery as MPs passed the historic legislation in the state’s lower house of parliament in Perth. Some MPs also hugged each other on the floor of the legislative assembly.

USMCA: Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement
The US, Mexico and Canada have finalised a trade deal that will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta). Representatives from the three countries signed the pact in Mexico. They met hours after Democrats in US Congress said they would support the deal after the White House agreed to strengthen the labour and environmental rules.

U.S. to hold largest Europe exercises in 25 years
The United States will send 20,000 troops to Europe next April and May in its biggest military exercises on European soil since the Cold War…. Days after a NATO summit in London at which U.S. President Donald Trump called low-spending European allies “delinquent”, U.S. Major General Barre Seguin said the exercises, centred on Germany, will be the largest of their kind in 25 years.

‘Social credit score’: China set to roll out ‘Orwellian’ mass surveillance tool
China is developing a new high-tech system of mass surveillance and coercion aimed suppressing political dissent among its 1.4 billion people, while forcing American and Western businesses to conform to the government’s communist policies… The system that critics call an Orwellian national-level control system has been dubbed the Social Credit System (SCS) and was set for launch in the coming year…

Iran building weapons storage tunnel in Syria, satellite images reveal
Iranian backed militias are constructing an underground tunnel believed to be used to smuggle arms and military equipment, images taken by intelligence satellites revealed Tuesday. An intelligence report published by ImageSat International (ISI) provided footage documenting larger scale excavation works along the Syria-Iraq border, apparently conducted by pro-Iranian militias in the area.

US intelligence agents helped UAE build secret surveillance unit
In the years after 9/11, former United States counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke warned Congress the country needed more expansive spying powers to prevent another catastrophe. Five years after leaving government, he shopped the same idea to an enthusiastic partner: an Arab monarchy with deep pockets.

Turkey hints it could bar US from using key air bases
Turkey’s foreign minister suggested…the United States could be barred from using two strategic air bases in retaliation to possible US sanctions against his country… Mevlut Cavusoglu comments came amid reports that US lawmakers had agreed on a defense bill that also includes calls to sanction Turkey over its decision to proceed with the purchase and deployment of Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems.

Iran’s threat to destroy Tel Aviv from Lebanon condemned
A statement by a senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has triggered a series of condemnations in Lebanon, after he claimed the country could be used for military strikes. Maj. Gen. Morteza Qorbani told Mizan News: “If the Zionist regime makes the smallest mistake toward Iran, we will reduce Tel Aviv to ashes from Lebanon,” according to Russia Today…

Israeli parliament starts dissolving itself for 3rd election
The Israeli parliament began voting to dissolve itself on Wednesday and pave the path to an unprecedented third election within a year. The preliminary vote passed without objections. Barring a nearly unfathomable about-face, three more measures are expected to pass and call a new election for March 2, 2020.

Nike Launches New Islamic ‘Victory Swim Collection’ Which Includes Burka-Style Full Coverage Suit As Well As A Swim Hijab For Muslims
Nike has announced the upcoming launch in February of its new and oddly entitled Victory Swim Collection featuring Islamic swimsuits and hijabs for Muslims, and that leads me to ask a question. What exactly does the word ‘victory‘ here refer to? Is it signifying a ‘victory’ of the Muslim swimmer over the water? Is it referring to a Muslim victory over America?

2019 Was A Year Of Global Unrest… And 2020 Is Likely To Be Worse
2020 is probably going to be bloodier than 2019. Here’s why…

China Is Moving to Control the World’s Mineral Resources: America Is Facing Death by a Thousand Cuts
…the Chinese are attempting to seize key natural resource elements across the planet, thus denying access of these resources to the United States in an attempt to level the military playing field. The crisis in Chile is an example of this looting of several countries natural resources by China.

Silicon Valley’s psychedelic wonder drug is almost here
A new startup called MindMed could have the key to providing the upsides of psychedelic drugs for both focus and addiction treatment—while cutting out the downsides of tripping.

Major floods hit the city of Pretoria, South Africa
Heavy rains caused widespread severe floods across parts of the city of Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa on Monday morning, December 9, 2019, engulfing roads and stranding residents. Pretoria is located 55 km (34 miles) north of Johannesburg. The same weather system affected other north-eastern provinces over the past week, resulting in heavy rain and flooding. It is expected to move out of the country on Wednesday, December 11.

Eruption warning, locals and tourists warned to stay away from Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka
Russian Avachinsky volcano, located close to Kamchatka’s largest city – Petropavlovsk (population 180 000) is showing signs of increased unrest over the past couple of days, with notable incandescence, degassing and elevated seismicity.

9 dead, 1 400 left homeless as Tropical Cyclone “Belna” makes landfall in Madagascar
Tropical Cyclone “Belna” made a devastating landfall in northern Madagascar at 12:00 UTC on Monday, December 9, 2019, with maximum sustained winds of 149 km/h (90 mph) and bursts of rapid intensification prior to reaching the coast. At least nine were killed by floods, three others are missing, and more than 1 400 were left homeless from the first tropical storm of the season.

“It’s About To Get Very Bad” – Repo Market Legend Predicts Market Crash In Days
“FX swaps could end up as the orphaned asset class without an obvious backstop, and that may force banks in some parts of the world to the edge of the proverbial abyss.”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Report: Small Group of Democrats Meeting To Undermine Pelosi’s Impeachment Plans
…at a time when a United States president can be impeached on the flimsiest of excuses. Backed by the frailest of evidence. By some of the some of the most dishonest Democrats to ever darken the doors or cross the corridors of Congress. Anything might be possible. So it’s worth taking note of a Tuesday report in Politico that a small group of Democrats representing districts carried by President Donald Trump in 2016 met on Monday to float the possibility of convincing their colleagues to drop the House drive for impeachment and substitute a resolution of censure instead.

Trump to Sign Executive Order Declaring Jewish People a ‘Nation’ Just as Written in Genesis
Once again, President Trump is attaching himself to the words of the Bible by passing an executive order which explicitly enacts God’s promise to Abraham; the Jews are a nation. One prominent American Israeli rabbi noted the sole Biblical character who referred to Judaism as a religion; Haman.

New Netflix Series: Messiah or Anti-Messiah
Netflix is starting out the new decade on January 1st with a controversial new ten-episode series titled ‘Messiah’ created by writer/director Michael Petroni. The series focuses on the modern world’s reaction to a man, who first appears in the Middle East claiming to be the eschatological return of ‘Isa’, the name for ‘Jesus’ in the Koran. In Muslim tradition, Jesus returns in the end-of-days as the penultimate prophet and messenger Allah.

Urgent: 5.9-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan — USGS
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake jolted Izu Islands, Japan at 17:05:02 GMT on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 15.14 km, was initially determined to be at 30.6946 degrees north latitude and 141.7419 degrees east longitude.

Marmara province jolts with earthquakes
Turkey’s northwestern province of Balıkesir jolted with more than 70 earthquakes in less than 12 hours, according to the country’s emergency and disaster authority. A tremor with a magnitude of 4.6 struck the province’s Altıeylül district at 11.14 p.m. local time on Dec. 10, the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) said on Dec. 11. It was followed by two successive earthquakes with magnitudes of 4.3 and 4.0 in half an hour, it added.

Netanyahu: I will quit all my ministerial duties by January 1
Under the gun by a High Court of Justice petition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday that he will be dropping all of his portfolios by January 1 – besides his role as premier. Currently, besides being prime minister, Netanyahu is health minister, social welfare minister, Diaspora minister and acting agricultural minister.

Niger army base attack: At least 73 soldiers killed
Militants have killed at least 73 soldiers in an attack on a military base in western Niger – the deadliest in several years… No group has said it was behind the killings. But militants linked to al-Qaeda and Islamic State have staged deadly attacks across the Sahel region this year despite the presence of thousands of regional and foreign troops.

Citizenship Amendment Bill: India calls in army to Assam and Tripura states
The army has been called into north-eastern India, after thousands of people defied curfews to protest against a new citizenship bill. The Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) offers amnesty to non-Muslim illegal immigrants from three countries. Critics say the bill discriminates against Muslims – but in the north-east, protesters claim they will be “overrun” by Hindus from Bangladesh.

France strike: PM Édouard Philippe outlines ‘fairer’ pension plan
French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe has said controversial pension reforms are necessary to create a fairer system that “will be the same for everyone”. The move towards a universal points-based system has sparked outrage among unions, who say it will force staff to work longer to avoid reduced payments. Mr Philippe said changes would apply to those entering work from 2022 and would not affect those born before 1975.

Vatican Uses Donations for the Poor to Plug Its Budget Deficit
Every year, Catholics around the world donate tens of millions of dollars to the pope. Bishops exhort the faithful to support the weak and suffering through the pope’s main charitable appeal, called Peter’s Pence. What the church doesn’t advertise is that most of that collection…goes toward plugging the hole in the Vatican’s own administrative budget, while as little as 10% is spent on charitable works…

US warns N.Korea of consequences of missile test
The United States on Wednesday warned North Korea of consequences if it makes good on threats of a spectacular missile test in the New Year, while offering flexibility if it stays in talks. Frustrated by the lack of sanctions relief after three summits with US President Donald Trump, North Korea has warned of a New Year’s surprise if the United States does not come up with concessions by the end of the year.

US imposes new sanctions on Iran’s biggest airline
The United States treasury on Wednesday imposed new sanctions on Iran’s biggest airline and its shipping industry, accusing them of transporting lethal aid from Iran to Yemen. Washington targeted three general sales agents of Mahan Air over the role the airline has played in weapons of mass destruction proliferation, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters.

Church Of Sweden Unveils First-Ever LGBTQ+ Altar Artwork Showing Gays, Lesbians And Transgenders In The Garden Of Eden Replacing Adam And Eve
Adam and Eve are out at St. Paul’s Church of Sweden, and in their places are lesbian, gay and transgender people frolicking about without a care in the world. Now I know that while nearly 100% of our reader base will find this offensive and distasteful, and rightly so, I do not want you to miss the broader and larger picture of what is happening here in America with the attack on the Church by the LGBTQ+ Movement.

Is God Trying To Tell Us Something By Giving Providing A ‘Long Night’ Full Moon On The 12th Day Of The Twelfth Month At Exactly 12:12 AM?
At exactly 12 minutes after midnight tonight, the last full moon of the decade will be overhead, and it will happen at 12:12 AM on 12/12/2019. Not only that, the year 2019, which is 2+0+1+9, adds up to 12 as well! The numerology people must be going crazy today. But, I will admit that such an assortment of twelves in one place makes you think that perhaps there is a deeper significance to it occuring. Then again, it could just be the randomness of ‘time and chance’ swirling things around.

Rare tornado forms at over 4 023 m (13 200 feet) in Bolivia, possibly one of the highest-altitude twisters ever
A rare tornado hit an area near the El Alto International Airport — the highest airport in the world at 4 058 m (13 313 feet) — in Bolivia on Sunday, December 8, 2019. This could be one of the highest-altitude tornadoes ever observed. Minor damages were reported as it moved along the northern periphery of the airport and into nearby neighborhoods.

Sydney chokes in smoke as Australia bushfires intensify, current period of poor air quality the ‘longest’ and ‘most widespread’ in the state’s history
The air quality in Sydney, Australia continued to worsen on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, as roughly 100 bushfires burned in New South Wales (NSW) and strong north winds brought further smoke into the city. The haze was so thick in some areas that it was 11 times more severe than the level considered hazardous. A spokesperson for the NSW Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment said the current period of poor air quality is the “longest and “most widespread” in the state’s history.​

Deep State DOJ Tells Judicial Watch it Can’t Produce Documents on Imran Awan Due to “Technical Difficulties”
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is not letting the Imran Awan Democrat IT scandal go. Judicial Watch filed multiple FOIA lawsuits seeking documents related to the Imran Awan Democrat IT scandal and a federal court ordered a hearing for this Friday, December 13 on the Awan brothers!

Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda
The United Nations may resort to military action against states that defy its mandates on global climate action, according to Ole Wæver, a prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen.

Baby-butchering Virginia Gov. Northam building a KILL LIST of patriots to exterminate; calls it “mandatory gun registration”
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam — perhaps best known for wearing blackface and celebrating the infanticide of healthy, living human babies — is now promoting the creation of a kill list of patriots who will, if history repeats itself, be hunted down and murdered by the authoritarian state.

Horowitz: FBI Should Have Pumped The Brakes On Surveillance Of Trump Campaign Aide
“I think the activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this FISA…”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Congressman suggests military enforcement of new VA gun laws; Gov. promises ‘consequences’
A U.S. congressman suggested that the Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam could deploy the National Guard to enforce gun laws in counties that have declared themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries.”

When TIME Magazine Named Hitler ‘Man Of The Year’ 1938
In January 2nd 1939, TIME magazine announced the “Man of the Year” 1938. This man was no other than the infamous leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler.

Jewish prayer has returned to the Temple Mount – exclusive
Jewish worshipers are able to pray on the Temple Mount with what appears to be the tacit consent of police forces at the site, The Jerusalem Post observed during a visit there on Thursday. Despite the insistence by Israel Police that there has been no change in the decades-old policy, Jews now pray – in full view of the police – in an unobtrusive and inconspicuous manner. The final goal, however, is to rebuild the Temple.

Boris Johnson wins by landslide – exit polls
UK Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson is set to lead the country’s government again, exit polls suggested after the voting booths closed late Thursday night. He received a landslide of a majority in votes with 368 to the Labour Party leader’s Jeremy Corbyn’s 191. That’s an 86% lead.

Million Man March Planned at Israel’s Supreme Court
In light of what has been perceived to be a Judicial coup by many on Israel’s right, a Million-Man-March is being planned at the Supreme Court. Although no date has yet been set, the event’s organizer, Harel Noff, plans on holding it before elections for Israel’s 23rd Knesset. The planned event is a reaction to what many believe to be politically motivated investigations of Prime Minister Netanyahu. The massive protest is expected to gather at the footsteps of the High Court in Jerusalem.

Northern Ohio county experiences third earthquake in 5 days
Lake County in northern Ohio has experienced its third earthquake in five days. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 2.0-magnitude quake was reported about 4 km WSW of Mentor-on-the-Lake Wednesday. It happened at 4:23 p.m.

Muslim Community Patrol: Sharia Law Coming To Community Near You
“Bullying” and “gangster-like” tactics have been reported by locals in New York areas where the Muslim Community Patrol & Services operates. These tactics are beginning to create a backlash against the self-described “civilian patrol organization” among local residents. The Muslim patrol gained international attention in the fall of 2018 after several of its patrol cars — which look like New York Police Department (NYPD) cars -were spotted in Brooklyn and Staten Island. A little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large.

BDS activists in Spain attack Israeli delegation of Arabs and Jews
A joint delegation comprised of Arab and Jewish residents of the West Bank…was attacked by members of the anti-Israel Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment Movement in Madrid on Tuesday. The delegation arrived in Madrid to meet with members of the Spanish parliament and discuss the European Union Court of Justice decision to label products from the settlements in the West Bank.

Trump says US and China ‘very close’ to trade deal
Wall Street share markets hit a record high on signs of an imminent pause in the trade war between the US and China. Business chiefs who met White House officials on Thursday hinted that a deal could come this week. It would avert another round of tariffs that the US was due to impose on China on Sunday.

UK general election 2019: Who won and what happens now?
It was billed as one of the most unpredictable elections in decades but after six weeks of hard campaigning by two historically unpopular party leaders it ended with a conclusive result. Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson won a sweeping victory, handing him a clear mandate to “get Brexit done”.

Americans’ Credit Card Debt Poised to Reach 10-Year High
Americans are projected to fall seriously behind on their credit card bills at the highest rate in a decade as banks push a record number of people to get plastic. The share of credit card borrowers who are at least 90 days past due on their accounts will probably tick up to 2.01% next year, the highest level since 2010, according to a forecast by TransUnion.

Pentagon tests long-banned ballistic missile over Pacific
The Pentagon on Thursday flight-tested a missile that had been banned under a treaty that the United States and Russia abandoned last summer. Some U.S. arms control advocates said the test risks an unnecessary arms race with Moscow. The prototype missile was configured to be armed with a non-nuclear warhead.

Cigna Uses AI to Check if Patients Are Taking Their Medications
Cigna Corp. plans to expand a system that uses artificial intelligence to identify gaps in treatment of chronic diseases, such as patients skipping their medications…. The product, called Health Connect 360, integrates data from a combination of sources and analytical tools, some developed at Cigna and others brought in as part of its…acquisition of pharmacy-benefit manager Express Scripts Holding Co…

Planes grounded, trees collapse as wild weather rips through Israel
An Israeli passenger plane on route from Rome had to make an emergency landing at an airport near the Dead Sea as strong gusts and thunderstorms hit most parts of the country. The El Al flight was on course to land at Ben Gurion Airport but entered the Israeli airspace just as the storm system hit the region, forcing the crew to touchdown at Ramon International Airport.

US Senate adopts resolution recognising ‘Armenian genocide’
The United States Senate on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution recognising the early 20th century killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as “genocide”… Turkey condemned the measure, saying it will not help improve relations with the US. The two NATO allies are already at loggerheads over several issues, including Ankara’s purchase of Russian missile defense systems and policy over Syria.

How The Followers Of The Roman Catholic Church Are Blinded To The Fact That Their Religion Is Really Old Testament Idol Worship
When I was a lost Roman Catholic, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to say a prayer to St. Jude when something seemed hopeless, or to St. Anthony when I lost something and couldn’t find it. Of course, as a good Catholic, the bulk of my prayers were to be directed to the ‘Virgin Mother‘ Mary who could seemingly solve any problem. It wasn’t until after I got saved in 1991 that I realized that all of that, with the beads, statues and candles, was nothing more than idol worship condemned in both Testaments as an abomination before God.

In A Stunning End Times Turn Of Events, Jewish Prayer Has Returned To The Temple Mount As Talk Of Rebuilding The Temple Ignites Controversy In Israel
In a stunning exclusive today, the Jerusalem Post is reporting that Jewish prayer has returned to the Temple Mount, something that has been banned by the Supreme Court of Israel since 1970. The New York Times back in 1976 said “Government regulations permit Jews to enter the Temple Mount but not to hold, prayer services, owing to the sensitivity of the area and the strong feeling it might arouse among Moslems.” Today that appears to have changed, and with that change comes talk of a Third Temple.

Vatican uses donations for poor to fight budget deficit, report says
As little as 10% of donations by Roman Catholics that are specifically advertised as helping the poor and suffering actually go toward charitable work, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Hallmark Channel Now Airing Lesbian Wedding Commercials
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that Hallmark — the famous Christmas romance movie channel — was “open” to producing and running LGBTQ movies. Bill Abbott, the CEO of Crown Media, Hallmark’s parent company, made the comments during an interview with Hollywood Reporter.

New Zealand has ordered more than 1,290 square feet of skin for volcano victims
New Zealand has ordered 1,292 square feet of skin to treat patients injured in Monday’s volcanic eruption on White Island, authorities said Wednesday.

Bomb cyclone spawns severe blizzard in Iceland, on course to hit Britain
A bomb cyclone accompanied by heavy snowfall and hurricane-force winds hit Iceland on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. The storm hit west of the country first, then it moved to the east on Wednesday, December 11. As a result of strong winds and snow, several cities faced power outages and roads were left paralyzed. It is set to batter Britain in the following days, according to Met Office.

Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise
Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.

Senate committee approves Turkey sanctions bill
A US Senate committee on Wednesday backed legislation to impose sanctions on Turkey after its offensive in Syria and its purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system.

San Fran Loses Another Convention Over Skyrocketing Costs, Human Excrement
The conference brought the city an estimated $64 million per year…

The Real Reason Why Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal
The Real Reason Why Feeding the Homeless Is Illegal

Methane Explosions with Nuclear Force Lie In Wait Off the West Coast
The list of dangers related to the Cascadian Subduction Zone continues to grow my grim with each passing day. This article deals with the methane danger facing the West Coast. The effects for Cascadia are not made readily available.

“Massive… Huge… Largest Ever”: Fed Will Flood Market With Gargantuan $500 Billion In Liquidity To Avoid Year-End Repo Crisis
This means that by mid-January, the Fed’s balance sheet will surpass its all time high of $4.5 trillion!


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“Bomb Cyclone” Looms Again As NorthEast Storm Intensifies Through Weekend
The storm will be a rain and wind event for the Northeast on Saturday and early Sunday.

UN votes to extend UNRWA’s mandate until 2023
The UN voted to extend the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) mandate until 2023, in addition to approving seven other pro-Palestinian resolutions on Friday. UNRWA was established 70 years ago to supply aid to Palestinian refugees. Its mandate is renewed every three years. The organization has come under scrutiny over the past few months and has been accused of corruption.

Algeria election: Fresh protests as Tebboune replaces Bouteflika
Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the Algerian capital, Algiers, in protest at the results of Thursday’s presidential election. They chanted slogans against the winner, ex-PM Abdelmadjid Tebboune, a former loyalist of ousted leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Protesters are demanding that the whole political establishment be swept away.

N Korea conducts ‘crucial test’ – state media
North Korea has conducted a “crucial test” at a satellite launch site to boost its nuclear deterrent, state media reports. A spokesman told KNCA news agency it took place late on Friday at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground, but did not give specific details. This is the second test to take place at the Sohae site in less than a week.

EU carbon neutrality: Leaders agree 2050 target without Poland
European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed to make the currently 28-member bloc carbon neutral by 2050. However Poland, which is heavily reliant on coal, remains opposed and has been exempted for the time being. European Council President Charles Michel admitted that it was more difficult for some countries and regions to adapt.

Pompeo warns Iran of ‘decisive response’ if US interests in Iraq harmed
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday warned Iran of a “decisive” response if US interests are harmed in Iraq, after a series of rocket attacks on bases. “We must … use this opportunity to remind Iran’s leaders that any attacks by them, or their proxies of any identity, that harm Americans, our allies or our interests will be answered with a decisive US response,” Pompeo said in a statement.

Deadly floods and landslides hit Huanuco and San Martin, Peru
Heavy rain since December 6, 2019, has led to landslides and severe flooding that affected portions of Huanuco and San Martin regions in Peru. Reports confirmed total and partial damages to homes, schools, roads, and bridges, as well as dozens of fatalities. In the Huanuco region, floods hit the district of Yuyapichis, Puerto Inca Province, following the swelling of Pachitea River’s banks.

Netflix Christmas satire in Brazil sparks religious outcry
A Christmas satire on Netflix depicting Jesus in a gay relationship has sparked a backlash in Brazil, where hundreds of thousands signed a petition calling for the film to be axed.

Transgender Latina makes history as Evangelical Lutheran pastor
Before coming out as transgender, Nicole Garcia prayed daily that God would “fix” her. When her prayers weren’t answered and the feeling in her gut didn’t go away, she gave up on religion.

Quebec considers allowing doctors to euthanize dementia patients without their active consent
The Quebec government is opening public consultations on allowing doctors to euthanize sick people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other degenerative diseases who are no longer able to give their consent.

Impeachment Insanity: Democrat Asks Lawmakers To Imagine Girl Tied Up In Trump’s Basement
“…and he says, ‘Oh, by the way, no pressure’… And you saw President Zelensky shaking his head as if his daughter was downstairs in the basement, duct-taped…”

Intense Genoa cyclone brings rain and heavy snow across north-central Mediterranean
An intense, deep cyclone traveling across the north-central Mediterranean has started bringing rain and snow locally on December 13, 2019. According to Severe Weather Europe, the pattern supporting the weather evolution has a large trough over western Europe.

Massive flooding sweeps through 22 areas in South Trinidad
Incessant heavy rain battered parts of South Trinidad beginning Tuesday, December 10, 2019, flooding roads and homes across 22 areas. Chairman of the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation (PDRC) Dr. Allen Sammy described the situation as the “worst ever”. Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service said Penal recorded 127 mm (5 inches) of rain in two days.

Jewish Worshippers Are Praying on the Temple Mount for the First Time in Decades
Videos and pictures surfacing online appear to show Jews praying on the Temple Mount – a simple act of worship they have been banned from doing there for decades.

New York Public School Rejects Request By Christian Teen To Start A Christian Club As ‘Too Exclusive’ Then Approves An LGBTQ+ Pride Club Instead
First they wanted tolerance, and they got it. Then they wanted acceptance and they got that. More recently they demanded equality and were given that as well, but it didn’t stop with mere equality. No, the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Mafia won’t be satisfied with equality. They want dominance and control, and because of a sleeping Laodicean Church they are getting that, too. Such is the case in the Wappingers Central School District, where being Christian seems to violate school policy.

What A Trip: Magic Mushrooms One Step Closer To Becoming Legal Depression Treatment
Scientists are also looking to test psilocybin for Alzheimer’s, anorexia, OCD and migraines…


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Netanyahu: Hezbollah will pay a price if it attacks Israel
Hezbollah had better not dare to attack Israel or it will pay, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned at the opening of Sunday’s cabinet meeting. If Hezbollah dares to attack Israel, the organization and the country of Lebanon, which allows attacks against us from its territory, will pay a heavy price,” he said.

Disgust, outrage and anger over Newsweek’s Iran cover
Newsweek ran a cover that most people initially felt was photoshopped. “If Iran falls, ISIS rises again,” was printed across a photo of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei. It wasn’t photoshopped, however, but is the cover of the magazine’s upcoming December 27 issue. Shame,” “abhorrent,” “disgusting,” “ignorant,” were some of the kinder ways the cover was greeted.

Hong Kong protests test Beijing’s ‘foreign meddling’ narrative
A few months ago a Chinese official asked me if I thought foreign powers were fomenting Hong Kong’s social unrest. “To get so many people to come to the streets,” he mused, “must take organisation, a big sum of money and political resources.” Since then, the protests sparked at the beginning of Hong Kong’s hot summer have raged on through autumn and into winter.

Lebanon crisis: Dozens hurt as police and protesters clash in Beirut
Clashes between riot police and anti-government protesters in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, have left dozens of people wounded, witnesses say. The violence began as demonstrators, who had been attacked during a sit-in by masked counter-protesters, tried to move into a square near parliament. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets, while protesters threw stones. At least 20 officers were also wounded.

2019 was banner year for credible UFO sightings
It’s been a helluva year for Unidentified Flying Objects. Once thought to be fictional works used to sell tabloids, 2019 has been awash with news of UFOs, aliens and strange phenomenon — including reports (complete with video) from verifiably sane sources. In May, the Pentagon admitted it investigates UFOs soon after Navy pilots claimed to not only have seen but recorded UFOs during training exercises…

Strong quake in southern Philippines kills one, injures several
A strong earthquake struck near the Philippine city of Davao on Sunday, killing a child, damaging buildings and causing several injuries, officials said, the latest in a series of tremors to strike the southern part of the country in recent months. The magnitude 6.8 quake was centered 61 km (38 miles) southwest of Davao on the island of Mindanao, at a depth of 28.2 km, the U.S. Geological Survey said…

Turkish navy orders Israeli ship out of Cyprus’s waters
Turkish Naval Forces intercepted an Israeli ship in Cypriot waters and escorted it away as tension over natural resource exploration continues to rise in the region. The ship, Bat Galim, of the Israeli Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institution was conducting research in Cyprus’s territorial waters in coordination with Cypriot officials…

Turkey: S-400 system ‘vital’; will retaliate to any US sanctions
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has repeated a retaliation threat against any US sanctions over Ankara’s purchase of a Russian missile defence system. Speaking at a conference in Qatar’s capital, Doha, Cavusoglu said on Saturday that Turkey would not cancel its deal with Russia over the S-400 missile system “whatever the consequences”.

State Bill Outlaws Using Fetuses In Food Industry; Meets Visceral Reaction
A bill introduced in the Oklahoma Legislature has some folks scratching their heads, as it prohibits “the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses.”

The three biggest stories of 2019 that indicate a collapse of the power grid is imminent
The United States is the world’s only remaining superpower and we got that way through innovation, development, investment and freedom.

CAIR calls on Amazon, Google to remove all “white supremacist, pro-Confederate” materials
“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is calling on Amazon, Google and Barnes and Noble, including the companies of Audible and Kindle, to remove ‘all white supremacist and pro-confederate digital audio books and related social media ads.’

Ten self-evident truths that We the People have spontaneously come to realize… that will END all government as we know it
We have a lot to thank Trump for, but among the most important is the idea that Trump has caused the corrupt, fraudulent, lying specter of “Big Government” to fully reveal itself for what it truly is.

Can a Heavenly Miracle Save America?
Will God bring down a blessing, a miracle and save America? Can we agree that God is the architect of the universe? Doesn’t it then follow that God invented all the laws of science? If we apply this notion to faith, we can conclude that it must have physical properties even if we cannot it.

N.J. bill to remove religion as reason to avoid vaccinating kids enrages parents at hearing
After seven years of stalled efforts to compel better vaccine compliance and a recent reemergence of measles, state lawmakers are moving quickly to end the religious exemption that allowed 14,000 students to decline their shots last year.

Kosher market shooting shows New Jersey’s gun laws aren’t stopping imports
Officials from states with strong gun restrictions have called for stricter firearm control in places with weaker laws to thwart traffickers, but the fatal attack on a Jewish market in New Jersey shows how fruitless those efforts can be.

Intense clashes rock Beirut as Hezbollah backers attack protest camps
Security forces fired rubber bullets and tear gas while clashing with anti-government protesters and with men who tried to attack the protest camp in Beirut on Saturday, setting off street confrontations that lasted for hours.

Hundreds Of Billions In Gold And Cash Are Quietly Disappearing
“We can’t fully explain why holdings of cash are rising and where they are going.”

Palestinian Authority arrests scores of Hamas supporters
Palestinian Authority security forces arrested dozens of Hamas supporters in the West Bank in the past few days. The arrests came as Hamas celebrated the 32nd anniversary of its founding by holding mass rallies in the Gaza Strip.

Anti-Impeachment Democrat Jeff Van Drew Defects To GOP
“Nancy Pelosi isn’t just hemorrhaging votes for her impeachment gambit, she’s now facing wholesale defections…” -Sean Davis

Police investigating after Iranian-Jewish synagogue vandalized in L.A.
The Beverly Hills Police Department is “actively investigating” after a synagogue was vandalized in the City of Beverly Hills overnight, the police department said in a media release on Saturday night, Israel time.

“It’s For Racists!” – Academics Slam Quantum Computing Article For Using The Term ‘Supremacy’
The ultimate in “woke” just may have waited until the very end of the year to reveal itself…

Can We Impeach The FBI Now?
…the Horowitz Report proves the bureau unleashed an abusive, full-spectrum spying campaign to destroy Trump before and after his election


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Anti-impeachment Dem meets with Trump to discuss party switch
NJ Rep. Jeff Van Drew reportedly discussed a potential party switch with President Trump after months of resisting impeachment. (video)

Turkey sends drones to northern Cyprus, makes drilling claims
Turkey sent drones to northern Cyprus on Monday morning as part of an attempt to increase Turkey’s role in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Turkey has a base in Qatar and Somalia and has hinted it will send troops to Libya. Turkey forced an Israeli research ship to leave waters near Cyprus last week according to reports.

Newly Elected Pro-Israel UK PM Johnson’s First Order of Business: A Bill Combating BDS
Boris Johnson’s connection to Israel may have been the secret weapon that helped him win a landslide victory in last week’s British election and his first official act reflects that: a powerful anti-Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement law. Eric Pickles, UK’s Special Envoy for post-Holocaust matters, announced the new law at International Institute for Strategic Dialogue’s conference in Jerusalem on Sunday. Pickles said that the new law would ban public agencies from working with those who boycott Israel in any way.

Netflix streams blasphemous ‘Christmas’ video depicting gay Jesus, adulterous Virgin Mary
Brazil, December 12, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Netflix has released a blasphemous “Christmas special” movie that depicts Jesus as a homosexual and the Virgin Mary as an adulterer, prompting more than one million people to sign a petition to have the film removed from the popular streaming service.

Original Target of Jersey City Terrorists: an Adjacent Jewish Elementary School
“I feel 100 percent comfortable saying that it’s a hate crime and domestic terrorism and you know when more and more information comes out over the next few days I think it’s going to be very very apparent that had intent of murdering more than three people,”

Israeli Paratroopers who Liberated Temple Mount in 1967 Reunite on Holy Site
In a little reported event, the 71st Israeli paratrooper battalion gathered on the Temple Mount on December 1, reports Maariv. The gathering was actually a reunion of the same IDF soldiers who liberated the Temple Mount from Jordanian control on June 6, 1967. The soldiers reenacted the iconic mission and even hoisted an Israeli flag on the holy site, an act that has become an arrestable offense of late. The reunited batallion then posed for a photo op together while hoisting the Israeli flag, an act that they did for the first time in 52 years.

Disgust, outrage and anger over Newsweek’s Iran cover
Newsweek ran a cover that most people initially felt was photoshopped. “If Iran falls, ISIS rises again,” was printed across a photo of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. “Shame,” “abhorrent,” “disgusting,” “ignorant,” were some of the kinder ways the cover was greeted. Writer and academic Idrees Ahmad tweeted that he spent all day thinking the cover was a joke. “The graphic design is so crude. But turns out the cover is real and the story behind it is even worse.”

UK election result ‘divinely inspired,’ says senior UK rabbi
“I believe that it was a divinely inspired result,” said Rabbi Joseph Dweck, senior rabbi of Britain’s Sephardi Jewish community, describing Thursday’s landslide defeat of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in the UK election.

Erdogan threatens to shut down strategic US bases
Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened on Sunday that his country could shut down its Incirlik air base, which hosts US nuclear warheads, in response to threats of US sanctions and a separate US Senate resolution that recognized mass killings of Armenians a century ago as genocide. “If it is necessary for us to take such a step, of course we have the authority … If this is necessary, together with our delegations, we will close down Incirlik if necessary,” Erdogan said,

Turkey’s Erdogan Meets Libyan Leader As Regional Tensions Rise
Erdogan held talks with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj in Istanbul on Sunday, just days after the Turkish leader said he was ready to send troops into Libya if requested by Tripoli. The deal came despite calls from the Arab League — which includes Libya — to end cooperation with Turkey in protest at its military offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria.

Calm Broken As Clashes Break Out In Hong Kong Malls
Hong Kong police used pepper spray and made multiple arrests on Sunday as small groups of black-clad pro-democracy protesters targeted some of the city’s malls, ending a rare lull in violence. Flashmob protests and vandalism broke out in multiple locations, prompting riot police to use pepper spray and make arrests in at least two shopping centres as members of the public heckled the officers.

US Expelled Two Chinese Diplomats On Spying Claims: Report
The United States quietly expelled two Chinese embassy officials in September after they drove onto a sensitive military base in Virginia,… . At least one of the diplomats was believed to be an intelligence officer operating under cover, the Times said. The guard saw that they didn’t have permission to enter and directed them to go through the gates, turn around and exit. The Chinese officials continued onto the base, evading military personnel pursuing them until they were forced to stop by fire trucks blocking their path, … .

‘Liar, liar, liar!’: Adam Schiff gets ferociously booed, shouted down in his home state
Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and leader of the push to impeach President Donald Trump was fiercely booed and shouted down in his home state of California on Saturday. As the Democrat began speaking, two pro-Trump members of the audience silently held up signs reading, “Don’t Impeach.” The pair was asked two take down their signs, and when they refused, a dozen others began screaming at Schiff: “Liar! Liar! Liar!” Could this episode be a sign that the left is about to start getting a taste of its own medicine?”

“You Need Rehabilitation’: Nunes Letter Dismantles Schiff Over FISA Lies, Stroking Steele, And Participating In Coverup
Nunes isn’t letting this go. In a Sunday letter, he reminded Schiff that “The IG’s findings of pervasive, major abuses by the FBI dramatically contradict the assertions of your memo released on February 24, 2018, in which you claimed, “FBI and DOJ officials did not ‘abuse’ the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump Campaign.” Schiff is in clear “need of rehabilitiation,” continues Nunes, adding “I hope this letter will serve as the first step in that vital process.”

Chinese Gangs Infect Pigs With Swine Fever In Criminal Meat Scheme
Chinese criminals have been flying drones onto farms and infecting perfectly healthy pigs with African swine fever, lowballing the farmer for their sick pigs, and then selling the tainted meat as healthy, according to SCMP, citing China Comment – a magazine affiliated with state news agency Xinhua.

Israel, Montenegro sign multi-million dollar defense deal
Israel and Montenegro have signed a first government-to-government agreement awarding Elbit Systems a contract worth approximately $35 million for the acquisition of Remote Control Weapon Stations (RCWS) for their new joint light tactical vehicles. The contract was signed yesterday at the Military Headquarters in Tel Aviv…

Mexico objects over US bill on ratifying trade pact
Just days after a landmark agreement on a trade pact to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico objected Saturday to legislation introduced in the U.S. Congress as part of an eventual ratification of the deal. Jesús Seade…said…it…“adds the designation of up to five U.S. labor attaches in Mexico tasked with monitoring the implementation of the labor reform that is under way in our country.”

A Quarter Of Kids Treated At Transgender Clinics May Just Be Autistic, New Study Finds
“Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse…”

Over 1,000 Christians in Nigeria killed by Fulani, Boko Haram in 2019:
Over 1,000 Christians have been killed this year in Nigeria as attacks led by Fulani extremists continue to plague rural farming communities in the Middle Belt, according to an estimation published by the U.K.-based nongovernmental organization Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust.

2019 saw attacks on houses of worship with alarming frequency worldwide
From Christchurch to Colombo to Poway and beyond, worshipers were the targets of some of the most deadly violence seen in years

Hallmark pulls Zola commercial of brides kissing after conservative group calls for boycott
The Hallmark Channel has pulled a commercial featuring brides kissing during a same-sex wedding ceremony, just days after a conservative group launched a campaign calling on the network to pull the ad.

Terrorists who gunned down Jews in a Jersey City kosher market were inspired by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
I called it here. Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Andre Carson, Ilhan Omar, Cory Booker et al — antisemites who have fomented this encouraged this hatred.

George Soros-Linked Group Lobbies 6 GOP Governors to Open States to More Refugees
A Geroge Soros-linked group has successfully lobbied six Republican governors to open-up their states to resettle more refugees.

Temperatures in Australia could reach 124 degrees next week
Temperatures in Australia could reach a record-setting 124 degrees next week and spark bush fires.

Worst drought in over a century pushes Namibia closer to famine
Dam water levels in Namibia have almost halved from already low levels as the worst drought in more than 100 years pushes the nation closer to famine. On Thursday, December 12, 2019, the environment ministry reported that the drought had caused a third of Namibia’s 2.5 million population to experience severe hunger. Hundreds of animals in conservation parks and cattle on farms were also dying.

Very strong M6.9 earthquake, series of aftershocks hit Mindanao, Philippines
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by PHIVOLCS as M6.9 hit Mindanao, Philippines at 06:11 UTC (14:11 LT) on December 15, 2019. The agency is reporting a depth of 3 km (1.8 miles). The USGS is reporting M6.8 at a depth of 22.4 km (13.9 miles); EMSC M6.8 at a depth of 30 km (18.6 miles). More than 25 moderate to strong aftershocks were registered by 09:00 UTC. At least 4 people have been killed.

President Trump Signs Executive Order To Fight Anti-Semitism On American College Campuses And End ‘Discriminatory Intimidation And Harassment’ Against Jews
President Trump continues to reconfirm over and over why Bible believing Christians voted for him in 2016, and why they will again vote for him in 2020 as well. President Trump, unlike other American presidents over the past 30 years, does more than simply pay lip service to Israel and the Jewish people. He gives them support like they’ve never had under an previous administration.

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Strong Delusion After The Rapture Of The Church Will Usher In The End Times Kingdom Of Antichrist
The Church Age we now find ourselves in is coming to an end very soon, and when it ends, 2 nearly simultaneously events will take place faster than you can blink. The first event is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which at once effectively completes the Church Age and launches the time of Jacob’s trouble all at the same time.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Report: ‘New Palestine’ state in draft of Trump Middle East peace plan
Lebanese Hezbollah-backed Al Mayadeen TV channel claimed on Monday to have obtained parts of a draft of US President Donald Trump’s much anticipated Israeli-Palestinian peace plan proposal. The so-called “Deal of the Century” would see a trilateral agreement signed between Israel, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas, with the establishment of a Palestinian state branded “New Palestine” on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The EU’s proxy war against Israel
They don’t have to do the dirty, immoral work of opposing Israel’s existence directly; no messy concentration camps. The EU pays others to do it.

British Muslims Mull Leaving UK in Wake of Boris Johnson Victory
Baroness Sayeeda Hussain Warsi, a Muslim and a member of the House of Lords and former co-chair of Johnson’s Conservative Party, tweeted her concern that Johnson’s victory, though seemingly good for the Jews, endangered other minorities. She decries the persecution of Christians and has been targeted by Muslim extremists for “not being a proper Muslim.” The Islamic State (ISIS) targeted her by publicly declaring her an apostate.

British Elections are a Warning to Democrats
The most significant warning for Democrats from Jeremy Corbyn’s shocking political disaster in the British election is that when a political party is consumed with Marxism, its own ideological debate ceases to exist and opponents are often suppressed. While the press is fake and it is so desperate to want to join the Euro in Britain and the impeach Trump in America, they too add to the confusion by making people think the majority are leftists who are out to rob them of their assets and future.

CNN Admits Trump Was Right About Democrats Misquoting Him in Ukraine Call
For once, CNN was on the side of President Donald Trump as he attacked two Texas-based Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee for misquoting him. “Dems Veronica Escobar and Jackson Lee purposely misquoted my call. I said I want you to do us (our Country!) a favor, not me a favor. They know that but decided to LIE in order to make a fraudulent point!

Philippines on alert for tropical threat following powerful earthquake
A tropical system attempting to organize in the Philippine Sea will bring the risk for flooding to parts of the southern Philippines this weekend. If this threat becomes a tropical storm it will be known as Phanfone.

Turkey acquires machine gun-toting octocopters with anti-recoil systems
Made by the country’s own Asisguard, the Songar drone can carry 200 rounds of 5.56 x 45 mm NATO class ammo, and can hit a 15-cm-square (6-inch-square) target from 200 m (650 ft) away with single shots, 15-bullet bursts or a full auto unloading.

Poll: 52% believe top federal law enforcement broke law to harm Trump
There are crooks at the top of federal law enforcement who broke the law to try to block President Trump but probably won’t ever be punished, a majority of voters say. The Rasmussen Reports survey found 52% of likely U.S. voters think it likely “senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency.”

Destruction Of The Family: The U.S. Has The Highest Rate Of Children Living With A Single Parent In The Entire World
For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households.

Jerusalem to remain united in Deal of the Century – Arab report
Jerusalem will remain united under mostly Israeli control with some responsibilities shared with a Palestinian state including the West Bank and Gaza, according to a purported draft copy of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan for the Middle East published by the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen TV channel on Monday.

Mike Pompeo slams Democrats’ settlement fixation, calls claims foolish
Calling their arguments “foolish,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent a harsh letter…to 106 Democratic members of the House saying that while they are “free to fixate on settlements as a barrier to peace,” they are simply wrong. The secretary…sent the letter to…Rep. Andy Levin, who was behind the letter…in which 106 representatives denounced the Trump administration for softening its position on the legality of West Bank settlements.

Israel develops ‘breakthrough’ method to identify thyroid cancer
Doctors at Hadassah University Medical Center have developed what they are calling a “breakthrough” new method to identify thyroid cancer with 94% accuracy. The study – led by Dr. Haggi Mazeh, head of the department…and Dr. Iddo Ben-Dov, senior physician in the Department of Nephrology – was published in the journal Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

Israeli pancreatic cancer treatment could extend lives of 3/4 of patients
More than three-fourths (77%) of patients suffering from stage IV metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (pancreatic cancer) and treated with a protocol developed by an Israel-based biopharmaceutical company were able to get their disease under control, according to results of an ongoing study.

Iran threat has not gone away, warns Royal Navy head
Iran’s threat to British shipping in the Gulf “hasn’t gone away”, the head of the Royal Navy has told the BBC. In July, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard seized British-flagged tanker the Stena Impero in the Straits of Hormuz. Admiral Tony Radakin – giving his first interview since becoming First Sea Lord in June – described it as “aggressive” and “outrageous”.

Russian spy ship operating in ‘unsafe manner’ near U.S. submarine base
A Russian spy ship is conducting operations off the coast of the Eastern United States and has been engaged in unsafe activities near a U.S. nuclear missile submarine base, according to the Coast Guard. The Russian ship, Viktor Leonov, has been shadowed periodically off the coast for years and is also suspected of spying on undersea Internet cables in addition to U.S. military bases.

U.S.-led pressure fractures as China, Russia push for North Korea sanctions relief
A proposal by China and Russia to ease U.N. sanctions on North Korea increases pressure on the United States and signals what is the likely end of unified efforts to persuade Pyongyang to give up its growing nuclear and missile arsenal. On Monday China and Russia proposed that the United Nations Security Council lift a ban on North Korea exporting statues, seafood and textiles…

Since 1948, Israel has welcomed more than 3 million new immigrants
Israel has welcomed some 3.3 million immigrants since its creation in 1948, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) said in a report on Monday. Of that number, 43.7% have immigrated since 1990, when Jews in Soviet states were finally allowed to leave with the collapse of the USSR. The report was published by CBS ahead of International Migrants Day, which is on December 18.

Israel signs gas deal with Egypt, becomes major energy exporter
Israel became a major energy exporter for the first time on Monday after signing a permit to export natural gas to Egypt. The announcement comes just days before Israel’s lucrative Leviathan gas field in the Mediterranean Sea is expected to go online. Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz called the permit a “historic landmark” for Israel.

At least 6 dead as strong winter storm causes road accidents, closes interstates across Midwest, U.S.
A strong winter storm wreaked havoc across the Midwest, setting off dozens of accidents on Sunday, December 15, 2019, including over 40 traffic collisions. As a result, at least six people have died and numerous roads were closed.

Supreme Court Ends Pelosi’s Reign Of Terror With Landmark Decision On Impeachment
Nancy Pelosi just got spanked by the Supreme Court in a new impeachment ruling. Pelosi has rushed the impeachment proceedings for political reasons, not legal.

One Death Confirmed as Winter Tornadoes Hit Deep South
Severe storms and tornadoes are raging across Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas, damaging homes and threatening lives.

What Everyone Is Missing About The Afghanistan Papers
Barely a few hours following the Post’s publication, Congress rewarded the Pentagon for its stellar efforts with a $22 billion budget increase. How can we as a society justify this?

The Sexual Deep State
America is no longer governed by the Constitution in the sense the Founders understood. Instead, we are governed by a collection of unelected, unaccountable administrative agencies.

A Defiant Hallmark Channel Not Only Reinstates Lesbian Kissing Commercial, They Announce New Partnership With Radical Gay Activist Group GLAAD
The Hallmark Movie Channel situation that is brewing right now is very interesting to watch for a variety of reasons. The rise of end times darkness, the sudden surge to power of the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement, and many other reasons as well.

THE SBC HAS FALLEN: Southern Baptist Convention Appoints Gay-Affirming Pro-LGBTQ+ Pastor David Uth As President Of 2020 Pastor’s Conference
Here at Now The End Begins, we bring you regular updates on Christian churches and denominations as they begin to compromise and join the ranks of the end times Laodicean church. Today we sadly add the Southern Baptist Convention to this list of corrupt compromisers as they now seek to bring the LGBTQ+ into the church.

Iran Alleges “Terror” Plot As Drug-Laced Cake Scare Impacts Food Industry
Citing Iranian state media and top officials, Bloomberg reports this unusual story Monday: “Already battling U.S. sanctions, regional isolation and unrest on the streets, Iran’s intelligence services are dealing with a strange new threat: medicine-laced sponge cakes.”

Greta Thunberg Busted After Bizarre Feud With German Railway Company
“It would have been even better if you had also mentioned how friendly and competent the team looked after you in your seat in First Class…”

Forced by Reality – The Washington Post Cancels the Recession
In July and August the U.S. was heading into a recession according to the media. The Washington Post was at the forefront of the recession narrative with multiple articles predicting certain doom for the U.S. economy…. except there was a problem. All of the economic data would not support their predictions. Things only got better.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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EU Trying to Prevent Jews from Accessing Holy Sites in Jerusalem
The Jerusalem municipality has created a plan to transport people from from the First Station to the Old City and Mount Olives via cable car. But not everyone is happy with the project reports Mynet. Especially the EU and the George Soros backed New Israel Fund.

Arabs Pave Way To Messiah’s Pool With Jewish Gravestones
In an audacious act of desecration, Arab residents of Jerusalem uprooted gravestones on the holy Mount of Olives in Jerusalem in order to pave stairs directly on top of the graves of Jews. An Arab was arrested but he was back at work the very next day. Were it not for the bravery of a few Jewish residents of the Muslim majority section of the city, the oldest and most prominent Jewish cemetery in the world would be destroyed without a trace of existence remaining.

5.2-magnitude earthquake hits southwest China’s Sichuan
A 5.2-magnitude earthquake hit Zizhong County in Neijiang City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, at 8:14 a.m. Wednesday Beijing Time, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

A New Anti-Aging Therapy Is Starting Its First Human Trial—and It Costs $1 Million
Libella Gene Therapeutics says it will administer volunteers with a gene therapy that it claims can reverse aging by up to 20 years, according to OneZero. Despite the fact that this is the first human trial of the treatment, the company is charging volunteers $1m to take part. In an effort to side-step the FDA, the trial will take place in Colombia.

In Stunning Public Rebuke, FISA Court Slams FBI, Says Worried About ‘Other Warrants’
“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable,” wrote the court, which called the recent watchdog report from the DOJ’s Inspector General “troubling.”

Hamas plans attacks against Israel from Turkey – report
In transcripts with suspects interrogated by the Israel Police, it was revealed, according to the report, that Hamas members in Istanbul are managing operations in Jerusalem and the West Bank. One such event was the assassination attempt on the former mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, earlier this year.

Russian spy ship ‘unsafely’ close to US nuclear sub base off east coast
The U.S. Coast Guard issued a warning over a Russian spy ship operating with apparent disregard for safety along the East Coast near Georgia and South Carolina on Sunday. The Russian ship, Viktor Leonov, was spotted operating in an unsafe manner near a U.S. nuclear sub base, Washington Times reported. The Coast Guard issued a maritime safety information bulletin about Leonov’s activities, including erratic movements, not powering running lights in low visibility conditions and not responding to ships attempting to coordinate safe passage.

Pakistan’s Musharraf sentenced to death in treason case
A Pakistani court has handed a death sentence to former military ruler General Pervez Musharraf on treason charges for suspending the country’s constitution 12 years ago. The 76-year-old ex-strongman is now living in exile in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). The special court in Islamabad announced the verdict on December 17 with a 2-1 majority. Musharraf, who ruled Pakistan between 1999 and 2008, is the first military ruler to stand trial in Pakistan for overruling the constitution.

Leaders of Russia, Turkey Discuss Fighting in Libya
The leaders of Russia and Turkey discussed the fighting in Libya in a phone call Tuesday, the Kremlin said. It said in a statement that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan voiced their readiness to help establish contacts between the warring parties and expressed support for mediation efforts by the United Nations and Germany.

Shin Bet arrests 50 PFLP terrorists, thwarting upcoming attack
Israeli security forces in the West Bank have uncovered and dismantled a 50 person terror cell believed to behind a string of deadly attacks in the area including the deadly Dolev bombing which claimed the life of a teenage girl…The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) cell was arrested in the Ramallah area and was involved in shooting attacks…in December 2017 and…in March 2019.

Poland may have to leave EU, Supreme Court warns
Poland could have to leave the EU over its judicial reform proposals, the country’s Supreme Court has warned. The proposals would allow judges to be dismissed if they questioned the government’s judicial reforms. Judges say the proposals threaten the primacy of EU law and could be an attempt to gag the judiciary.

Exorcists Condemn Children’s Book on Summoning Demons
The International Association of Exorcists (AIE) has issued a statement warning parents of the dangers of a 2019 children’s book that gives instructions on how to summon up demons. The statement refers to A Children’s Book of Demons, a book targeting children aged 5-10 by Aaron Leighton, an illustrator and “fan” of occult practices.

Nasa building supersonic plane that goes as fast as Concorde – without the sound
Nasa’s X-59 space plane, capable of flying faster than the speed of sound without the loud boom that comes with supersonic flight, is finally nearing completion. The plane will be the first large scale, piloted X-plane that Nasa has launched in more than 30 years when it is finally put together.

Rise in Anti-Semitic Incidents Goes Beyond Recent Violent Attacks
The deadly attack in a New Jersey kosher market last week punctuated several years of growing, increasingly violent, incidents of anti-Semitism in the U.S., a marked turnaround from declines that had lasted more than a decade. The shooting in Jersey City, where three people were killed at the market, was the third deadly attack at a Jewish space in just over a year.

U.S. finalizing rules to limit sensitive tech exports to China, others
The Trump administration is finalizing a set of narrow rules to limit exports of sophisticated technology to adversaries like China, a document seen by Reuters shows…The Commerce Department is putting the finishing touches on five rules covering products like quantum computing and 3-D printing technologies that were mandated by a 2018 law to keep sensitive technologies out of the hands of rival powers.

‘Hamas plotting to Israel attacks from Turkey as Erdogan turns blind eye’
Hamas has been plotting attacks against Israel from Turkey with the President Erdogan “playing host” to the terror group…According to the report, the activities of the group include efforts to recruit suicide bombers, with a reward of $20,000 promised to the families of the attackers, and the assassination of senior Israeli officials, including former Israel Police commissioner Roni Alsheikh.

IDF aircraft strikes armed Gaza militant near border with Israel
An Israeli military aircraft on Tuesday struck an armed militant in the Gaza Strip, who approached the security fence along the border with Israel. The man appeared to have been killed. He was spotted by an IDF lookout from the Gaza Division as he was approaching the Israeli side of the border, carrying weapons.

Turkey warns of ‘escalation’ if US ends Cyprus arms embargo
Turkey has warned that the US’s move to lift a decades-old arms embargo on Cyprus would be a “dangerous escalation” as relations deteriorated further between the NATO allies. The US Congress voted on Tuesday to end the embargo on the island, which was imposed in 1987 to avoid an arms race and encourage the conflict’s resolution.

Senate passes massive defence bill that creates US Space Force
The United States Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to pass a $738bn defence policy bill, sending it to the White House, where President Donald Trump has promised to quickly sign it into law. The Republican-controlled Senate voted 86 to eight in favour of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA. The Democratic-led House approved the bill by 377-48 last week.

‘It’s Just Hard To Believe’: 300+ Students At Shakopee West Middle School Out With The Flu
At least 322 students were absent Monday from West Middle School in Shakopee — nearly 30% of the entire student body. The district says those students reported flu-like symptoms.

The world’s oceans are acidifying — but it’s happening twice as fast off California
The waters off California are acidifying twice as rapidly as elsewhere on Earth, according to a study published Monday, which suggests that climate change is likely hastening and worsening chemical changes in the ocean that could threaten seafood and fisheries.

Meet The Jewish Billionaires Who Are Bankrolling ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Your Children
While the American Library Association is actively providing institutional support for the Drag Queen Story Hour programs, the tremendous funding it enjoys comes from a handful of very powerful jewish activists and charities:

British Muslims prepare to leave UK after Boris Johnson wins election
British Muslims have started the process of leaving the UK over fears for their ‘personal safety’ now Boris Johnson is Prime Minister for five years, Metro.co.uk can reveal.

Cosmic radiation around us reaching record high levels as the Sun sets Space Age record for most days without spots
Cosmic radiation has hit the 5-year high this month and is approaching record high values as the Sun sets a new Space Age record for spotlessness — days without sunspots. The Sun’s magnetic field weakens during solar minimums, allowing deep space cosmic radiation to flood the Solar System.

Warning for humanity: Globalists accelerating depopulation eugenics programs in response to populist uprisings in the UK, USA and around the world
In response to the sweeping victory of Boris Johnson in the recent UK elections — as well as rising popular support for President Trump in the United States — globalists are now accelerating their war against humanity that’s being waged through depopulation vectors involving vaccines, chemical contaminants, engineered food shortages and other means.

BREAKING: Wall Street Journal investigation finds Amazon.com selling actual “dumpster trash” food and supplements as NEW
Items you purchase on Amazon.com that you think are new might actually have been packaged by dumpster divers who scour trash bins to find food items they can repackage and sell on Amazon, a shocking Wall Street Journal investigation has found.

Are We On the Verge of UFO discolosure Because the Democrats Desperately Need a Distraction?
Tomorrow, in Part Two of a series that I am writing on impeachment and the spin off effects, I will be making some bombshell revelations. I have noticed that the government is no longer debunking UFO sightings. In fact, they seem to be inviting them.

After Years Of Protecting Pedophile Priests, Pope Francis Forced To Outlaw Vatican ‘Pontifical Secret’ Code Which Allowed Child Rape To Flourish
The very idea of what I’m about to tell you is so chilling, and so disgusting, that it is nearly too repugnant to write about. The Vatican had official law in place to prevent pedophile priests from ever being brought to justice, they call it the Pontifical Secret, and it is the ‘stay out of jail free’ card of the Catholic Church to protect child rapists and molesters. Pope Francis refused for years to abolish this law and is only doing so now because he is being forced to do it.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Right After Turkish Navy Kicks Israeli Vessel out of Cyprus’ Waters: Washington Angers Turkey by Ending Cyprus Arms Embargo
Divine retribution? The U.S. Congress voted on Tuesday to lift an arms embargo on Cyprus, angering Turkey. This decision comes just days after Turkish navy ships intercepted an Israeli research vessel in Cypriot waters two weeks ago and forced it away. The move comes as part of a massive defense bill that U.S. President Donald Trump is likely to sign, the AFP reported.

UK PM Boris Johnson is Going After George Soros
The party, otherwise known as the Tories have called for an urgent Electoral Commission probe into George Soros’s US-based Open Society following evidence revealing that it funneled approximately $4 Million into anti-Brexit campaigns leading up to the historic 2016 vote.

Starvation stalks Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen
The risk of mass starvation in four countries – Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen – is rapidly rising due to drought and conflict, the has warned. About 20 million people live in hard-hit areas where harvests have failed and malnutrition rates are increasing, particularly among young children, the UNHCR said on Tuesday.

6.1 magnitude earthquake near Iran’s Mashhad kills 2
A powerful magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck northeastern Iran near the holy city of Mashhad on Wednesday, killing at least two people as residents fled onto the streets and aftershocks shook the region.

“Very Serious” – 30,000 Pigs Dead As Pig Ebola Spreads In Indonesia’s North Sumatra
Last month more than 4,000 pigs died from African swine fever (ASF) in Indonesia’s North Sumatra province. The outbreak appears to be worsening in December with as many as 30,000 pigs dead, according to the province’s food security and livestock agency,

Islamic State captures new ground in eastern Syria
The Islamic State has seized new ground in the eastern region of Syria after launching a powerful attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops along the Deir ez-Zor-Homs axis, Al-Masdar News reports.

5.9 magnitude earthquake strikes Raoul Island near New Zealand
A 5.9 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday struck off the coast of New Zealand’s Raoul Island, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said. No casualties or damage has been reported.

86 of VA’s 95 counties declare themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuaries
Just over 90 percent of Virginia’s counties have already passed resolutions designating themselves Second Amendment “sanctuaries,” since Democratic lawmakers won control of the state’s legislature on Nov. 5 and have vowed to bring strict gun control to the state. Some 86 of Virginia’s 95 counties have adopted language intended to deprioritize the enforcement of new gun laws, according to the Washington Examiner. Another 15 cities and towns have also brought up their own sanctuary language, in anticipation of new gun laws proposed by the Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and the newly Democratic majority set to take control in 2020.

IDF attacks Hamas weapons production site following rocket fire from Gaza
Several Palestinians were lightly injured after IDF fighter jets attacked a Hamas weapons production site in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian media. According to the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper, the Qatari Envoy to Gaza Muhammad al-Emadi was in a hotel right next to the site of the attack. Al-Emadi arrived to the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

Turkey, Qatar and Iran gather with Malaysia’s antisemitic leader for forum
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Qatar’s Emir Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani gathered at a forum in Malaysia to listen to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Malaysia’s leader has justified antisemitism on the grounds of “free speech” and accused Jews of having “hooked noses” and “running the world by proxy.”

Citizenship Act protests: Thousands held across India for defying ban
Indian police have detained thousands who defied a ban on protests against a controversial new citizenship law. The ban has been imposed in parts of the capital Delhi, and throughout the states of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. Mobile data services are suspended in some parts of Delhi close to protest sites. There have been days of protests across India, some violent.

African swine fever: Fears rise as virus spreads to Indonesia
Indonesia has become the latest Asian country to face an outbreak of African swine fever, a deadly pig virus devastating farmers across the region. On Wednesday, the country’s agriculture ministry said nearly 30,000 pigs have died from the disease in North Sumatra. The virus is expected to wipe out more than half of China’s pig herd this year.

Warrant not always needed for ‘inadvertent’ NSA surveillance of Americans: U.S. court
The U.S. government may collect information about U.S. citizens without obtaining a warrant if the information is gathered inadvertently while legally carrying out surveillance of non-nationals abroad…The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled in an appeal by Agron Hasbajrami, a U.S. resident arrested in 2011 and who later pleaded guilty to a charge of attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization.

Israeli Electric Company cuts power to West Bank over Palestinian debt
The state-owned Israel Electric Company said…it was continuing power cuts to several cities in the West Bank to press for payment of what it said was $519 million owed by a Palestinian electricity company. Israel Electric Corp (IEC) began daily, three-hour power cuts…a spokeswoman said, adding that the company is “determined to collect the debt but disconnects the power in a reasonable and proportionate way”.

Shin Bet nabs 50-strong Palestinian terror cell, including killers of Israeli teen
Israel has in recent weeks rounded up 50 Palestinian terror suspects, including those believed to have murdered 17-year-old Rina Shnerb in an attack at a West Bank tourist spot in August, the Shin Bet security service announced Wednesday. The detained men belong to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and plotted to carry out “major terrorist attacks,” the Shin Bet said…

Iran president says country testing new advanced centrifuges
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said his country’s nuclear experts are testing a new type of advanced centrifuges, remarks likely meant to rally support for the Iranian leader as his nation struggles under crushing U.S. sanctions. Rouhani spoke during a meeting Wednesday with Iranian expatriates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia…

COUP D’ETAT: A Highly Partisan Democratic Congress Votes To Impeach President Donald Trump Setting Stage For Showdown In The Senate
Just minutes ago, the Democratically-controlled Congress in Washington voted to impeach President Donald Trump in the 4th attempt to prevent his almost certain re-election to office in 2020. Their first shot was the phony Russian Dossier, then the Russian Collusion Hoax, after that came the Mueller Report

Adam Schiff leads cult-like Democrats to their own mass suicide, following in the footsteps of Marshall Applewhite, founder of California’s Heaven’s Gate cult
As Democrats tie political nooses around their own necks in a stunning display of coordinated mass political suicide, we are reminded that California is home to all sorts of cults and cult leaders who repeatedly manage to convince large numbers of people to do insanely self-destructive things.

35 psychologists resign from UK gender identity clinic with 3,000 kids on wait list
…The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust is a clinic where children as young as three come to receive puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormone treatment, which can have life-long effects on children.

Dengue Fever Cases Near 3 Million This Year In Latin America
2019 is a record year for dengue fever in Latin America. The mosquito-borne disease has surged across the continent, from Mexico down to Chile and Argentina, with nearly 3 million cases reported. That’s more than 20% higher than the previous record in 2015.

Philippines on alert for tropical threat following powerful earthquake
A tropical system attempting to organize in the Philippine Sea will bring the risk for flooding to parts of the southern Philippines this weekend.

Massive Flood Of Illegal Immigrants Descend On New York Motor Vehicles Offices To Get Drivers Licenses On Day One Of Democrats New Green Light Law
When you look at the cities and states in America with the highest crime rates, the most homelessness, and the most deaths from gun shootings, every time it is a city that is run by Democrats and Liberal policies.

Undersea volcanism as the cause of ‘year of darkness’ and upheaval period from 536 – 555 A.D.
Researchers presented underwater volcanism as a new interpretation of why the sky mysteriously went dark for over a year beginning 536 A.D., with some parts of Europe and Asia seeing the Sun for only about four hours a day and accounts saying the Sun gave no more light than the Moon for 18 months.

Australia swelters through hottest day on record
Australia has recorded its hottest average temperature across the whole country on Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 40.9 °C (105 °F), beating the previous record of 40.3 °C (104 °F) set on January 7, 2013. Meteorologists are attributing a very strong positive Indian Ocean Dipole as the source of the heat.

New Nike Kaepernick Shoe Honors Date He First Sat For National Anthem
Late for Christmas, but in time for a New Years’ gift, Nike is scheduled to release the new Colin Kaepernick x Nike Air Force 1 Low sneaker, which honors the date Kaepernick first sat during the national anthem by printing the date on the bottom of the shoe.

Boycott of Jews Movement (BDS) uses veil of social justice to spread Jew-hatred, report says
The leaders of the BDS Movement will claim that it is a peaceful organization, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the BDS Movement does not only seek the destruction of the worlds only Jewish state, but they also seek to delegitimize anyone who would dare defend the Jewish state.

Virginia National Guardsman on Gun Grab Threats: ‘Everyone I personally know would stand by their oath. Our oath is to the Constitution of The United States…’
Virginia is in turmoil. Gun grabbing politicians are issuing threats, while the people rush to protect their 2nd Amendment rights by creating gun sanctuaries. Militias within the state are readying and things are extremely chaotic following Virginia turning dark blue.

Deceived Church Leaders At Bethel Church In Redding California Holding Prayer Service To Raise 2-Year Old Olive Heiligenthal From The Dead
…what is happening at Bethel Church in Redding, the home church of the Heiligenthals, in response to the death of little Olive, is heartbreaking as well. They are praying for Olive to miraculously be raised from the dead, it’s not going to happen, and Bethel Church leaders are responsible for it.

Fake News Media Driving The Narrative That Men Can Give Birth Shows We Are In The Grip Of A Global End Times Spirit Of Insanity And Delusion
These are the end times foretold to us in scripture, and that means that we can expect to see things on a global level related to the realm of the spirit world, and this story today from Australia about transgender men is proof-positive of that.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Graham Slams ‘Incredibly Dangerous’ Pelosi For Dictating Impeachment Terms
Graham hit back, saying “Just think for a moment, you pass articles of impeachment in the House, you refuse to send them into the Senate until the Senate constructs a trial of your liking as Speaker of the House,” adding “We have separations of power for a reason. You can’t be Speaker of the House and Majority Leader of the Senate at the same time.”

Protests Banned Across India After All Hell Breaks Loose
Tens of thousands of people in at least 15 cities across India Thursday defied a government ban on protests after violent demonstrations last week sent the country into chaos following the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA),… .

Secular Jews claim they don’t exist to spite the president
Leftist Jews, aided and abetted by a willing media, have truly gone insane. President Trump last week made one of the most positive moves to combat antisemitism ever seen from a world leader, announcing a smart and necessary Executive Order to protect Jews at America’s colleges and universities. And the Left would have us believe this order was itself antisemitic.

Israeli jets target Hamas sites in response to rocket fire
For the second time in less than 24 hours Israeli jets struck Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip following earlier rocket fire on Thursday evening. The military said that Israeli jets struck an “underground infrastructure and a naval target” belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip as well as “a terrorist military compound in the northern Gaza Strip.”

German governing parties seek ban of Hezbollah in Europe
Mathias Middelberg, the spokesman for Angela Merkel’s conservatives in the parliament, claims that Germany has a special responsibility to keep Israel safe and calls for EU to list the political wing of the Iranian-backed groups as a terrorist organization

New Evil Cults of Replacement Theology Popping Up: A Sign Messiah Nearing says Rabbi
The deadly shooting last week at a kosher grocery store in Jersey City, New Jersey brought the anti-Semitic theology of the Black Hebrew Israelites movement to international prominence. “Those followers view themselves as the true ‘chosen people’ and believe that blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans are the true descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel. They view white people as agents of Satan.”

U.S. Army Worries Humanity Is Biased Against Deadly Cyborg Soldiers Because Of Movies Like Terminator
The U.S. Army is hard at work imagining what the human-machine hybrids of the future will be able to accomplish on the battlefields of 2050. But the folks in charge of keeping America safe also have their concerns. Specifically, the U.S. Army is worried that humans are biased against deadly cyborg soldiers, just because we’ve all seen the Terminator franchise and it doesn’t work out very well for the humans.

Trudeau Votes Against Israel for Second Time
I will bless those who bless you And curse him that curses you; And all the families of the earth Shall bless themselves by you.” Genesis 12:3 Canada on Tuesday voted to uphold its Nov. 20 preliminary vote in favor of a United Nations resolution that calls eastern Jerusalem “occupied” territory and condemns Israel’s West Bank security barrier.

Jews Shouldn’t Ignore the Real Lesson of Corbyn’s Defeat
The possibility of an anti-Semite being elected prime minister at the head of a party that seemed to share his prejudicial attitudes created a sense of panic in the Jewish community there. The main lessons being drawn from Labour’s debacle on this side of the pond revolve around the possible parallels between the British election and the one that will be held in the United States next November. Americans who support President Donald Trump hope that what happened to Labour might be replicated here regarding the Democrats.

Senior PA official Admits it’s a Palestinian “Value” to Murder Israelis
Senior PA official Abbas Zaki recently bragged that it is a Palestinian ‘value’ to murder Israeli men. Speaking at the opening of the fourth Fatah “Loyalty to the Martyrs” conference in the Salfit sub-district, …

New CRISPR tool hijacks “jumping genes” for gentle DNA editing
The CRISPR gene-editing system is a marvel of modern science, but cutting strands of DNA may not be the safest or most elegant solution. Researchers at Columbia University have developed a new version called INTEGRATE that works in a similar but gentler way, using “jumping genes” that insert large sequences of DNA without breaking the strands. And they’ve now imaged the mechanism at work for the first time.

Pompeo announces new measures against ‘evil and wrong’ Iranian regime
The Iranian regime must stop abusing…its own people if it wants Iran to return to prosperity, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said…Pompeo lamented that for the last 40 years the Iranian regime has shown “disrespect” toward its people, destabilizing the internal order of the country, weakening Iran’s economy, and making Iran “a pariah state in the eyes of freedom-loving people all across the world.”

Palestinians can claim restitution for ‘occupation,’ 160 UN nations say
Palestinians have a right to claim restitution for their loss of natural resources due to the Israeli occupation, the United Nations General Assembly said… It approved…an annual resolution called “Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including east Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources.”

Israeli jets target Hamas sites in response to rocket fire
For the second time in less than 24 hours Israeli jets struck Hamas positions in the southern Gaza Strip following earlier rocket fire on Thursday evening. The military said that Israeli jets struck an “underground infrastructure and a naval target” belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip as well as “a terrorist military compound in the northern Gaza Strip.”

Trump impeachment: President demands immediate Senate trial
US President Donald Trump has demanded an immediate impeachment trial in the Senate, amid an impasse among Democrats and Republicans over when it may start. On Wednesday, the House impeached Mr Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. But Democrats have refused to start the proceedings, arguing the Republican-controlled Senate is refusing witnesses and will not hold a fair trial.

French pensions standoff hardens as strike enters 3rd week
A gruelling French transport strike over a planned pension reform entered its third week on Thursday, with little relief in sight after talks between unions and the government failed to bring the two sides any closer to a compromise. “We’re still very, very far from any agreement,” Laurent Berger of the CFDT…said after a marathon day of union meetings with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on Wednesday.

Libyan force attacking Tripoli gives militias 3-day deadline
A Libyan force fighting to capture the country’s capital from the U.N.-supported government based in Tripoli on Friday gave the militias defending the city a three-day deadline to pull out. The self-styled Libyan National Army issued a statement demanding that the powerful Misrata militias, which are fighting on behalf of the government…withdraw from both Tripoli and the coastal city of Sirte.

Iowa Man Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison For Setting LGBTQ Flag on Fire
An Iowa man was sentenced to 16 years in prison for setting an LGBTQ flag on fire. Adolfo Martinez, 30, stole a rainbow-colored pride banner that was hanging from the side of a church and lit it on fire in June of this year.

Haitian President Testifies Against Clintons: ‘They Raped and Pillaged Haiti’
The former Senate President of Haiti, Bernard Sansaricq, has gone on the record to testify against Bill and Hillary Clinton. During a statement, he accused the Clintons of “raping and pillaging the Haitian people.”

Widespread flooding after very heavy rain hits southern Iran
Floods have spread through Iran’s southern provinces of Hormozgan, Khuzestan, and Bushehr, on December 19, 2019. The flooding began around December 16 after a period of very heavy rain, when at least one person went missing and four others were rescued after a car was swept away. Around 1 000 people have been affected in the provinces of Khuzestan and Bushehr, with as much as 300 displaced. The city of Abadan recorded 113 mm (4.4 inches) of rain in 24 few hours to December 16, 2019– this is roughly half the usual amount of its annual rainfall.

Severe storms claim 16 lives across the South and Midwest, snow squalls barrel through the Northeast, U.S.
Severe storms affecting the United States over the past couple of days claimed at least 16 lives as of Wednesday, December 18, 2019. 12 fatalities in the Midwest are blamed on dangerous road conditions, while at least 4 died in tornado outbreak in the Deep South. Meanwhile, snow squall warnings were in effect through the Northeast.

You have NO IDEA what’s coming: Virginia Dems to unleash martial law attack on 2A counties using roadblocks to confiscate firearms and spark a shooting war
After passing extremely restrictive anti-gun legislation in early 2020, Virginia has a plan to deploy roadblocks at both the county and state levels to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens (at gunpoint, of course) as part of a deliberate effort to spark a shooting war with citizens, sources are now telling Natural News.

Obama Admin Busted for Approving $200k Grant to Terror-Connected Organization
Few nations have felt the sting of Islamism as acutely as Sudan. When the Second Sudanese Civil War started in 1983 (just 11 years removed from the First Sudanese Civil War), the east African nation was already one of the more despairing corners on God’s green earth.

Mexico Is In Crisis, And It’s Not Just The Cartels. It’s The Elites
Last week, millions of pilgrims arrived in Mexico City for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. They came from all over Mexico and Central America—by bus, caravan, bicycle, motorcycle, even on foot. Driving through Mexico City in the days leading up to the feast, you could spot peregrinos hiking through the city, large icons of the Virgin Mary affixed to their backpacks and festooned with tinsel garlands.

Lesbian Ads On The Hallmark Channel Are Just The Beginning
On the latest episode of “Everybody on the Internet is Angry,” the Hallmark Channel found itself caught between a Christian rock and an LGBT hard place. After the network ran a commercial from online wedding firm Zola featuring a lesbian wedding, One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Association, “voiced its concern and gave Hallmark the opportunity to do the right thing.”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Rebel Yell Rings Out as USMC Major Warns Virginians Are Close to Tipping Point
Virginia’s Democratic politicians appear to be ready to drive the state into a period of massive civil unrest with no regard for citizens’ wishes,…“I work plainclothes law enforcement,” Woods said. “I walk around without a uniform, people don’t see my badge, people don’t see my gun, and I can tell you: People are angry.” Woods said that the situation in Virginia is becoming so dangerous that he is close to moving his own wife and unborn child out of the state.

96 MS-13 gang members taken down in huge NY gang bust
Prosecutors believe they will have rendered the central American MS-13 gang “inoperable” in New York’s Suffolk after they announce charges against 96 of the gang’s members. Authorities plan to announce the full list of charges against the gang on Friday afternoon, according to ABC News. The investigation included a two-year multi-agency effort that thwarted seven alleged murder plots, according to prosecutors who spoke on the matter.

Franklin Graham slams Christianity Today for invoking father’s name in call for Trump’s removal
The son of the late pastor Billy Graham said his father would have been “disappointed” by Christianity Today’s editorial calling for the removal of President Trump, which was widely celebrated by the left and crashed its website. Evangelist Franklin Graham told Fox News his father “dissociated himself from the magazine years ago” and was “disappointed” himself by the “moral high ground” they’ve tried to take but don’t have for invoking his father’s name to get rid of Trump. “My father knew Donald Trump, believed in Donald Trump, and in this last election, he voted for Donald Trump,”

ICC prosecutor says Israel committing war crimes, opens investigation
International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda believes Israel is committing war crimes in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza, and has opened an investigation into the matter. “I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine, pursuant to article 53(1) of the [Rome] Statute,” Bensouda said…

‘Extensive overlaps’ between BDS and terror groups revealed
The Shin Bet announced on December 18 that it arrested approximately 50 members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), ending the investigation into the August 23 terror attack that killed 17-year-old Rina Shnerb and revealing the organization’s ties to BDS, JNS reported. Shnerb’s brother and father, both of whom were with her during the explosion were injured, but survived.

North Korea warns U.S. could ‘pay dearly’ for human rights criticism
North Korea lashed back at the United States for taking issue with its human rights record…saying Washington’s “malicious words” would only aggravate tensions on the Korean Peninsula… The KCNA statement, attributed to a foreign ministry spokesperson, warned that if the United States dared to take issue with the North’s system of government by citing human rights problems, it would “pay dearly”.

Russia gas export pipeline in jeopardy as Trump signs sanctions bill
Swiss-Dutch company Allseas said it had suspended work on building a major Russia-to-Germany natural gas pipeline in order to avoid U.S. sanctions… The move throws into doubt the completion date of the $11 billion project that Moscow had said would be ready in months, jeopardizing plans to quickly expand Russian sales of natural gas to Europe via pipeline.

Dire situation after months of devastating floods in Republic of Congo, government urges international community to help
Widespread floods are affecting the Republic of Congo since October 2019, wreaking havoc and forcing thousands to sleep outside. On Tuesday, December 17, the government made an urgent appeal to the international community to help provide an efficient response to the humanitarian situation.

Hundreds of villages submerged, Riau declares state of emergency as severe weather leaves at least 6 dead and over 62 000 affected, Indonesia
The Riau administration in Indonesia has declared a state of emergency on Friday, December 20, 2019, after floods and landslides affected more than 62 000 residents and claimed at least 6 lives. Floods have reportedly submerged hundreds of villages in six of the province’s regencies.

Massive floods hit Cantabria, residents describe it as worst in history, Spain
Destructive flooding swept the town of Reinosa in Cantabria, Spain, on Thursday, December 19, 2019. The flood came after the Hijar river, which passes through Reinosa and its tributary Izarilla, rose significantly and burst their banks. Residents describe the event as the worst in history, with blackouts also reported amid heavy rain and winds.

Singer John Legend And Hollywood Elites Meet In London To Hand Out ‘Global Citizen Prize’ Under The Watchful Illuminati All-Seeing Eye
Here we are, on the cusp of 2020 and a brand-new decade, and the global elites no longer feel the need to hide themselves or their agenda. Even infamous end times villians the Bilderberg Group no longer meet in secret, being sure than nothing can stop their New World Order Agenda. Such is the case with a group called Global Citizenwhich brags of a $48 billion dollar bank account, and the endorsement of top-name Hollywood music and movie stars to sell their message to ignorant and worshipful millennials. Take a look at what just happened moments ago.

$3 Billion Private City With Underground Tunnels Proposed for California Homeless
As California continues to struggle with a growing homeless crisis a proposal hopes to crowdfund a massive $3 billion dollar private city that includes dorm housing and underground tunnels to house the homeless.

Socialist Bernie Sanders In Latest Democratic Debate Called Israeli PM Netanyahu ‘A Racist’ And Said America Must Become A Pro-Palestinian Nation
Hardcore Socialist and rape fantasy writer Bernie Sanders had a lot to say in tonight in the latest Democratic Presidential Debate. For one, he called Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu a racist, and said that America must become a pro-Palestinian nation. Did I mention that he has anti-semitic and anti-Israel Muslim Linda Sarsouras spokeswoman representing his campaign? Why did Bernie Sanders call Netanyahu a racist? Because Netanyahu is a pro-Israel zionist and Socialists like Bernie Sanders cannot stand anyone who stands for Israel.

Just As We Told You It Would Happen, The Vatican Now Makes Its Move To Bring Judaism Into Chrislam As The ‘Third Pillar’ Of The ‘Abrahamic Faiths’
Back in September, we broke the incredible story of a massive new headquarters being built in Abu Dhabi which will serve as the focal point of the One World Religion of Chrislam being pushed by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church. At the time we told you that it would house a mosque for Islam and a church for Catholicism, (see photo below), the only thing that was missing to make it complete was a temple for Judaism. We are pleased to inform you that much progress has been made and that Judaism well on its way to becoming the ‘third pillar’ of Chrislam.

US Jewish leaders welcomes German call for ban of Hezbollah
The heads of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations on Thursday welcomed the German Parliament’s resolution calling on the government to ban Hezbollah activities in Germany.

Forgiveness Or A Gift? Candidates React With Surprise When Asked Holiday Question
Democratic candidates paused in stunned silence when a moderator asked them whether they would give each other a gift or offer forgiveness for a comment made during the debate.

Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated
Keeping track of vaccinations remains a major challenge in the developing world, and even in many developed countries, paperwork gets lost, and parents forget whether their child is up to date. Now a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers has developed a novel way to address this problem: embedding the record directly into the skin.

Biological Male Files Lawsuit Demanding Entry Into Female Beauty Pageant
A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman is suing after being denied entry into a female beauty pageant in Oregon.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Israel decides all discussions about ICC issue are confidential
The Israeli government decided to approve a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make all discussions about a recent statement by the International Criminal Court saying that the court wants to investigate Israel for war crimes confidential, according to section 35 of Israel’s Basic Law.

Egypt to begin importing natural gas from Israel by mid-January
Egypt will begin importing natural gas from Israel by mid-January 2020, a senior industry source said on Sunday. Israeli gas exports to Egypt will gradually reach 7 billion cubic meters, the source said on condition of anonymity. Egyptian company Dolphinus Holdings reached a landmark deal last year with the Israeli companies operating the Israeli fields Leviathan and Tamar.

Cuba names Manuel Marrero Cruz as first prime minister since 1976
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has appointed the country’s first prime minister in more than 40 years – the tourism minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz. The post of prime minister was scrapped in 1976 by the then revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. It was reinstated under the rules of a new constitution for the communist-run island passed earlier this year.

How Trump is filling the liberal 9th Circuit with conservatives
A bastion of liberalism in the federal judiciary is slowly turning rightward, threatening Democratic court challenges on everything from abortion to who gets a green card. The Senate confirmation of Lawrence VanDyke and Patrick Bumatay to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals this month brought to nine the number of appointments President Donald Trump has made to the 29-member bench…

Russian-backed forces gain ground in rebel-held northwest Syria
Russian-backed Syrian forces have gained ground after a week-long renewed assault against the last opposition enclave in Syria’s northwest, the biggest such push in more than three months that has prompted a large civilian exodus… The wide-scale offensive led by intense aerial strikes on civilian areas in rural southeastern Idlib province broke months of stalemate on the frontlines…

Iran welcomes Japan opting out of US-led naval mission in Gulf
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has welcomed Japan’s decision not to join a United States-led naval mission in the Gulf and said he had discussions on ways of “breaking” the US sanctions. “Japan has announced it will not take part in the Americans’ plans for security in the [Gulf] region … which is something we welcome,” Rouhani said on state TV on Saturday after returning from a trip to Malaysia and Japan.

Iranians set up new companies in Turkey to evade US sanctions
Hundreds of Iranians have set up new businesses in Turkey to evade crippling US economic sanctions. More Iranians than any other nationality registered foreign companies in Turkey in the first 10 months of this year, according to new data from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.

‘Worst floods in 23 years’ displace around 37,000 in Narathiwat, southern Thailand
Severe flooding displaced some 37,000 residents in the province of Narathiwat, southern Thailand, authorities reported… Two days of torrential rains have inundated five districts in the province — Sukhirin, Waeng, Sungai Kolok, Chanae, and Si Sakhon. A resident of Waeng district said the flood was the worst in 23 years.

Iceland’s Emigration Center Disappears under Snow: “We’ve never before had snow on this scale”
“We’ve never before had snow on this scale,” exclaimed Valgeir Þorvaldsson, director of the Icelandic Emigration Center in Hofsós, North Iceland [as reported by icelandmonitor].

Judicial Watch: New Benghazi Documents Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up
Judicial Watch today released new Clinton emails on the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and would have exposed Hillary Clinton’s email account if they had been released when the State Department first uncovered them in 2014.

Is This Kim’s “Christmas Gift”? Satellite Images Suggest North Korea Readying
Just a few short days after Pyongyang warned “it is entirely up to the US what Christmas gift it will select to get” after N.Korea test-fired two short-range missiles on Thanksgiving Day, and then one just days before, it appears Kim is repeating an all too familiar pattern of doing threatening things on American holidays.

Storm Elsa hits southern Europe, leaving widespread destruction and at least 5 people dead
Storm Elsa is affecting parts of southern Europe, including Spain, Portugal and France, since December 18, 2019, with very heavy rain and strong winds, damaging buildings, cutting power supply and shutting down roads. At least 5 people have been killed, 3 in Spain and 2 in Portugal. A second storm, named Fabian, is expected to impact the region over this weekend.

Dire situation after months of devastating floods in Republic of Congo, government urges international community to help
Widespread floods are affecting the Republic of Congo since October 2019, wreaking havoc and forcing thousands to sleep outside. On Tuesday, December 17, the government made an urgent appeal to the international community to help provide an efficient response to the humanitarian situation.

Secretive California Military Base Rattled By Five Earthquakes In One Day
Five months after the biggest earthquake in two decades, a swarm of smaller quakes rattled a secretive Navy base in the Mojave Desert Thursday afternoon and before dawn on Friday, according to the US Geological Survey.

Instagram ‘Fact-Checking,’ Filtering Satirical Posts and Memes
Facebook-owned Instagram is “fact-checking” satirical posts and memes on the platform via its third-party fact-checkers, and filtering them from hashtag and “explore” results.

Texas State Trooper Prays During Traffic Stop with Man Who Lost Brother
A Texas state trooper stopped to pray with Lanell McGee James and her husband as they traveled to say goodbye to his brother.

The Attacks Now Coming At President Trump From Progressive Laodicean Evangelicals Reveals Deep Infiltration By George Soros Front Groups
George Soros was not a happy man in 2016. He had spent hundreds of millions of dollars to buy the election for his puppet Hillary Clinton through his myriad social justice front groups and the fake news media, and yet, he still lost. I think it is safe to say that Soros was truly stunned, blindsided even, when Donald Trump handily won the election. Lost people like George Soros don’t recognize the moving of the hand of God when they see it, but you and I who are saved certainly do. George Soros has another trick up his sleeve for 2020, and I thought you should know what it is.

Netflix Comedian Michelle Wolf Jokes About Having Her Abortion, Said ‘I Am God’ After She Killed Her Baby As Her Audience Howled With Laughter
Just like with the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile Movement, abortion in America started out as toleration. Then it became acceptance, and then it controlled the narrative. Liberals no longer talk about abortion being “rare, safe and legal”, nope, not anymore. Now it is fodder for joke tellers, and politicians use it to get elected. We live in a country that just passed a law outlawing animal cruelty, while at the same time proclaiming that murdering over 3,000 babies per day in the Planned Parenthood holocaust is “every woman’s right”. On Netflix, abortion is nothing more than a grist mill for jokes by unfunny sociopathic comedians.

ACLU Demands ‘Feminine Hygiene Products’ in Men’s Restrooms for Transgenders
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has demanded that men’s restrooms include feminine hygiene products to prevent “menstruation-related discrimination” against transgender and “non-binary” people, according to reports.

HUGE! AG Bill Barr Calls Out George Soros For Subverting Legal System and Causing “Increase in Violent Crime and More Victims” Through Targeting District Attorney Races
Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States. Many of his backed candidates have won their races and are causing havoc across the country.

Third tunnel found under US-Mexico border in Arizona town
Two Mexican nationals were arrested in Arizona this week after a third tunnel – providing a hidden passageway underneath the U.S.-Mexico border– was found in the town of Nogales this month, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement Thursday.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

IDF Strikes Hamas Weapons Factory , Tunnel, Naval Post in Response to Two Rocket Attacks
The IDF hit several military targets in Gaza overnight on Thursday in response to two separate rockets attacks from Gaza.

Iowa Man Gets 16 Years for Burning LGBT Flag
As leftists are free to torch U.S. flags across the nation, an Iowa man is paying a heavy price for burning a rainbow LGBT pride flag. In addition to spending a decade and a half in prison for burning the LGBT flag, the 30-year-old Martinez also will be serving an additional year for his use of fire and 30 days for harassment.

Gallup Poll Finds Majority Now Oppose Impeaching And Removing Trump From Office
More than 50% oppose impeachment and removal, an increase of five percentage points, according to the poll. (RELATED: Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets)

Top Chinese universities amend charters to remove reference to freedom
Dozens of Chinese students staged a rare protest on a university campus in Shanghai after their school amended its charter to remove references to academic freedom and replaced them with a pledge of loyalty to the ruling Chinese Communist Party. At least three top Chinese universities have edited their charters since the beginning of December, with Shanghai’s prestigious Fudan University removing references to “freedom of thought,” prompting the daring clap-back on social media from students.

Maryland Elections Board Sued for Hiding Voter Registration Records
“This case is greater than a denied open records request,” Churchwell continued. “This is a statement to election officials around the nation that you cannot expect to get away with denying a critical voting right—the right to inspect our election records.”

FISA Judge Orders FBI To Identify All Cases Involving Lawyer Who Allegedly Altered Carter Page Email
Clinesmith, who recently resigned from the FBI, has also been identified as the FBI employee who sent anti-Trump text messages discussed in a separate IG report released in 2018. According to the report, a lawyer identified as Clinesmith wrote Nov. 21, 2016, to a colleague, “Viva le [sic] Resistance!,” during a discussion about opposing Trump.

Turkey adds former Palestinian politician Dahlan to most wanted list
Arrest warrants have been issued for Dahlan on accusations of playing a role in the 2016 attempted coup in Turkey, seeking to change the constitutional order by force, and various spying-related charges, the ministry said in a statement.

Netanyahu: ICC makes Jewish rights to biblical Israel a war crime
Israel plans to push back against the “absurd” decision by the International Criminal Court: To turn the right of Jews to live in biblical Israel into a war crime, while ignoring the human rights abuses of countries like Iran, Syria and Turkey, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the cabinet at the start of its weekly meeting on Sunday.

Sanders: Netanyahu is a ‘Racist,’ US must be Pro-Palestinian
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) last week labeled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “racist” and said the U.S. policy must be “pro-Palestinian.”

British MPs backed up Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan to leave EU on January 31
British MPs have backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plan for the UK to leave the European Union (EU) on January 31. They voted 358 to 234 – a majority of 124 – in favour of the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill, which now goes on to further scrutiny in Parliament, the BBC reported on Friday. The bill would also ban an extension of the transition period – during which the UK is out of the EU but follows many of its rules – past 2020. The Prime Minister said the country was now “one step closer to getting Brexit done”.

Strong earthquake 6.4 Richter scale hits Afghanistan, Pakistan
A massive earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale struck Afghanistan and Pakistan on Friday evening, with casualties and property damage feared. Tremors of the quake, which occurred at 5.09 p.m. and whose epicenter was in the Hindu Kush region in Afghanistan with a depth of 210 km, were also felt across north India as far as the Delhi-NCR region, the IMD said.

Space Alien Research Could Get Its First Grad Program
Scientists aim to make the search for extraterrestrial intelligence academically respectable. Although SETI has been around for about 60 years, it is still a small and immature academic field, with its research happening largely outside the ivory tower.

Dulis: Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin’s Mass Murder
Reading this piece, …those issues are dwarfed substantially by the stunning hypocrisy of Galli’s judgment on the Deplorables… . e have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view,… Note the admission here: “We,” CT‘s editorial staff, have tried to understand the “they” of Trump supporters. That phrasing — us and them — indicates there are no Trump supporters among CT‘s editorial staff,… .

A decade of aliyah: In 2010s, 250,000 immigrants from 150 countries
Over 250,000 olim immigrated to Israel from 150 countries in the 2010s, the Jewish Agency announced on Saturday. The organization added that 2019 marked the record year for aliyah of the decade, with 34,000 new immigrants moving to the country, over 3,000 more than in 2015, which previously had held the record, and 3,500 more than in 2018.

Israel attacks military targets near Damascus, 3 dead – report
Three people were allegedly killed in reported Israeli strikes in Syria on Sunday night, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Israel attacked several targets in the Set Zaynab area near Damascus on Sunday night, the Lebanese newspaper Al Ahbar reported on Monday morning.

Syria war: Turkey can’t handle new ‘refugee wave’, says Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his country cannot handle a “new refugee wave” from Syria. Tens of thousands of people have fled towards the Turkish border amid increased bombardment of the rebel-held Idlib province in north-west Syria. Turkey already hosts some 3.7 million Syrian refugees – the largest refugee population in the world.

Isis in Iraq: Militants ‘getting stronger again’
There are growing indications that the Islamic State (IS) group is re-organising in Iraq, two years after losing the last of its territory in the country. Kurdish and Western intelligence officials have told the BBC that the IS presence in Iraq is a sophisticated insurgency, and IS attacks are increasing.

Here’s how China became the world’s No. 2 economy and how it plans on being No. 1
China is on the cusp of keeping a big promise — a vow to double its GDP and income in a decade and take the country to the forefront of the global economic power structure. The nation now faces the challenge of keeping the momentum going in the face of mounting challenges. The ascension began in the late 1970s with a move to more open markets.

Libya’s east-based forces seize ship with Turkish crew
Libya’s forces based in the country’s east say they have seized a ship with Turkish crew members amid tensions in the eastern Mediterranean over a contentious maritime border deal involving Tripoli and Ankara. The development comes as Turkey recently increased its backing for Libya’s U.N.-supported government, based in the country’s west, in the capital of Tripoli.

Climate change: Dutch court rules people have a fundamental right to be protected from climate change, government must reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The highest court in the Netherlands ruled Friday that the nation’s government must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the end of next year. The landmark case marks the first time a country has been held responsible by its courts to take action against climate change.

Tropical Storm “Phanfone” (Ursula) to hit the Philippines on Christmas
Tropical Depression “Phanfone” outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) has intensified into a tropical storm on Sunday morning, December 22, 2019. This is the 29th named storm of the 2019 Pacific typhoon season.

Tornado tears through Surrey, damaging at least 26 homes and 13 cars, UK
A tornado battered the town of Chertsey in Surrey County, South East England, on Saturday, December 21, 2019, damaging homes and properties. More than 90 flood warnings remain in place across southern England where areas have already been soaked by showers, the eastern region, the Midlands, and Yorkshire.

Trudeau moves to criminalize therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction
A bill that will criminalize “conversion therapy” in Canada is a “despicable” attack on religious liberty that could lead to Christians going to jail for proclaiming that homosexual individuals can change, warns Canada’s pro-life, pro-family organization Campaign Life Coalition.

Pope Francis, in Christmas Message, Says Church Must Adapt to Post-Christian West
The Catholic Church must adopt new approaches to evangelization in a post-Christian West, Pope Francis said in a Christmas message to Vatican officials.

Bloomberg Recommends Virtue Signaling Elites Atone For Private Jet Use With Carbon Credits
Eco-guilt has a price…

Pope quotes late cardinal to say the church is ‘200 years out of date’
Pope Francis on Saturday called on the Vatican hierarchy to embrace change as he quoted a late progressive cardinal who warned that the Catholic Church was seriously behind the times.

Artificial Intelligence: Discreetly Reported to White House Chinese Plans to Assassinate President Trump, Family, Cabinet & Members of Congress with Micro-Botic Robo Insect Drones, Says The AI Organization
This Press Release makes public our Report to the White House and Secret Service in the Spring of 2019, entailing China’s plan to use Micro-Bot’s, cybernetic enhanced dragonflies, and Robo insect drones infused with poison, guided by AI automated drone systems, to kill certain members of congress, world leaders, President Trump and his family.

Pope Francis Has Blasted Conservative Christians, Warning That: ‘Rigid Conservative Christians Are Actually Creating A Minefield Of Hatred’
Pope Francis has blasted conservative Christians who pursue their faith too “rigidly” cautioning their “rigid outlook” is developing a “minefield of misunderstanding and hatred.”

Democrats in Conjunction with the United Nations Are Moving to Plan B and the Complete Subjugation of fhe United States
I am in possession of information regarding the coming lockdown of California by Governor Newsome. The descrptions parallel what Mike Adams wrote in his ground-breaking article three days ago.

Steven Mnuchin Explains Why $1.5 Trillion In $100 Bills Have Disappeared
“There’s a lot of Benjamins all over the world”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Israel officially opposes Turkey-Libya sea corridor deal
When confronted on a Channel 13 interview with a report that Prime Minister Netanyahu had told Cyprus’ president last Friday that a maritime deal between Turkey and Lybia was to be condemned as “illegal”, Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz confirmed that “that is the official position of Israel.

Unidentified aircraft strike Iranian targets in eastern Syria – report
Unidentified aircraft struck targets belonging to Iranian militias near Al-Mayadin east of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria on Sunday, according to Deir EzZor 24, a local news source. Powerful explosions were heard in the area as the attacks happened.

Italian Prosecutors Believe Joseph Mifsud – The Man Who Started RussiaGate – “Is Dead”
What happened to Joseph Mifsud? It is the biggest mystery surrounding the man that allegedly began the FBI’s probe into President Donald Trump’s campaign and the now debunked theory that campaign officials conspired with Russia in the 2016 election. If anyone has answers into what really happened with the FBI’s investigation it would be him. Sources interviewed from the Italian prosecutors office, told the journalists that they believe there is an “80 percent” chance that Mifsud is no longer alive.

San Francisco Blows $94 Million This Year In Failed War On Human Excrement
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, “while progress has been made, the effort remains a losing battle,” despite paying ‘poop patrollers’ nearly $200,000 to manage the town’s fecal fiasco. Hilariously, while Mayor London Breed participated in a media blitz in response to software giant Oracle’s decision to move their massive annual convention to Las Vegas after two decades in SF, an image of a guy taking a shXX in a local Safeway was going viral. Like hepatitis C.

‘Stop Playing Games’: Graham Warns Pelosi Senate May ‘Strike Back’ Over Impeachment Debacle
“The Senate will decide how we dispose of this sham created by the house,” Graham tweeted, referring to the impasse created by Pelosi – who is refusing to transmit two articles of impeachment against President Trump until the Senate agrees to her terms.

About 1,500 killed in Iran crackdown ordered by Supreme Leader: Reuters
‘Do whatever it takes to end it,’ Ayatollah Khamenei cited as telling his lieutenants as bloodshed unraveled The brutal crackdown on the November protests in Iran came on a direct order from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Reuters reported on Monday, citing sources close to his inner circle.

Wettest Seattle since 1900, Driest Australia since 1903 — Repeating Cycles to blame, not CO2
The term ‘Climate Change’ has been hijacked by the activists, that’s clear now. These ill-informed marionettes are being controlled by the UN & IPCC via the MSM; manipulated into hanging ALL extreme weather events on the man-made carbon dioxide emission ‘hook’. There is no ‘controllable’ bogeyman out there, no matter how much tax you pay — this is a myth. Humans are powerless against the cycles of the cosmos — in particular, those of the sun.

Gears of the Gods — Earth’s Magnetic Poles are Wandering
Our planet is restless, and its poles are wandering. The geographic north pole is still in the same place it always was, but its magnetic counterpart – indicated by the N on any compass – is roaming towards Siberia at a record-breaking pace,… in recent decades, the magnetic north pole accelerated to an average speed of 55 kilometres (34 miles) per year. The most recent data suggest its movement towards Russia may have slowed down to about 40 kilometres (25 miles) annually, but even so, compared to theoretical measurements going back hundreds of years, this a phenomenon scientists have never witnessed before.

Earthquakes rattle Naval weapons development base in the Mojave Desert
A series of earthquakes was detected in and around a Navy base where new weapons are developed and tested. The Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake experienced tremors from Thursday afternoon through 3:30 a.m. Friday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. A handful of the quakes registered a 2.5 on the Richter scale, but none topped a 3.1 seismic reading.

Anti-Semitic Somalia Hit by Series of Plagues of Biblical Proportions
Somalia has suffered non-stop disasters for more than two years. An almost exclusively Muslim country, Jew-hatred is the rule and not the exception. Somalia’s two-year drought was followed by an antithetical flood. Authorities refused to say how many people were killed in the disaster. Crops growing in the wake of the drought were inundated and destroyed, raising the specter of famine yet again. a plague of locusts, the worst in at least 25 years, descended on Somalia last week, destroying at least 175,000 acres of farmland.

Israeli NGO to gov’t: Tax Arab Israeli terrorists on pay-for-slay income
…Last month, Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit ruled that pay-for-slay payments should be considered “income” according to the Income Tax Law, when he ruled that the National Labor Court should reject a request for state economic support payments by an east Jerusalem family who receives “pay-for-slay” payments from the Palestinian Authority.

Israel’s Christian population grows to 177,000 citizens
The Christian population of Israel currently stands at approximately 177,000 citizens, or 2% of the overall population, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) ahead of Christmas. Last year, the population grew by 1.5%, compared to 2.2% in 2017. Over three-quarters (77.5%) of Christians living in Israel are Arabs, the CBS said, representing 7.2% of all Israeli-Arab citizens.

Italian exorcist says society risks collapse due to ‘aggressive Satanism’
One long-time Catholic exorcist has sounded an alarm over what he called an uptick in “aggressive Satanism,” especially among young people, which he insists is due in part to the rapid growth of cultural secularism and a lack of strong role models. Among other things, Dominican Father Francois Dermine said, exposure to the demonic at a young age encourages violence, ranging from bullying to more serious manifestations.

Iran warns Israel ‘will regret’ alleged strikes in Syria
Israel “will regret” its alleged missile strikes against Iranian assets in Syria, a senior Iranian official told Russia’s state-funded RT channel in an interview published on Monday evening. The comments were published hours after three foreign nationals, believed to be Iranians, were killed in an alleged pre-dawn Israeli missile attack in Syria on Sunday.

Iran begins new work at heavy water reactor
Iran on Monday began new operations at the heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak, the head of the country’s nuclear agency said, according to The Associated Press.

Nearly 200 evangelical leaders slam Christianity Today for questioning their Christian witness
In a letter to Timothy Dalrymple, the president of Christianity Today, nearly 200 evangelical faith leaders condemned both its editorial calling for the removal of President Donald Trump from office and its editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, for dismissing evangelicals who oppose his views on the matter as being “far right.”

The Democrats Have Exhausted Their Options: THE CLEAR PATH TO CIVIL WAR
…With each passing day, the desperation of the Bolshevik Communist Democratic Party grows exponentially. As Mike Adams revealed, the Democrats have moved into a new phase, one I have labeled as Plan B. Plan B is certainly taking shape and it is decidedly moving the country in the direction of civil war.

California Governor Newsome Has Deployed His Private Army to Ukraine In An Attempt to Destroy Criminal Evidence Against the Democrats
..the most formidable armed resistance will not happen in Virginia, it will be on the “LEFT Coast” in California. However, before violent insurrection commences, the Democrats have one more card to play. They need to force a regime change in Ukraine so they can bury the evidence against them that could come out in a Senate Impeachment hearing. This is why Pelosi is hanging onto the articles of impeachment.

Pope Francis Tells His Followers That ‘True Disciples Of Jesus’ Do Not Share Their Faith, Says Christ-Rejecting People Are All ‘Children Of God’
Now we know that Catholics are not Christians, they are Roman Catholics after all, just as we know the Vatican system will be the fulfillment of the ***** of Babylon from Revelation 17 and 18 during the time of Jacob’s trouble. But here at the holiday season, in the spirit of brotherly love, let’s just for the briefest of moments say that the Roman Catholic Church is a denomination of Christianity. Let your imagination wander wildly when you do that. Now, have that picture in your mind? Pope Francis has just proved once again why we call him the Antichrist.

Legionaries founder sexually abused 60 boys, religious order’s report says
Sexual abuse of minors was rife among superiors of the Legionaries of Christ Catholic religious order, with at least 60 boys abused by its founder Father Marcial Maciel, a report by the group showed.

Over 130 across 25 states now sickened in romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak
Federal health officials have confirmed more than 130 illnesses in 25 states from E. coli connected to romaine lettuce.

Japan gov’t proposes ********* water release to sea or air
Japan’s economy and industry ministry has proposed gradually releasing or allowing to evaporate massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water at the tsunami-wrecked ********* nuclear plant.

Death toll from New Zealand volcano eruption rises to 19
The death toll from a volcanic eruption in New Zealand earlier this month has risen to 19 after police said Monday another person died at an Auckland hospital overnight.

Australia on fire: 9 people killed, more than 800 homes destroyed, nearly 100 fires in NSW and hotspots in every state
Nearly 100 bushfires are raging across New South Wales Australia as of December 23, 2019, at 12:00 UTC (23:00 LT), with hotspots in every state– a fire tracker map maintained by Western Australia researchers show that blazes are also threatening areas around every major city and that the fires have ringed the entire continent. “Australia is literally on fire right now,” said Richie Merzian of the Australia Institute, as nine have been killed so far and over 800 homes were destroyed. The hottest day since records began was registered on Wednesday, December 18 — at 41.9 °C (107.4 °F)


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Pope Says ‘Real Disciples Never Share Faith’ or ‘Try to Convert People’
“Asked by one of the students Friday how a Christian should treat people of other faiths or no faith, the pope said that “we are all the same, all children of God and that true disciples of Jesus do not proselytize.”………….Jesus said something different. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you (Matthew 28:18-20).

Sanhedrin Hosts Menorah Lighting on Mount Zion to Enact Ezekiel’s Prophecy of Judgement Against Edom
… the Sanhedrin will be hosting a Menorah lighting on Mount Zion for all nations, bringing together representatives of all of humanity, in what is the battle call for the war of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness. The battle lines have already been drawn and at stake are the fates of several governments, if not the world.

Cluster of 5+ magnitude quakes strikes off Vancouver Island
Four earthquakes measuring between 5 and 6 in magnitude struck Monday off the coast of Vancouver Island, the U.S. Geological Survey reports.

A Fulfillment of Prophecy’: Meet the Israelis Living in the Golan Heights
When President Trump recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, Israel thanked him by naming a community after him. But who would want to live so close to a hostile Syrian border with Iran trying to attack?

Iran spends nearly $25 million a day on agencies suppressing dissent
The protests started in mid-November over a tripling of gasoline prices and rationing, but also included an outcry against government corruption and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Hundreds of people were killed between Nov. 15 and 18, as the government cracked down on protests. The government shut down phone lines and Internet access, but videos emerged showing soldiers shooting unarmed civilians,

US Military Looking To Pull Back? Why The Pentagon May Withdraw Troops From West Africa
The Pentagon reportedly is weighing a decision on removing U.S. troops from West Africa in the first phase of a global redeployment to focus priorities on Russia and China.

What Are Hypersonic Weapons? Russia Claiming Military Superiority For First Time
Putin on Tuesday told military brass Russia has become the first country in the world to deploy hypersonic weapons, giving it military superiority over the United States for the first time. “Now we have a situation that is unique in modern history when they are trying to catch up to us,” he said. “Not a single country has hypersonic weapons, let alone hypersonic weapons of intercontinental range.”

Massive 2,034-foot asteroid will zoom past Earth just after Christmas
A gigantic asteroid will zip past Earth just after Christmas, NASA reports. The massive space rock, which is known as 310442 (2000 CH59), will be closest to our planet on December 26 at 2:54 a.m. EST, according to NASA. The space agency’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) estimates its diameter will be in the range of 919 to 2,034 feet. At the higher end, that means it could be as large as One World Trade Center in New York City, which tops out at 1,792 feet, including the tip.

Bloomberg Campaign Leveraged Prison Laborers To Make Campaign Phone Calls
Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign said it unknowingly utilized prison laborers through a subcontractor to make phone calls on behalf of the campaign. Prisoners incarcerated at an Oklahoma minimum-security women’s prison, the Dr. Eddie Warrior Correctional Center, were making calls to California on behalf of the Bloomberg campaign, The Intercept reported on Tuesday. The prison laborers disclosed during the calls that they were paid for by the multibillionaire’s campaign, but not that they were incarcerated.

Israeli Airstrike in Syria Kills Iranian General – Report
A source in the regional alliance supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Reuters that four cruise missiles were believed to have been launched across the coast through Lebanese airspace toward Syria. “One of the hostile targets fell in Aqraba region in the Damascus countryside,” the source said.
An alleged Israeli airstrike on Damascus on Sunday night reportedly killed three including an Iranian General.

SBC Professor Claims Women Can Preach Because Jesus Broke Commandments, Too
The theological ineptness of Karen Swallow Prior, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s new professor, knows no limits. In her attempt to defend female preachers, the self-professed feminist and animal rights activist claimed that Jesus broke the Sabbath, making it okay that women bend the Bible’s rules on preaching.

Pope Reinvents Church: Nixes Traditions, Claims Jesus is ‘Refugee’, and Now: ‘Eco-Sins’
Pope Francis’ Christmas address shocked many as he rejected tradition, Western culture and compared Jesus in Bethlehem to a refugee. “Christendom no longer exists!” Francis declared in his speech. “Today we are no longer the only ones who create culture, nor are we in the forefront of those most listened to.”Pope Francis specified that the culture he was rejecting was European. It should be noted that Jesus was not a refugee and was, in fact, described in the New Testament as being from the tribe of Judah.

Iraq’s Parliament Approves New Election Law amid Protests
Drafting a new election law has been a key demand for the hundreds of thousands of protesters who’ve taken to the streets in Baghdad and the predominantly Shiite south since Oct. 1. They’ve already forced Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi to resign late last month. Iraqi security forces have frequently responded with lethal force, killing at least 400 people.

IDF preparing for confrontation with Iran – Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi
The IDF is preparing for a limited confrontation with the Islamic Republic as Israel continues to act against Iranian entrenchment, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi warned Wednesday morning. “There is a possibility that we will face a limited confrontation with Iran and we are preparing for it,” Kochavi said at a conference in honor of former IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak…

Netanyahu announces 3,000 new units to be built in West Bank settlements
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that 3,000 new residential and industrial units would be built in settlements in the West Bank, Israel Hayom reported on Wednesday. According to the report, the decision will be brought before the High Court for approval within two weeks. The announcement came on the eve of the Likud Party primaries, which are scheduled for Thursday.

Australia comes out against ICC investigation of Israel
Australia opposes the International Criminal Court…decision to investigate alleged war crimes by Israel and the Palestinians, joining the US in speaking out against the probe…“Australia is concerned by the ICC Prosecutor’s proposal to consider the situation in the Palestinian Territories, subject to a ruling by the Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber on the scope of the Court’s territorial jurisdiction in the matter.”

India National Population Register: Database agreed amid protests
The Indian cabinet has approved funds for a census and a population survey to be held next year despite weeks of protests over a citizenship law that critics say is anti-Muslim. Authorities say the updated National Population Register (NPR) will be a comprehensive list of all residents. However, critics say it will be a list from which “doubtful citizens” will be asked to prove they are Indian.

Laser-Linked Satellites Could Deliver ‘Internet from Space’
A new design could double the network capacity of future “internet from space” systems. Satellites do not yet play a major role in the world’s internet infrastructure. However, this may soon be set to change. Within the next decade, a new generation of satellites could lay the foundations for an “internet from space,” says Ankit Singla…

First head transplant will be achievable within the decade, says former NHS neurosurgeon
The world’s first human head transplants may be just a decade away, a former NHS neurosurgeon has said, after working out how to achieve the groundbreaking operation. Bruce Mathew, a former Clinical Lead for Neurosurgery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, is now an expert in hyperbaric medicine, helping divers to recover from the bends.

Taiwan president urges more talks on contested China ‘infiltration’ bill
Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen urged parliament on Wednesday to have more discussion on a proposed anti-infiltration bill which the government says is needed to combat Chinese influence and has been condemned by the main opposition and Beijing. The legislation is part of a years-long effort to combat what many in Taiwan see as Chinese efforts to influence politics and the democratic process on the island.

Jordan Valley annexation to be put on hold amid ICC probe
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancels a meeting of an inter-ministerial team intended to discuss the annexation of the Jordan Valley, following the International Criminal Court’s decision to launch a probe into alleged Israeli war crimes against the Palestinians. The sources said Tuesday the meeting was due to take place over the past weekend…

Thousands mark Christmas in West Bank town of Bethlehem
Thousands of Christian pilgrims on Tuesday flocked to the West Bank town of Bethlehem, celebrating Christmas Eve in the traditional birthplace of Jesus. Visitors converged on the town’s large Christmas tree in Manger Square, near the spot believed to mark Jesus’ birthplace.

Iran to hold joint, four-day navy drill with Russia, China
Iran’s armed forces will hold a joint, four-day naval exercise with Russia and China in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, a spokesman said Wednesday. The drill, which is to start on Saturday, will be the first such trilateral exercise as Tehran seeks to boost military cooperation with Beijing and Moscow amid unprecedented economic sanctions from Washington.

China instructs Bible to be rewritten as pro-communist: report
The Chinese Communist Party instructed the Bible and other religious texts to be rewritten in an expressly pro-communist perspective that conforms with the party’s goals.

Exclusive: Pentagon warns military members DNA kits pose ‘personal and operational risks’
The Pentagon is advising members of the military not to use consumer DNA kits, saying the information collected by private companies could pose a security risk, according to a memo co-signed by the Defense Department’s top intelligence official.

After Years Of Supporting The Palestinians Over Israel, The Vatican Shows They’re In Full Control Of The West Bank City Of Bethlehem On Christmas Eve
For years now, Pope Francis from the Vatican has been supporting Palestine over Israel at every opportunity, and that support has paid big dividends. In 2015, Pope Francis signed a treaty giving official Vatican recognition to the state of Palestine. Last year the Catholic pope met with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss how they might go about overturning President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the list goes on and on. So what do we see on Christmas Eve 2019 in the town where Jesus was born? We see the hand-picked representative of the Vatican, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, crossing through the army checkpoint, and being escorted by uniformed Palestinian scouts as a conquering hero.

Typhoon “Phanfone” (Ursula) makes landfall in Samar, high-risk structures may experience heavy damage, Philippines
Typhoon “Phanfone,” known as Ursula in the Philippines, made landfall in Samar on December 24, 2019, with maximum sustained winds of 120 km/h (74 mph) and gusts to 150 km/h (94 mph) — Category 1 hurricane equivalent on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Destructive typhoon force winds are expected to begin affecting areas under TCWS #3 in Masbate including Ticao Islands and portions of Northern Cebu late evening, PAGASA warns. High-risk structures may experience heavy damage. Storm Surge of up to 2 m (6.5 feet) may affect the several coastal areas of Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, and Leyte.

BUSTED: FBI’s ‘Innocent Professor’ Halper Ran a Mob-Backed CIA Bank That Illegally Funded Millions to Iran Contras — After Halper Ran Spy Operation Against Jimmy Carter’s White House
Shocking revelations are surfacing against the FBI’s star witness who went undercover to infiltrate the Donald Trump campaign.

Tesla Model 3 Owners Are Taking The RFID Microchip From Their Key Cards And Implanting Into Their Arms In Mark Of The Beast Warm Up Act
As more and more time passes, people have gone from being afraid of the advancement of human implantable technology, to embracing it, and now they’re finding ways to do it themselves. This is the new frontier, and where the giants of Silicon Valley are investing billions. As we constantly tell you, the path to implanted microchips happens in 3 steps. Step 1 they get you in front of a computer, Step 2 they get the computer on you, as in your mobile device that’s always in your pocket, and Step 3? That’s the one happening right now.

Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners
As if Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s wholesale attack on law-abiding gun owners wasn’t enough, the disgraced public official and his Michael Bloomberg-bought allies in the General Assembly now want the state’s hard-working taxpayers to foot the bill for their unconstitutional schemes. The budget bill (HB30) includes an appropriation of a quarter million dollars to carry out a host of gun control measures that Northam and his anti-gun allies hope to enact.

George Soros and his ‘rented evangelicals’ outed by Christian leaders
A new video from the American Association of Evangelicals reveals how George Soros, through his many funding ventures, has been busily infiltrating the Christian base in America to divide, and ultimately conquer, the religious minded within the Republican Party.

Here’s How Bad San Francisco’s Poop Problem Got In 2019
San Francisco residents reported more than 30,000 cases of poop to authorities in 2019, city records show.

Whooping cough outbreak sweeps through Texas school with 100% vaccination rate, PROVING that vaccines don’t work (yet again)
A Texas school that touts a “100% vaccination rate” has been forced to close its doors and send students home after a whooping cough outbreak swept through the school, infecting students who were already vaccinated.

Confirmed: Abortionists really are Satan’s minions – check out this extraordinary video that was BANNED by YouTube
A pro-life group known as “Created Equal” has released a powerful new documentary entitled, Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons that exposes the many inextricable links between Satanism and the abortion industry.

Walmart pork found to contain deadly “superbugs” that are resistant to antibiotics
The animal welfare group “World Animal Protection” has published a new study revealing that many of the pork products sold at Walmart stores are contaminated with antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.”

BREAKING: Epstein trafficking network STILL operational, finds InfoWars investigation… photos, videos
InfoWars.com, one of the leading voices in independent media, is breaking a bombshell story tonight, revealing what appears to be strong evidence that the Jeffrey Epstein young girl trafficking network is still operational and still recruiting girls.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Trump Administration Names Ten Nations Most Guilty of Persecuting Christians
According to a statement from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued Friday, this year’s administration-designated CPCs are:

As Likud votes for leader, Netanyahu calls Putin to ask for backpacker’s release
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to pardon an Israeli-American woman imprisoned in Moscow on drug charges, his office said Thursday. The two leaders also spoke about Iran and Syria, according to Netayahu’s office.

Space Force is go for launch, but ‘thousands’ of decisions remain
With President Trump’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act tonight, the U.S. Space Force has officially lifted off. Senior defense officials and military leaders said that the law allows the new service to begin to execute on months of planning. But “thousands” of decisions have yet to be made. It’s not yet settled what missions, equipment, and facilities the new branch will take over from the Army, Navy, Missile Defense Agency and other Defense Department agencies.

Virginia setting stage to jail gun owners
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is setting the stage to jail gun owners. However, a new statement from the Institute for Legislative Action, the lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association, in the Daily Caller, bluntly warns that Northam “increases corrections budget in anticipation of jailing gun owners.”

Iraqi president threatens to quit in defiance of Iran’s allies in parliament
Iraqi President Barham Salih refused on Thursday to designate the nominee of an Iran-backed parliamentary bloc for prime minister, saying he would rather resign than appoint someone to the position who would be rejected by protesters.

UN women’s rights agency tweet depicts motherhood as a ‘penalty’ – at CHRISTMAS
Unless those in charge have lost their marbles, it seems the Christmas break at UN Women started a little early thanks to an entirely avoidable row about, of all things at this time of year, motherhood. As the 1.3 billiion Catholics all over the world reflect on the miracle a lowly young girl giving birth to the Savior just over 2,000 years ago, UN Women, ironically in charge of gender equality and female empowerment, tweet out a message detailing the disadvantages of motherhood as some sort of political point.

Trump warns Russia, Syria, Iran against killing civilians in Idlib
U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday warned Russia, Syria and Iran against killing civilians in Syria’s Idlib province and said Turkey was working hard to stop the “carnage.” “Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands if inocent (sic) civilians in Idlib Province. Don’t do it!

Turkey to send troops to Libya at Tripoli’s request -Erdogan
Turkey will send troops to Libya at the request of Tripoli as soon as next month, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday, putting the north African country’s conflict at the center of wider regional frictions.

Netanyahu on initial primaries results: Huge win!
“Huge win!” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on Twitter after initial election results started coming in. “Thank you to all members of the Likud for the trust, support and the love.” He continued, “I will lead the Likud to a big win in the upcoming elections and we will continue to lead the State of Israel to incredible achievements.”

Jordan: Temple Mount is Place of Worship for Muslims Only
Jordan’s Foreign Ministry condemned Jews making holy pilgrimages to the Temple Mount on Wednesday, calling their visits “ongoing Israeli violations against the Al-Aqsa Mosque”, according to Jordan’s official news agency.

Israel’s Military Chief: We’re Going it Alone in War Against Iran
Head of the IDF, Aviv Kochavi leveled with the Israeli people on Wednesday explaining that Israel will be fighting against Iran implying his disappointment with both the US and Sunni Gulf states who are also at odd with Tehran saying: “It would be better if we weren’t the only ones responding to them [militarily]”

Upside-Down World: Kanye West Preaches The Gospel As Pope Francis Tells People Not To Evangelize
Pope Francis has certainly said a lot of controversial things over the years, but what he just told a group of Christian high school students is the most controversial of all. I know that may be hard to believe, because some of the statements that Pope Francis has made in recent years have definitely been extremely bizarre. For example, he has said that “Muslim terrorism does not exist”, he told a gay man that “God made you that way”, and he has referred to Christian fundamentalists as “a scourge”. But what he has just said tops all of those previous statements.

DeVos, DOJ Slam Campuses Behaving As “Mini Police States”
Mississippi community college is defending itself against allegations from the DOJ and Betsy DeVos that it positions itself as a “police state” and threatens the free speech rights of its students.

Netanyahu victorious, vows US recognition of Israeli settlement annexation
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised in his victory speech after winning Thursday’s Likud primary that if re-elected prime minister, he will bring about American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over every Jewish community in Judea and Samaria. Speaking after defeating Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar, Netanyahu did not mention Sa’ar.

Israel shrugs at Hamas saying it will cancel Weekly Gaza riots – Analysis
Hamas announced Thursday that it was suspending its weekly rioting along the Gaza border fence for three months, and that when these “protests” resume in March, they will be monthly, not weekly occurrences. And the collective Israeli response was… a yawn. The announcement did not lead news broadcasts, which was dominated by weather news and Likud primaries.

Islamic State in Nigeria ‘beheads Christian hostages’
The Islamic State group has released a video claiming to show the killing of 11 Christians in Nigeria. IS said it was part of its recently declared campaign to “avenge” the October deaths of its leader and spokesman in Syria. No details were given about the victims, who were all male, but IS says they were “captured in the past weeks” in Nigeria’s north-eastern Borno State.

Japan to send warship, aircraft to Middle East to protect vessels
Japan will send a warship and patrol planes to protect Japanese ships in the Middle East as the situation in the region…remains volatile, a document approved by the cabinet showed on Friday. Under the plan, a helicopter-equipped destroyer and two P-3C patrol planes will be dispatched for information-gathering aimed at ensuring safe passage for Japanese vessels through the region.

More than 235,000 flee northwest Syria flare-up: UN
More than 235,000 people have fled the Idlib region over the past two weeks, the UN said Friday, amid heightened regime and Russian attacks on Syria’s last major opposition bastion. The mass displacement between 12 and 25 December has left the violence-plagued Maaret Al-Numan region in southern Idlib “almost empty,” the UN said in a statement.

Magnitude 5 quake strikes near Iran nuclear plant, no damage
A magnitude 5 earthquake struck southern Iran early on Friday near the Islamic Republic’s only nuclear power plant. Iranian state TV said it caused no damage or injuries. The quake hit Iran’s Bushehr province at 5:23 a.m., according to the US Geological Survey. It put the magnitude at 5.1 and the depth of the temblor at 38 kilometers (24 miles).

Egypt to reopen historic Jewish synagogue in January
Egypt is set to reopen a historic Jewish synagogue in Alexandria after a three-year process of restoration. The Ministry of Antiquities announced that the Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue will be reopened in January. It is one of the largest Jewish temples in the Middle East and has undergone a series of restorations since 2017.

Pro-life group delivers nearly 380,000 petitions in effort to ban dismemberment abortion in Michigan
A Michigan-based pro-life group delivered 379,418 petitions to the state capitol Monday in an effort to ban an abortion procedure known as the dilation and evacuation method, or dismemberment abortion, that’s performed during the second trimester.

Phanfone wreaks havoc across the central Philippines, leaves 16 people dead and tens of thousands affected
Typhoon “Phanfone,” known as Ursula in the Philippines, made its first landfall in Samar on Tuesday, December 24, 2019, with maximum sustained winds of 120 km/h (74 mph) and gusts to 150 km/h (94 mph) — Category 1 hurricane equivalent on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. In total, the typhoon made 7 landfalls before heading out to the South China Sea, killing at least 16 people and leaving at least 6 missing.

Creepy: Colleges are using cellphone data to track students and monitor attendance
Administrators tracking someone’s personal cellphone to monitor their location sounds like something the Communist Party might do in China. But it’s happening right here.

Teen Vogue Posts ‘Guide to Anal Sex’ on Christmas
Teen Vogue has, once again, published a “guide to anal sex” for their very young readers — this time, on Christmas

Greta, Boomers and Witchcraft: The Hidden Agendas of 2019
If you’ve read previous articles on this site, you probably noticed that the word “agenda” is used often. Very often. That is because this site analyzes mass media. And pushing agendas is (and always has been) the primary function of mass media..

Brunei makes celebrating Christmas a criminal offense
Imagine the outcry if any nation had made celebrating any Islamic festival a criminal offense. But no one will take any significant note of this.

Joe Biden calls for Christians to be added to terror watch list for opposing LGBT abuse of children
Former Vice President Joe Biden – who will never be elected president, by the way – has a message for American Christians: If you don’t defect from your faith and embrace leftism, then you’re going to be added to the government’s terror watch list.

Mexican Caravan Traveled In Opposite Direction Of US For Christmas Holiday
A caravan made up of Mexican nationals traveled south, leaving the United States, in order to safely enter Mexico and visit family for the Christmas holiday.

The Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Policies Of 2019
Pro-abortion lawmakers throughout the United States sought to instate policies in 2019 that expanded abortion access and removed safeguards on abortions. As Democratic lawmak

IG Report: Steele Used John McCain To Funnel Claims After FBI Dropped Him
Late Senator John McCain gave former disgraced FBI chief James Comey five different reports from Christopher Steele that the agency did not previously possess, which was also linked to the unsupported ‘Trump and Russia’ allegations, according to the Justice Department’s recent Inspector General report.


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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“White Man’s Burden”: The US Has Been Fighting “Forever Wars” Against Muslims For 120 Years
Despite over a century passing since the U.S. led a counterinsurgency war against the Islamic Moros in the southernmost island of the Philippines, its similarities with the Afghanistan war are incredibly noteworthy, to say the least…

Trump Calls on Americans to ‘Exemplify the Teachings of Christ’
President Trump called on Americans to come together, pointing to the example of Jesus Christ in a message released by the White House on Christmas Day. The president said, “While the challenges that face our country are great, the bonds that unite us as Americans are much stronger.”

Australia wildfires expected to worsen as another ‘extreme heat wave’ looms
Firefighters battling more than 70 wildfires in Australia’s most populous state are bracing for worse conditions as an “extreme heat wave” is set to hit over the weekend..

FBI Implicated In Destroying Evidence To Help Hillary Clinton
Now that the Mueller investigation is over, Republicans are going on the offensive. The American Center for Law and Justice led by Jay Sekulow has acquired copies of immunity agreements made by Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson in relation to the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Very Unusual Seismic Activity On West Coast Has Experts Extremely Concerned
The west coast never stops shaking, but lately the shaking has gone to an entirely new level, and this has many people deeply concerned about what may be coming.

21 sex orientation choices in next census
Adults will be able to choose between 21 sexual orientation options in the next Scottish census under plans to expand the categories.

Pope Francis Unveils Globalist New World Religion at Summit with United Nations Leader
Pope Francis’ war on traditional Catholicism has been ramping up recently, and he castigated Catholics who believe in tradition and refuse to warp Biblical scripture to appease a godless world for creating a “minefield of misunderstanding and hatred.”

Is China Engaging in Debt Trap Diplomacy? The pending Chinese acquisition of a stake in Tajikistan’s aluminum smelter, coupled with earlier tax concessions to Chinese companies that would substantially reduce the trickle down effect of investments for the troubled Tajik economy, suggest that China has yet to fully take into account frequent criticism of its commercial approach to Belt and Road-related projects.

In Stunning Technological Breakthrough, Researchers Successfully Teleport Data Between Two Quantum Computer Chips Without Electrical Or Physical Contact
Computer chips are advancing to the point where date is being transferred in particles of light suspended in space, opening up a door to advancements that will absolutely revolutionize every aspect of how we do business, transfer information and interact with our machines. We are not becoming cyborgs, we are cyborgs (your machine is always with you is it not?) who are deepening our dependence on the machines we have created. Ever see ‘The Matrix‘? You should watch it sometime.

Hobby Lobby Runs Full-Page ‘Christ the Lord’ Ads in Newspapers Around the Country – Skye Malmberg
Hobby Lobby ran full-page ads in newspapers across the nation during the week of Christmas that celebrated the birth of Jesus and recognized him as “Christ the Lord.”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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The Palestinian politician who turned terrorist
For years now, the Israeli defense establishment has been following Khalida Jarrar, a senior official in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Last week, she was named by the Shin Bet security service as the head of a large terror cell in the West Bank, responsible for, among other attacks, the murder of 17-year-old Rina Shnerb earlier this year.

US contractor killed, forces reported wounded in Iraq rocket attack
A US defense contractor was killed after rockets struck a base northwest of Kirkuk city in Iraq where anti-ISIS coalition personnel are located…The coalition said that “one U.S. civilian contractor was killed and several U.S. service members and Iraqi personnel were wounded in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base in Kirkuk hosting Coalition troops, on Dec. 27 at 7:20 p.m. (Iraq time).

Russia deploys Avangard hypersonic missile system
Russia’s first regiment of Avangard hypersonic missiles has been put into service, the defence ministry says. The location was not given, although officials had earlier indicated they would be deployed in the Urals. President Vladimir Putin has said the nuclear-capable missiles can travel more than 20 times the speed of sound and put Russia ahead of other nations.

NYPD stepping up presence in Brooklyn after a series of possible anti-Semitic hate crimes this week
The New York Police Department will increase its presence in several Brooklyn neighborhoods after at least six possible anti-Semitic incidents this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted Friday morning. More police will be seen in Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg, de Blasio said. Police will increase visits to houses of worship and “other critical areas in the community,” the mayor said.

China launches powerful rocket in boost for 2020 Mars mission
China Friday launched one of the world’s most powerful rockets in a major step forward for its planned mission to Mars in 2020. The heavy lift Long March 5 rocket carrying a test satellite payload blasted off from the Wenchang launch site on the southern island of Hainan at 8:45 pm (1245 GMT), a livestream from state broadcaster CCTV showed.

Hardline leader in Indian state defends “strict” action to quell protests
The chief minister of India’s Uttar Pradesh state has rebuffed accusations from rights groups of police abuses during protests against a new citizenship law, crediting his tough stand with restoring calm to the streets. The northern state has seen the most violent turmoil over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s citizenship law, which activists say is discriminatory towards the Muslim community…

Synchronized Israeli attacks on Jordan, King Abdullah
A series of anti-Jordanian articles appeared almost simultaneously in the Israeli media targeting Jordan and revealing deep Israeli anger and hatred for the Jordanian monarch. The articles appear to be based on a single source and they all reached the same conclusion. The independent daily Haaretz revealed that “Israel has big plans for Jordan, but they don’t include King Abdullah II.”


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Netanyahu: Israel to sign major gas pipeline deal in Athens on Thursday
Israel will sign a historic deal that will allow for the construction of a sub sea pipeline to send Israeli gas from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. The deal will be signed in Athens at a summit meeting between Netanyahu, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades.

Samoa lifts state of emergency over measles epidemic
Samoa has lifted a six-week state of emergency, which was put in place amid a measles epidemic that killed 81 people and infected more than 5,600. Just 200,000 people live on the South Pacific island nation, and vaccination rates are far lower than in neighbouring countries. Most of those killed in the outbreak were babies and young children.

Australia fires: Thousands told to evacuate in Victoria
Tens of thousands of residents and holidaymakers in the Australian state of Victoria have been told to evacuate amid worsening bushfire conditions. Temperatures of over 40C (104F), strong winds, thunderstorms and a change of wind direction meant Monday would be a day of extreme danger, officials said.

Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists exchange prisoners
Pro-Russian separatists and Ukraine have concluded a long-awaited prisoner exchange of 200 prisoners, the office of the Ukrainian president said. Ukraine’s government received 76 captives, with the pro-Russian separatists reportedly taking 124. Russian and Ukrainian authorities agreed to the swap – which is aimed at improving ties – at talks in December.

At Least 5 People Stabbed By Machete-Wielding Suspect At Monsey Synagogue, Suspect Arrested In NYC
At least five people have been stabbed in an attack at a synagogue in New York‘s Rockland County. That attacker is now reportedly in custody after fleeing the scene. CBS2’s Tony Aiello has confirmed a man entered Rabbi Rottenburg’s synagogue on Forshay Road in Monsey and stabbed several people just before 10 p.m. Saturday.

Protesters in Turkey denounce Russia over Idlib assault
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered near the Russian consulate in the Turkish city of Istanbul on Saturday to protest the intensifying Russian and Syrian government attacks on Syria’s last rebel-held province of Idlib. The demonstrators…gathered close to the Russian consulate in downtown Istanbul to “show the world that Russia is complicit” in the killing of civilians in Syria’s northern Idlib region…

Iraq beefs up security around Ain Al-Asad base hosting US forces
An Iraqi general said Sunday that security has been beefed up around the Ain Al-Asad air base…that hosts US forces, following a series of attacks. Maj. Gen. Raad Mahmoud told The Associated Press that investigations were still underway to determine who was behind the unclaimed attacks on bases across Iraq, including one earlier this month in which five rockets landed inside Ain Al-Asad.

Texas megachurch votes to leave UMC over homosexuality debate
A United Methodist Church congregation in Texas with approximately 2,800 members has voted to leave the mainline denomination because of its debate over homosexuality.

Death Toll Rises In Wake of Philippines Typhoon: At Least 28 Dead
Typhoon Phanfone, which swept through the central Philippines on Christmas Eve, has killed at least 28 people, leaving large areas in shambles, with thousands losing their homes and livelihoods.

Sentinel-2 provides evidence of increasing eruptive activity at Mt. Shishaldin, Alaska
The eruption of Shishaldin Volcano that began in late July continues with low-level explosive activity near the summit and effusion of short lava flows, tha Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reports.

Flood alerts in force as Tropical Cyclone “Sarai” strengthens to Category 2, Fiji
Tropical Cyclone “Sarai” strengthened into Category 2 on the Fiji Intensity Scale (Category 1 on the Saffir-Simpson scale) on December 28, 2019, and was positioned about 90 km (56 miles) SSE of Kadavu and 190 km (118 miles) S of Suva at 14:00 UTC today (03:00 LT, December 29).

Satan’s Organizational Structure for What Humanity Is Facing Including The Intentions of 250,000 UN Troops Based In Cuba
This article has several moving parts. First, in support of our investigation on the intentions of the Deep State in Virginia, I interviewed Paul Martin with regard to intel he possess about UN troops in Cuba and their potential involvement in Virginia. Secondly, this article is going to take a look beyond the organization structure of the Deep State that is managing most the artificial crises being visited upon America. If you have wondered how deep the threat runs against Americans, and for that matter, all of humanity, this article will introduce you to these concepts.

Iranians Are Converting from Islam to Christianity in Unprecedented Numbers
The Islamic nation of Iran is one of the most dangerous countries on Earth to be a Christian, yet the country has one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world.

Coudrey: Obama Was Paid $65 MILLION By Corporation Who Got $350,000,000 Contract To “Fundamentally Change” America
Lawrence David| It’s long been the contention at Patriot Crier that under the leadership of the Clintons and Barack Obama every possible U.S. asset was for sale.

Chinese national arrested after authorities said he was taking photos of Navy base
A Chinese man was arrested at a Navy base in Florida and charged with taking photos of the base’s facilities.

Radical Terror-Supporting Group CAIR Will Be Holding Kentucky’s First-Ever ‘Muslim Day’ To Promote Islam On January 22 In State Capitol Rotunda
It took Muslims in England over 30 years to establish a foothold in that nation, and with relentless and dogged determination they have slowly come to power. Just ask the Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, he will be happy to tell you how Islamists came to power in the land that gave the world the King James Bible. Or you could ask me, I will be happy to tell you as well.

Putting a Final End to the Denial of UN Troops On American Soil
According to some who cannot wipe the cognitive dissonance out of their eyes, there is no UN threat. We are 2 weeks away from full-out violence in Virginia according to Governor Northam’s announced intentions to use military force to seize guns. Many are holding him to original assertion that he plans to use UN troops in the effort.

U.N. Approves China-Backed Internet Convention, Alarming Rights Advocates
The United Nations on Friday approved a Russian-led bid that aims to create a new convention on cybercrime, alarming rights groups and Western powers that fear a bid to restrict online freedom.

BOMBSHELL: AIDS was developed as a bioweapon and administered through CDC-approved vaccine trials that targeted GAY men in the 1970s
Did you know that, just prior to the HIV and AIDS epidemic that swept the American homosexual population during the early 1980s, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had conducted a hepatitis B vaccine experiment that’s believed to have triggered it?


Re: Rapture Ready News -December 2019

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Magnetic North Pole has now crossed the Prime Meridian
Earth’s magnetic north pole, which has been wandering faster than expected in recent years, has now crossed the prime meridian, based on the latest model of the Earth’s magnetic field, released this month. “It’s the fastest recorded shift seen since the mid-16th-century,” said Dr. Ciaran Beggan, a geophysicist at the British Geological Survey. This latest WMM also has something new – Blackout zones. Blackout zones around the magnetic poles are defined as areas around the north and south magnetic poles where compass accuracy is highly degraded.

US hits pro-Iran group with deadly strikes in Iraq, Syria
The US has carried out air strikes against a pro-Iran militant group in Iraq, killing 19 fighters, two days after a rocket attack that killed an American civilian contractor. The Pentagon said on Sunday it targeted weapons caches or command and control facilities linked to Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) in Western Iraq, as well as Eastern Syria, in response to a barrage of 30 or more rockets fired on Friday.

Geert Wilders relaunches Mohammed cartoon competition
Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders said he was reviving a Prophet Mohammed cartoon competition Saturday, more than a year after cancelling a similar contest that sparked demonstrations and death threats. The MP and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) invited his Twitter followers to send in satirical drawings of Mohammed. “#FreedomOfSpeech must prevail over violence and Islamic fatwas,” he wrote in the post.

Military-grade drone will fly over San Diego next year
the SkyGuardian — a drone with a 79-foot wingspan and surveillance capabilities of over 2,000 feet— will be used for “mapping of critical infrastructure” in the San Diego region. The path and location of the flights were not disclosed. General Atomics’ goal is to integrate SkyGuardian drones into American skies in a variety of ways in coming years. A test flight in San Diego will figure prominently in demonstrating the drones’ civilian capabilities, … .

Democrats Want To Outlaw ‘Racist’ Single-Family Housing In Virginia
Democratic lawmakers in Virginia want to override local zoning laws and abolish single-family housing, which they say is racist and bad for the environment. The proposed changes were introduced on Dec. 19 by VA House Delegate Ibraheem Samirah (D) as part of six housing measures.

UN Moves Towards Handing Dictatorships Power To Control The Internet
The General Assembly has approved a resolution sponsored by China and Russia to set up a committee of “international experts” whose role would be to stop “the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes.” However, many caution that the move is merely a back door for authoritarian regimes to further censor dissent.

Zuesse: Russiagate Investigation Now Endangers Obama
Obama is now in severe legal jeopardy, because the Russiagate investigation has turned 180 degrees; and he, instead of the current President, Donald Trump, is in its cross-hairs. Although he, of course, cannot be removed from office (since he is no longer in office), he is liable under criminal laws, the same as any other American would be, if he committed any crime while he was in office.

Hamas faces backlash over ‘ceasefire deal’ with Israel
The Palestinian Authority and several Palestinian factions have criticized Hamas for its reported readiness to reach a long-term ceasefire with Israel, warning that such a move would “solidify” the split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Nation of Ishmael Lights Menorah with 70 Nations on Mount Zion
A delegation representing the Noahides was present at the event. This included a representative from the Arab nations; Muhammad Massad, a longtime resident of Haifa originally from Jenin. Massad is a devout Muslim who believes that his faith and Arab identity require him to support the Jewish return to Israel. Massad’s desire for the Jewish Temple came from his belief that the Organization of 70 Nations was the means to bring universal peace

Dutch Politician Calls to Shut Down ICC in Hague over Anti-Israel Agenda
Firebrand Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders has called for the closing of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague and to deport its lead prosecutor Fatou Bom Bensouda for her/its anti-Israel bias.

Five Hasidic Jews Stabbed by Machete Wielding Assailant in NY: Two in Critical Condition
During a Chanukah gathering in the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg, in the Forshay neighborhood in Monsey, N.Y., an individual with a scarf covering his face entered just before 10 p.m., brandishing a knife and began stabbing some of the Chassidic Jews gathered for the celebration.

Betelgeuse Supernova: Pre-Messiah Star of Jacob to Herald Gog Magog War With Iran
Betelgeuse, a relatively close star, is acting strange and astronomers are worried. The star, usually one of the brightest in the night sky, has visibly dimmed to its weakest in at least a century. Astronomers are unsure of the significance but one possible scenario is quite alarming: the star may go supernova, dying out in a blaze of glory.

Ex-IDF intel chief: Now that US engaged Iran, Israel must be careful
Following Sunday’s US airstrikes on Iranian-affiliated militias in Iraq, Israel must now be more careful about its own airstrikes in Iraq… Yadlin said that the US decision to directly engage Iran and its proxies with kinetic force was “the crossing of a rubicon” in which the US set down a red-line for Iran that it will respond with military force if the Islamic republic kills Americans.

Hamas blames PA for Israeli strike on Islamic Jihad commander
Hamas has accused Palestinian Authority intelligence officials of helping Israel to kill radical Islamic Jihad commander Baha Abu al-Ata last month and released CCTV footage of the airstrike on the northern Gaza safe house at which he and his wife were staying when the strike took place.

A very LGBTQ decade: Gay marriage, trans rights and a ‘rainbow wave’
At the dawn of the year 2010, few Americans could predict that the coming decade would revolutionize the legal and cultural landscape for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and ***** people. After all, it was only in 2003 that homosexuality was decriminalized across the country, thanks to a landmark Supreme Court ruling.

Major winter storm hits United States with heavy snow and freezing rain
A major winter storm has intensified as it shifted across the Plains and into the Upper Midwest this weekend, and is likely to continue disrupting holiday travel through New Year’s Day. The storm has brought a mix of snow, rain, and ice to the Twin Cities and several Midwest hubs, and is now headed for the Great Lakes and New England.

‘Get out now!’ – More than 30 000 people forced to evacuate East Gippsland due to extreme fire danger, Australia
Authorities of the Australian state of Victoria have ordered more than 30 000 residents and tourists in East Gippsland to leave the region immediately as bushfires have reached an extreme danger level. Dangerous fire conditions are expected across the state today and tomorrow, BOM said, with very hot temperatures in the forecast followed by strong and gusty NW’ly winds expected to develop on Monday afternoon (LT), December 30. A severe weather warning has been issued.

Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America?
Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to revealing the full breadth of corruption and criminality of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey and other treasonous criminals (including John McCain).

Texas church shooting: Gunman kills 2, ‘heroic’ parishioners take down shooter
A gunman opened fire in a Texas church on Sunday, killing two people and injuring others before two “heroic” parishioners shot and killed him at the scene, police said.

US strikes five facilities used Iran-backed militia in Iraq, Syria
The U.S. military struck five facilities used by an Iran-backed militia in Iraq and Syria blamed for a rocket attack that killed an American contractor.

Netanyahu Posts Mark Levin Show Alleging PM Victim of Coup
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday posted a video with Hebrew subtitles on his social media accounts entitled “The Coup Against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” in which a former U.S. federal prosecutor tells Mark Levin that the Israeli premier is facing bogus charges orchestrated by an “unethical” and “feckless” attorney general.

CHANUKAH STABBING: Monsey Machete Assailant Is a Recent Muslim Convert And May Be Linked to Another BRUTAL Synagogue Stabbing
The stabbing was so brutal, police thought the victim had been hit by a car, but still they did not think it a “hate crime.”

Filled with pride: LGBTQ-obsessed mother beats seven-year-old son to death because he refused to dress like a girl
Yet another innocent, underage boy has been brutally victimized by the Cult of LGBTQ for refusing to become one of them.

China Launches Stealth Rate Cut By Switching Benchmark Lending Rate, Lowering Funding Costs
China’s latest attempt to quietly stimulate the economy in a time of soaring food prices may end up doing far more bad than good.
