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Chains & Sprockets

Just thought I would put a new chain on my '43 WM20 today before next weekends riding. Bought a 95 link '520', so set about fitting it (95 links plus the half link. Low and behold, way too long ! Snail cam adjuster nearly half inch away (gap) from max adjustment before chain even resembles taughtness.
Yes, should have counted links on my existing chain (94) before ordering.
Rear sprocket appears good and 42T and gearbox sprocket 18T. New chain is 94 full link plus the half link and connecting link, is this correct ?

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

94 plus a half link would make it 95. Lay the chain on the bench with the split link in place and count the roller pins.

If you have to add a half link at any time. They come as a 1 1/2 link. So you have to remove one link then add the 1 1/2. :relaxed: Ron

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

so I ordered a 95 link from the chain guy and have actually received a 96 link when the split link added ?

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

95 links will include the split link. The chain guy will know that for sure. The split link is not an extra link, it's just a means of joining the chain. It's why I suggested you add the split link for a count up of the pins.

Did you use Jason (The chain man)? Ron

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

Yes I did use Jason. I have counted the chain and with the split link in place there are 97 rollers. I guess I will have to remove 2 to get the 95 I require.

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

If you asked Jason for a 95 link chain. Why on Earth did he supply a 97 link?? Ron

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

Bad day at the office perhaps ? Stumped me for a while! No issue now. I pressed a pin out and lost 2 rollers. All fitted now. The big tight spot on my old chain is gone now as the new one appears to have an even tension all round.

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Re: Chains & Sprockets

Good work!:+1: Ron

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