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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

Below is an extract from an article about post war James motorcycles used by the RAF....

'The 99cc Commodore was discontinued in September 1953, but the name would return later to title the AMC 250cc L25 models.

Plummeting sales of the James J1 Autocycle prompted the inevitable notification of its discontinuance in July 1954, leaving the J11 Comet to carry the lightweight standard. Autocycles were now in steep decline, their sales squeezed in competition with cheaper cyclemotors, and more practical lightweight motor cycles, while ahead loomed the growing spectre of the moped.

Considering the popularity of the earlier ML (Military Lightweight) model over the previous decade, up to its discontinuance in 1948, James must have been disappointed that uptake of Comets by the forces was not reflected. Only the RAF subscribed to a small number of machines to serve as general airfield runabouts. These were usually fitted with frame panniers, leg shields and windscreen, which may go to explain the unusual mounting of the dipswitch on the tank strip.

Our featured 1955 J11 Comet is one of these ex-RAF models, still in military blue/grey livery, and originally designated 17AM40.'

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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

The model noted above doesn't have girder forks, it has the very lightweight teles...It may well be that the girder fork models were not used post war or perhaps some wartime ones were employed later on....What is certain is that they had more than TRWs and B40s in the post war period.....Ian

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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

I found that article and downloaded the pictures. I don't know if you could ever find out which ones served with the AM (Air Ministry)? But you could paint a lookalike. Ron

PS the whole article.

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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

Ok, I have 3 kinds of James motorcycles in my files, 4 contracts of 98cc. 1 contract with James Cadet 147cc. and 1 other contract with James Cadet 147cc. No frame numbers, no destination, just dates and prices.



email (option): welbike@welb**

Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

Ron Pier
I've never heard of it! Post war they were using BSA B40's and Triumph TRW's. Ron
You and Ian must be getting old Ron, Shane used to bring his to the Buckfastleigh show nearly every year.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

It's the short term memory that goes first Rob..:laughing: ...I thought of Shanes bike when I saw the initial post but I wasn't sure whether it was original so thought better of using it as an example....Now what was it I was going to do today?.....:slightly_frowning_face: ....Ian

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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

Exactly the same for me Rob. I'm sure Shane said his was a just a mock up? Ron

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Re: james comet 2 speed, 98cc,, rigid frame with girder forks

That's possible, I don't seem to have taken any pictures of it.


email (option): robmiller11(a)

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