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Parts you Forgot About

Life's good sometimes, especially sorting through boxes you packed away years ago and forgot about............

Found a further quantity of WD Flea parts today that I'd buried, including NOS Miller Ignition coils, fork and wheel spindles, a set of fork blades, front wheel, fuel tank, gearchange gates and levers, etc........well pleased.......

Plus a box or two full of Burman, Norton Dollshead and BSA gearbox many other parts.........

Now only need time to sort some point or another I want to keep enough Burman parts to keep the W/NG on the road and as for the 16H enough parts to build-up a spare gearbox.................

Re: Parts you Forgot About

Might any of those Miller ignition coils be up for sale Steve?


email (option): colinbrannigan'

Re: Parts you Forgot About

Possibly Colin, but I'm currently building up two Flea engines for me and a friend plus need to keep a spare too................bear with me on this as only two NOS coils plus several good used ones.........

Re: Parts you Forgot About

I will bear with you Steve, thanks, my flea does run now, I grafted in a Villiers short coil and works fine, am now in the process of registering the flea with the DVLA.
I should suss out how to post photos on here.


email (option): colinbrannigan'

Re: Parts you Forgot About

I had a 6-8 week sort out recently which I've now completed...(Actually, I finally got fed up sorting through boxes of shrapnel...)

Much of it was past its 'sell by' date and though arguably usable was of limited value and not particularly rare...

That all got weighed in along with damaged/rusty heads and barrels, cranks with damaged threads/worn mainshafts, damaged/corroded crankcases, timing covers etc. etc...

In fact all the things I thought 'might come in handy' or 'might become worth repairing one day'...I realise now it's not going to happen in my life time...

I did find lots of good stuff as well, some of which I've given away/sold or cleaned up and preserved for future use...

I soon realised I had far too many of some parts (do I really need 30 M20 conrods or 28 assorted crankshafts?) and too few of others...The correct 'balance' for my own use has now been restored...

Amongst it all were a few gems I'd forgotten about or not seen recently...

An additional bonus is I now have more space and can find what I need more easily..

In the Autumn when the weather starts to get cold again I'll start on the gearbox parts.. ...Ian

email (option):

Re: Parts you Forgot About

Hi Steve

Is the ignition coil repairable ?



Re: Parts you Forgot About

Hi Dave. Can you email me about various Flea bits and I will answer asap ? Apologies, but wife back in hospital so priorities elsewhere atm......

email (option):

Re: Parts you Forgot About

Hi Steve

Will do..........Sorry to hear that ,hope everything goes ok .


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