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Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

I now have WD style pannier racks and panniers fitted to my M33 as BSA listed in 1952(talk about using up existing stocks!!). I went to my local Camping supplies shop today and asked if they sold a waterproofing material for the panniers. I was told the canvas fibres would swell when wet and become 'waterproof'.
So my question is :- Have any of you used anything for waterproofing or have you just left them to face the elements?

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Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

Hi Frank...I gave mine a good dose of Thompsons water proofer that you can buy at builders merchants...A lot cheaper than the camping shops and does the same thing...

I also put heavy duty bin liners inside the bags when loading up for touring...Nothing has ever got wet so far!....Ian

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Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

An erudite reply Ian.. Thanks for that..

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Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

A tin of 'Finilec' tyre sealant discharged inside the pannier will waterproof it effectively.

I know this....

make sure there is no loose clothing there at the same time...not nice...

Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

When I lent my M20 to a pal to take to Normandy one year he thought it would be a good idea to put the large bottle of fizzy orange drink he'd bought into the pannier..

It didn't take too many miles before the bottle exploded.... ....

I also remember a trip to Scotland when after a long days ride my primus cooker had been completely reduced to a kit of component parts...No vibration then... ...Ian

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Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

, two pots of fresh cream and a bottle of unpasturised Guernsey milk

Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

Half a dozen broken eggs in mine

Re: Canvas Panniers waterproofing?

[' two pots of fresh cream and a bottle of unpasturised Guernsey milk']

Try clotted cream...much more durable.. ...Ian

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