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bsa factory

This is Whats left of the Redditch Studley road bsa factory . It was the Factory canteen and now is a working mans club
I was taken here numerous times as a lad by mom and dad and granddad as they worked there . It still stands today .
It was a rush build in 1938 ready for the out brake of ww2 so my granddad told me . He worked on the guns here during the war years as he was invalided out of the royal navy when he fought in the Chinese Japanese war 1934/36

studley road redditch photo 13.jpg
studley rd redditch photo image009.jpgstudley rd redditch photo image011.jpgbsa studley rd redditch photo image013.jpgbsa canteen studley rd redditch photo image015.jpg

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Re: bsa factory

Great pictures Gary!...Was this the factory where the Bantams were built post war?...Ian

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Re: bsa factory

Some more pictures of a few more remains here.

Very sad.

Re: bsa factory

Hi Ian yes it was and also the c models my mother timed the engines and fitted the rings to pistons !!
there was a bigger factory in Redditch town centre but the story goes it was closed in 1923 as it was doing better than the armoury rd factory
I do have a photograph some were

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Re: bsa factory

Hello btb i have a copy of those pics and manny more taken by my uncle Who worked there he travel by Bicycle with a power pack on from redditch to the brum factory and he purchased parts of a plunger B31 and brought it home peace by peace in a haversack until it was complete he had his mate deliver the engine

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Re: bsa factory

Thanks Gary, great pictures.


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Re: bsa factory

Hi,here's a picture from the 1920s of Armoury road,there are more recent pictures
nearby,but there seems to be confusion between BSA and Singer cars.Maybe a local
can verify the other pictures.
(dont forget to sign in to use their zoom facility)
cheers Rick

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Re: bsa factory

the famous bsa anti aircraft gun and another modern pic of the bsa

 photo 14.png photo image007.png

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Re: bsa factory

Hi,sorry heres the link i intended to post DOH

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