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Left hand bottom stay

I have problems mounting the left hand bottom stay66-6887; it touches the rear brake lever when the chain is at the correct tension. Do I have to add a link ?
 photo Brakeleverposition2_zps064430af.jpg

Or should there be a sight curve in the stay?
 photo DSC01996_zpse713d584.jpg
Any suggestions appreciated!

email (option): viaconsu [at] planet'dot'nl

Re: Left hand bottom stay

Is the brake torque arm the correct length or if it is an original one are the ends just a little bit elongated? Or is the tab for the pannier frame just a little bit too vertical ?

email (option):

Re: Left hand bottom stay

The pannier support tube should have that slight curve at the end...Check that you have the right number of links in the rear chain...The M20 has an 'odd' number..69 I think from memory...Ian

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Re: Left hand bottom stay

I'd be shortening the torque arm a tad.

Re: Left hand bottom stay

Hans I'd check your chain lengths first, as Ian suggested. The rear chain should be 95 links with a standard 18T gearbox sprocket, the primary is 69 links with a 19T engine sprocket. Any increase in sprocket sizes will require extra links to end up with the wheel in the right location. Ron

email (option):

Re: Left hand bottom stay

So much for my memory..I got the primary and rear chains mixed up.. ...Ian

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Re: Left hand bottom stay

I dont see how moving the axle forward or back will change anything?

Re: Left hand bottom stay

Well, when the backplate is moved backwards, it also turns clock-wise, being held by the brake steady and the offending 'knob' goes downwards

email (option): viaconsu [at] planet'dot'nl

Re: Left hand bottom stay

Ok Hans i see now. Pity all of the axle slot can't be used though.

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