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Do You Need Blepharoplasty?

Patients who choose to undergo blepharoplasty fall into one of two categories: functional or aesthetic. If you are a patient who needs blepharoplasty for functional reasons, blepharoplasty cost you no doubt believe that surgery is necessary. A drooping or deformed eyelid can really affect the quality of life. Those who wish to undergo blepharoplasty for cosmetic reasons must weigh the costs against the benefits. Should you decide to proceed? Read on below as we explore what the surgery entails, what you can expect from the end result, and whether it's an avenue you should ultimately explore.

Blepharoplasty involves removing and/or repositioning tissue in the eye area. Usually, the treatment of this area also affects the eyelids, the tissues around the eyebrows, the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and the upper parts of the cheeks. Surgery can alleviate problems that commonly occur from the eyebrow area to the upper part of the face. These problems include eyelids that do not function normally. Laser blepharoplasty is a common means of solving this problem. Those who opt for the procedure due to the inability to see clearly due to drooping eyelids can usually achieve full relief with the procedure. However, the age of the patient and the elasticity of the skin play a role in the success of the final result.

Cosmetically, Asian blepharoplasty widens the eyes and creates a different aesthetic appearance. It actually creates a crease in the upper lid; almost fifty percent of the Asian population is born without this crease or crease. Surgery will "open" the eyes, but is usually not medically necessary. Therefore, insurance is unlikely to cover this procedure. In this case, it's helpful to look at before and after pictures and decide whether or not blepharoplasty will get you the look you're looking for.

A side effect of blepharoplasty, which patients consider a welcome result of the operation, is the removal of bags under the eyes. This cosmetic benefit can occur regardless of whether the surgery is performed for functional reasons. Whether it's done to improve aesthetics or correct a physical problem, one thing is constant: it's likely to improve overall aesthetics.

To find out whether or not blepharoplasty is an avenue you can explore, consult with a qualified doctor. A doctor who listens carefully to your needs and wishes regarding this surgery will be the one most likely to know what you want to achieve with the procedure and should be able to tell you sensibly if this is the right choice for you.