Here's a chance for everyone to attract our attention to anything entertainment related they've done or written that can be found on the Web. For example JR's blog, nicolas' reviews (although they're in French) or Kevin's reviews on his newspaper's Web site. Here's my first humble entry:
After receiving some compliments on the way I put words together in a professional setting (where I work as a city planner), I thought I'd flex my remaining creative writing muscles to do some film reviews.
I don't update it much unless I have a writing bug, but it's my little corner. I would definitely appreciate a larger audience and feedback.
Sorry, didn't read myself.
Forget the second link, it'll take you to the etat critique site, but I publish those reviews in my blog as well.
Nicolas, please, read yourself before hitting "post" ...
Just in case someone's interested, I'm posting in River's invitation about the origins of pop music, starting with blues and found very interesting things about the connection between Africa and Afro-American music.
I liked your last post about Africa and the blues.
The only way I ever get comments is to ask direct questions in the post. Last one I put up I asked people to list their favorite drinking songs. Got a good response from that question.