01. Santogold ´Santogold´
02. Deerhunter ´Microscastle/Weird Era Cont.´
03. Vampire Weekend ´Vampire Weekend´
04. El Guincho ´Alegranza´
05. Fleet Foxes ´Fleet Foxes´
06. Bon Iver ´For Emma, Forever Ago´
07. Girl Talk ´Feed The Animals´
08. Lau Lau ´Nukkuu´
09. Jay Reatard ´Singles 06-07´
10. MGMT ´Oracular Spectacular´
11. The Dodos ´Visiter´
12. Portishead ´Third´
13. The Walkmen ´You & Me´
14. TV On The Radio ´Dear Science´
15. Hot Chip ´Made In The Dark´
16. Kanye West ´808s & Heartbreak´
17. Kemialliset Ystavat ´Split Series´
18. Beach House ´devotion´
19. Hercules And Love Affair ´Hercules And Love Affair´
20. She And Him ´Volume One´
21. Gang Gang Dance ´Saint Dymphna´
22. The War On Drugs ´Wagonwheel Blues´
23. Indian Jewellery ´Free Gold!´
24. Jason Collett ´Here´s To Being Here´
25. Johann Johannsson ´Flordlandia´
26. No Age ´Nouns´
27. Wolf Parade ´At Mount Zoomer´
28. Lucky Dragons ´Dream Island Laughing Language´
29. GZA ´Pro Tools´
30. The Tallest Man On Earth ´Shallow Grave´