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wilco and fleet foxes singing Dylan

I heard they are toutring together in the US
Gosh ! My favorite band of the 2000's and my favorite discovery of 2008 singing "I Shall Be Released"

Re: wilco and fleet foxes singing Dylan

Cool! Thanks Nicolas.
The Foxes will be in Europe in November, I see. I missed their recent gig at a mini-festival in Copenhagen :-(

Re: wilco and fleet foxes singing Dylan

Yeah I know it's already sold out in paris
They will play at the Olympia with MGMT and Alela Diane
God I'm very disappointed

Re: wilco and fleet foxes singing Dylan

nicolas, must have missed out on this post completely. That's a very nice video!

Re: wilco and fleet foxes singing Dylan

Speaking of Dylan there is a site where you can find who covers Dylan songs called secondhandsongs if you are interested.