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How high will the 2007 albums score in the next update?


I was wondering how high you think the 2007 albums should score in the all-time list? In my opinion, If we consider, for example, the #1 (Arcade Fire's "Neon Bible"), I doubt that this album would make it to the top 100 and surpass its predecessor ("Funeral").

BTW,Retrospectively, I think 2007 was, maybe, the best "music-year" we've had since a while (like 1991 :) ). Albums such as :

Sound of Silver
Strawberry Jam
Person Pitch

Should be considered as good (and maybe as acclaimed in the future) as several albums in the top 100.

Maybe they won't make it this year, but I think we will see the best 2007 albums climb rapidly in the next years adjustements.

What do you think?



Re: How high will the 2007 albums score in the next update?

I think the 2007 roster of the top 500 at the next update will be:

In Rainbows
Neon Bible
Sound of Silver

Re: How high will the 2007 albums score in the next update?

Plus BACK TO BLACK, a 2006 release that scored almost all its acclaim in '07. It will almost certainly vault from Bubbling Under all the way into the top 500.

Re: How high will the 2007 albums score in the next update?

Yes, I'd forgotten about that. I also think Person Pitch may have an outside shot. And maybe Boys And Girls In America.

Re: How high will the 2007 albums score in the next update?

BOYS AND GIRLS IN AMERICA is already in the top 1000, as a 2006 U.S. release. The acclaim it got in 2007 after its U.K. release, though, might very well propel it into the top 500.