Hmm, perhaps this single from their ibtaba album makes it too difficult now? I can only think of Andrea Bocelli's Vivo per Lei, but that is not gonna help us much further ...
Nicey, never saw that clip before. For the unfortunate ones not going by stairway to heaven, there's always the alternative to take this never ending trapeze to la luna ...
so it's Hijo de la Luna then. I'm really sorry for both of you just because I have a pencil left and stuck upon this table just to watch it disappear .. I can't help but whispering: let's put a place under that smile...!!
For the unfortunate ones not going by stairway to heaven, there's always the alternative to take this never ending trapeze to la luna ... - there go the lovely little tree huggers!!!
And I really wish someone like Honorio or Tremolo could witness this.. after all... it's like "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"... shock shock humour hunour... "north dakota cheeseburger peoples, yes, yes??"...