I have long been a fan of MMJ's music. I own all there LP's and most of there early EP's. I would consider them to be one of the better bands working today. From there modern take on Country Rock(At Dawn, Tennesse Fire)too the pure pop rock of (Z)MMJ have been consistantly showing the promise of one day making a truely magnificant album. Unfortunately we'll have to wait a few more years for that to happen. However, It's not to say that MMJ werent aiming for the stars. MMJ is obviously out for something new and bigger. Consider this a slightly failed attempt compared to what Wilco did with Foxtrot and radiohead did with Kid A. The ambition is there, the music is almost.
Evil Urges does have some very fine tracks on it though. Ones that stand out upon my first few listens are songs like (Im Amazed, Thank you too, Aluminum Park) But those songs would have fit easily on "It still Moves or Z. Songs like (Two Halves, Librarian, Highly suspicious) are all oddly out of place. It may seem funny but I dont think these songs would be out of place on a FLIGHT OF THE CONCORDS episode. The song writing seemed to have taken a second seat to guitar play and solo's.
I Still have high hopes for this band, but I hope they might take a look back to there roots for there next album. Or maybe even a collection of Dylan covers...lol...Going to Alcapolco from "Im Not there" was simply amazing.
Evil Urges - 3.5/5
Z - 4.5/5
It Still Moves - 4.5/5
At Dawn - 4.5/5
Tennesse Fire 4/5
The reviews for this one have either been lukewarm or excellent.
Although, I'm always skeptical when a band changes it's style and their fans react badly. It's kind of like how I went to see the Robert Plant & Alison Kraus show and the fans were whining about the music not being Zeppelin enough.
Whenever a performer tries something different and their hardcore fans gets mad it summons the image of the Newport Folk Festival crowd that booed Dylan for me. (You know, the group that went down as the doucheyist fans in music history.)
Im not saying I dislike the album as a whole. I think there is some great stuff on it. I actually like the labum enough to check it out live at the kool Haus in Toronto next week. MMJ are a great band, I just think they missed the mark on a few of the tracks here.
As for the coldplay comment. I feel the same way about evil urges as I do Viva la vida. Caught the live feed yesterday. I like the sounds they came up with for a few track, but ultimately wieghed down by a number of misses. Some good songs, some bad. This is coming from someone who has A RUSH OF BLOOD TO THE HEAD as number 89 on there all time top 100 albums list. So its not like I'm anti coldplay.
If your looking for some great recently released music then I would stick to the FLEET FOXES. lol...He kinda sounds like Jim James as well.
I don't know, based on at least the song from the iTunes ad, it sounds like Coldplay is moving in an arena rock direction. Sort of ambitious big-sounding music which if not executed exactly right comes off pompous.
Arena rock is a move usually made by bands striving for the perception of greatness.
Evil Urges, now that I've heard it, I would compare more to Sky Blue Sky. A mellow, less experimental album that is not accepted immediately by it's fans because it's not as experimental as the previous few.