Because you can only choose 5, I left out some key favourites in exchange for lifelong variety (Arcade Fire - Funeral, Neil Young - After The gold rush, Grateful Dead - American beauty)
The Beatles - "1962-1966"
The Beach Boys - "Good vibrations" boxset
Jellyfish - "Fan club" boxset
Frank Zappa - "Hot rats"
Todd Rundgren - "A wizard, a true star"
Although there's 3 Bob Dylan albums in my top 5 (I know, I know) I kinda want some Stones as well. In honor of his 67th birthday I am gonna keep two though:
Highway 61 Revisited
Blonde on Blonde
Who's Next
Born To Run
Beggars Banquet
Leonard Cohen Songs of Leonard Cohen
Bob Dylan Blood on the Tracks
R.E.M. Reconstruction of the Fables
Steve Wynn Kerosene Man
Warren Zevon Warren Zevon
Dumbangel, I remember checking your Todd Rundgren ratings on RYM not that long ago, and you had 3 stars for A Wizard, A True Star. What's been the difference since?
Not my really 5 favorites, but would be good in that situation:
1) Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
2) The Beatles - The Beatles (White Album)
3) M.I.A. - Kala
4) Blur - Parklife
5) The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses
Love - Forever Changes
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Stooges - Raw Power
The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
Al Green - Greatest Hits
I put on Jesus Freak the other day and I don't think it's aged well. I think Free At Last has held up though, I still really like that album. I don't mean to knock one of your favorites, I was just wondering if you thought Free At Last was good. I used to really like Jesus Freak... it just doesn't do anything for me anymore.
I don't cheat John !
5 records doesn't mean necessarely 5 albums. Compilations or boxset should be allowed.
If I should spend my whole life on a desert island I prefer having the 5-cds boxset than "Pet sounds" or "Sunflower' only !
Georgie, Todd Rundgren is really a great discovery of these last 10 months for me. After having read a guide to best albums of all-time eight years, I listend to "a wizard" and was disapointed. Too experimental for me at that time.
Last year I decided to buy the other acclaimed album of Tood Rundgren, "Something/anything" and I loved it !
I also purchased his last album released in 2004, "Liars", a surprisingly great album for an artist that seemed to be forgotten by everybody since some long years.
Now having 2 great TR albums, I decided to give another chance to "a wizard" and then... A true masterpiece, difficult the first time you hear it but a real grower. I now love this record.
After that, I immediately bought 12 other TR albums !
Dumbangel, I too have browsed your RYM page before and have alot of respect for your taste in music. But, please tell me you didn't rate A Wizard, A True Star 3 stars the first time after having listened to it only once!
Trying to ignore my person top 5 albums of all time, here is what I would bring that might satisfy most of my musical needs.
1. Frank Zappa - Sheik Yerbouti
2. Frank Zappa / Mothers of Invention - Burnt Weeny Sandwich
3. Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
4. Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
5. The Cars - The Cars
Sorry Chris but I must admit that I had given it 3 stars after 2 or 3 listens only...
I was young and dumb at that time .
Now I'm older and more patient, I take the time needed to appreciate the good things.
Actually, I haven't heard the "Free at Last" album yet, but I have heard that it is quite good. I'll have to check it out sometime! Do you like the Newsboys or Jars of Clay? I was tempted to put "Take Me to Your Leader" as one of my island picks, but sided with "Jesus Freak."
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon
Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation Of Millions to Hold Us Back
Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisted
Daniel, not really. I listened to all that in high school but I just don't think it's aged well. It's more nostalgia for me rather than something I still listen to frequently. Alternative Christian music is more of a tool than an art I think. It brings the gospel message to kids by using the music trends of the day. Nothing wrong with that, but I wish there were more creative artists in the scene.
Christian bands I still listen to include Johnny Q. Public, Morella's Forest, some Audio Adrenaline, some All-Star United, and some various bands that were on Tooth and Nail in the late 90's.
My Bloody Valentine- Loveless
Bob Dylan- Blonde on Blonde
The Beatles- The White Album
Belle and Sebastian- If Your Feeeling Sinister
Radiohead- Ok Computer
Rage Against The Machine - "dto."
Wu-Tang Clan - "Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)"
Tocotronic - "Digital ist besser"
The Beatles - "Abbey Road"
Michael Jackson - "Thriller"
Hmmm...the whole "desert island" aspect tends to change things up a bit...
The Cure - Disintegration
Jeff Buckley - Grace (Legacy Edition)
The Stooges - Fun House
Teenage Fanclub - Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Six Seconds: A Shortcut to Teenage Fanclub
The Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
My last choice is by far the most outside choice, as it's not even in my top 50 albums list, and I don't have it as a five star on RYM, but I'd need something with a lot of variety, brevity, and pep...something to satisfy me in times of short attention spans.
Laurie Anderson, United States Live
Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited
R.E.M., And I Feel Fine: The Best of the I.R.S. Years (Collector's Edition)
Various artists, The Sun Records Story
X, Beyond and Back: The X Anthology
Actually, that’s 13 discs, but hey, if I’m gonna be there a while…
Thanks Midaso. Yeah, if I could only choose one album to live with for the rest of my life, I might actually choose Teenage Fanclub. I could listen to that album nonstop (and have at times) and not get bored with it.
And after thinking about it, I'm tempted to replace Double Nickels on the Dime with The Best of Sam & Dave...what d'ya think, everyone
Velvet Underground and Nico
Sonic Youth Daydream Nation
Cat Power What Would the Community Think?
Otis Redding The Very Best of, Vol. 1
The Smiths Singles...though I'd prefer their entire anthology