How high do you think her album will eventually chart in 05? This was definitely the dark horse of the 00s that just grew and grew in popularity. Since MIA had her debut that year it might not make the top 5 but 05 was such a mediocre year it should definitely make the top 10.
I just want to know how many more times it's going to be released. It's getting to the point where it's been released as many times as Chinese Democracy was supposed to be released.
I don't understand how that is good marketing these days. If somethings out and it's good people don't need to wait until it gets a release in their country...
It's just twice, really. Once the original album in Sweden in 2005 and in the UK in 2007 and then the new album in the UK and Australia in 2007 and in the US in 2008. Ok, that first release in the UK of the old album is rather useless a few months before the reiussue, but other than that I don't see the big deal.
I suppose. I don't get why we still see different release dates though. I guess you have to tour around the album but still, like I said if an album is good people are going to get their hands on it whether you released it in their country or not. It seems worthless to have separate releases these days.
I also think it's funny that Metacritic shows it as a new release every time it "comes out".