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Yellow Submarine is hanging on it's last thread with Hey Bulldog. Although, it had a slim chance to stick around long anyway for multiple reasons, #1 being the number of songs it represented....and I don't think if the orchestral songs were allowed we'd be in a much different situation!
All Together Now: 18 points
I Wanna Be Your Man: 13 points
Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill: 13 points
Yes It Is: 11 points
There's a Place: 11 points
Close: Ask Me Why, What Goes On, Octopus's Garden, Hold Me Tight
RULES: Vote for 10 Beatles songs assigning 5 points to two, 4 points to two, 3 points to two, 2 points to two and 1 point to two. Please put the point value next to each song.
Comments are very welcome but not required. I'd like it if you give an overall comment but you don't have to.
5 songs will be eliminated every Monday and Thursday and a new vote will begin each day. The deadline for submitting a list is 2PM on each elimination day. In the event of a tie all songs receiving the elimination vote will be eliminated.
216. Revolution #9
215. Love Me Do
214. Dig It!
213. Dizzy Miss Lizzie
212. Maggie Mae
211. Devil in Her Heart
210. A Taste of Honey
209. Matchbox
208. You Know My Name (Look up the Number)
207. Bad Boy
206. PS I Love You
205. When I Get Home
204. Wild Honey Pie
203. Boys
202. Flying
201. Mr. Moonlight
200. Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey
199. Anna (Go To Him)
198. Run For Your Life
197. Her Majesty
196. Act Naturally
195. Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
194. Chains
193. Honey Don't
192. Not a Second Time
191. You Really Got a Hold On Me
190. Maxwell's Silver Hammer
189. Baby It's You
188. Till There Was You
187. Rock and Roll Music
186. Roll Over Beethoven
185. Misery
184. It's All Too Much
183. Words of Love
182. When I'm 64
181. For You Blue
180. Blue Jay Way
179. The Inner Light
178. Money (That's What I Want)
177. Please, Mr. Postman
176. I'm Happy Just To Dance With You
175. Only a Northern Song
174. You Like Me Too Much
173. Slow Down
172. Good Night
171. Thank You Girl
170. Little Child
169. Rocky Raccoon
168. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
167. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
166. One After 909
165. All Together Now
164. I Wanna Be Your Man
163. Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
162. Yes It Is
161. There's a Place
Please Please Me
1. I Saw Her Standing There
6. Ask Me Why
7. Please Please Me
11. Do You Want To Know A Secret
14. Twist And Shout
With the Beatles
1. It Won't Be Long
2. All I've Got To Do
3. All My Loving
4. Don't Bother Me
9. Hold Me Tight
A Hard Day's Night
1. Hard Day's Night, A
2. I Should Have Known Better
3. If I Fell
5. And I Love Her
6. Tell Me Why
7. Can't Buy Me Love
8. Any Time At All
9. I'll Cry Instead
10. Things We Said Today
12. You Can't Do That
13. I'll Be Back
Beatles For Sale
1. No Reply
2. I'm A Loser
3. Baby's In Black
5. I'll Follow The Sun
8. Eight Days A Week
11. Every Little Thing
12. I Don't Want To Spoil The Party
13. What You're Doing
1. Help
2. Night Before, The
3. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
4. I Need You
5. Another Girl
6. You're Going To Lose That Girl
7. Ticket To Ride
9. It's Only Love
11. Tell Me What You See
12. I've Just Seen A Face
13. Yesterday
Rubber Soul
1. Drive My Car
2. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
3. You Won't See Me
4. Nowhere Man
5. Think For Yourself
6. Word, The
7. Michelle
8. What Goes On
9. Girl
10. I'm Looking Through You
11. In My Life
12. Wait
13. If I Needed Someone
1. Taxman
2. Eleanor Rigby
3. I'm Only Sleeping
4. Love You To
5. Here, There And Everywhere
6. Yellow Submarine
7. She Said She Said
8. Good Day Sunshine
9. And Your Bird Can Sing
10. For No One
11. Doctor Robert
12. I Want To Tell You
13. Got To Get You Into My Life
14. Tomorrow Never Knows
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
2. With A Little Help From My Friends
3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4. Getting Better
5. Fixing A Hole
6. She's Leaving Home
7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
8. Within You Without You
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
13. A Day In The Life
Magical Mystery Tour
1. Magical Mystery Tour
2. Fool On The Hill, The
5. Your Mother Should Know
6. I Am The Walrus
7. Hello Goodbye
8. Strawberry Fields Forever
9. Penny Lane
10. Baby You're A Rich Man
11. All You Need Is Love
The Beatles (White Album)
1. Back In The U.S.S.R.
2. Dear Prudence
3. Glass Onion
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
8. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
9. Martha My Dear
10. I'm So Tired
11. Blackbird
12. Piggies
14. Don't Pass Me By
15. Why Don't We Do It In The Road
16. I Will
17. Julia
1. Birthday
2. Yer Blues
3. Mother Nature's Son
4. Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
5. Sexy Sadie
6. Helter Skelter
7. Long, Long, Long
8. Revolution 1
9. Honey Pie
10. Savoy Truffle
11. Cry Baby Cry
Yellow Submarine
3. Hey Bulldog
Abbey Road
1. Come Together
2. Something
4. Oh! Darling
5. Octopus's Garden
6. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
7. Here Comes The Sun
8. Because
9. You Never Give Me Your Money
10. Sun King
11. Mean Mr. Mustard
12. Polythene Pam
13. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
14. Golden Slumbers
15. Carry That Weight
16. End, The
Let It Be
1. Two Of Us
2. Dig A Pony
3. Across The Universe
4. I Me Mine
6. Let It Be
8. I've Got A Feeling
10. Long And Winding Road
12. Get Back
A Sides and B Sides:
From Me To You
She Loves You
I'll Get You
I Want To Hold Your Hand
This Boy
Long Tall Sally
I Call Your Name
I Feel Fine
She's A Woman
I'm Down
Day Tripper
We Can Work It Out
Paperback Writer
Lady Madonna
Hey Jude
Don't Let Me Down
Ballad Of John And Yoko, The
Old Brown Shoe
Alright, my ballot's changing drastically this week after spending some time on Sat. and Sun. ranking these. I can't believe Things We Said Today is getting votes! I have that song at #4. What's not to like about it?
5 points: Honey Pie: I wonder where the White Album would stand today if it were a single 16-17 track album.
5 points: I'll Get You
4 points: All You Need Is Love
4 points: Octopus's Garden
3 points: Long Tall Sally
3 points: I Me Mine
2 points: Yellow Submarine
2 points: Ask Me Why: If you're not voting for this one I urge you to go to Songza and take a listen to it. It fits right in with all of the other early songs that were voted off long ago.
1 point: Revolution 1
1 point: She Loves You
I know this might seem a bit slow on the uptake, but can someone confirm how it came to be that this game started with 216 songs?
Here's my math:
193 songs on 13 albums (including MMT and Yellow Submarine):
PPM = 14
WTB = 14
AHDN = 13
BFS = 14
HELP = 14
RS = 14
R = 14
SP = 13
MMT = 11
WA = 30
YS = 13
AR = 17
LIB = 12
Add 33 for the two Past Masters albums. (= 226)
Subtract the two German songs. (= 224)
Subtract "Love Me Do" (single version) and "Let It Be" (on Past Masters) = 222
Subtract the six score tracks from Yellow Submarine (for a total of 216)
Is this correct?
P.S. John - Don't ask me why, but I really like "Ask Me Why".
5 points - I've got a feeling
5 points - I need you
4 points - Every little thing
4 points - Baby you're a rich man
3 points - Tell me why
3 points - Hold me tight
2 points - Ask me why
2 points - Hey bulldog
1 point - What goes on
1 point - Yellow submarine
5 Yellow Submarine
5 Hey Bulldog
4 Ask Me Why
4 Octopus's Garden
3 Hold Me Tight
3 Do You Want To Know A Secret
2 I'll Cry Instead
2 Why Don't We Do It In The Road
1 I've Got A Feeling
1 She's Got A Woman
That seems right Anthony. Are you just trying to figure out how it was done, or do you think something's wrong?
It is possible that Anthony is bringing that into question because there are only 155 songs left in the competition, even though the tally leaves space open for 160 more songs.
When tabulating the 216 songs, Anthony forgot to subtract the following songs from his formula:
“Yellow Submarine” from Yellow Submarine album
“All You Need Is Love” from Yellow Submarine album
“Across the Universe” (Wildlife Version) from Past Masters
“Get Back” (Single Version) from Past Masters
There are seven orchestral tracks on Yellow Submarine, not six
This would mean that there are 211 Beatles songs eligible for elimination, not 216.
That would also mean that this week’s elimination would look like this:
160. All Together Now
159. I Wanna Be Your Man
158. Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
157. Yes It Is
156. There's a Place
and with 155 titles remaining, that should all work out.
Here are my votes for this week:
You Can’t Do That (5)
I Call Your Name (5)
All I’ve Got to Do (4)
Any Time at All (4)
Ask Me Why (3)
I’m Down (3)
What Goes On (2)
I’ll Cry Instead (2) - nothing too special
Within You Without You (1) - my first memory of this song was when I was listening to the Sgt. Pepper album, and the liner notes of the CD listed who wrote each song, and who sang lead vocals. I knew what John, Paul and Ringo's voices sounded like, but I was curious about George (didn't know at the time that he sang "Here Comes the Sun," "Something," and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"), and when I listened to "Within You Without You," I thought "I can barely hear his voice!" Also, I love the Sgt. Pepper album, but find it a bit overrated, but mostly because of the middle of the album ("Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite"/"Within You Without You"/"When I'm Sixty Four"). Had these songs been replaced with "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever," Sgt. Pepper would potentially be my all time favourite album. Well, enough rant for one song.
Don't Bother Me (1) - This is hard for me to vote for two George songs, as he is my favourite Beatle, plus the historic value of it being his first song, but it really is a mediocre song in my opinion. On the bright side, I think that this song, in contrast to his contributions to the Abbey Road album, makes for a strong argument that Harrison's skills as a songwriter grew the most during the Beatles' time together.
Yeah, I was just trying to figure out how the number 216 was arrived at.
Thanks, John.
(ballot to follow later tonight)
1 PT. I DON'T WANT TO SPOIL THE PARTY: A little refresher course on the Beatles' early song formula:
- the "boy and girl" theme
- mid-tempo 4/4
- harmonies
- I-IV-V structure
You can add 7th chords to that list. John and George used them in abundance -- look no further for proof than this tune.
They did use a ton of 7ths. It is probably the easiest variation to play with a distinctive sound.
5 points: “Your Mother Should Know”
5 points: “The Night Before”
4 points: “What Goes On”
4 points: “I’ll Get You”
3 points: “Tell Me What You See”
3 points: “It Won't Be Long”
2 points: “Any Time at All”
2 points: “Don’t Pass Me By”
New votes:
1 point: “I Want to Tell You”: my first vote for a song form the immaculate “Revolver” (the only lasting album in the game with all its 14 songs intact), a quite good song with nice psychedelic harmonies but slightly inferior to the rest of the album (yes, even “Yellow Submarine”).
1 point: “I’ll Be Back”: nice harmonies (again) and smart use of major to minor chord changes but maybe it was better in a ¾ beat after all, listen the “Anthology” version (if you want, of course).
You're right Daniel, it's 211. I know what I did. When I started that master list I included the 5 songs leaving without erasing them from their respective albums first and copied and pasted into Excel to figure out the exact number which was 216. Thanks for the heads up and to Anthony for bringing it up in the first place.
5 pts: I Me Mine
5 pts: Hold Me Tight
4 pts: Ask Me Why
4 pts: I'll Get You
3 pts: Tell Me What You See
3 pts: I Need You
2 pts: This Boy
2 pts: Within You Without You
1 pt: Your Mother Should Know
1 pt: Another Girl
By the way, kudos to REVOLVER for staying completely intact this far into the game. (If not for the misogyny that mars the musically brilliant "Run for Your Life", RUBBER SOUL would be intact as well, although it looks like "What Goes On" will be its second casualty soon enough.)
I'm a bit surprised that Rubber Soul has lasted like that - it's only really got one classic song
I'd argue two with Norwegian Wood being the other one, but the thing about Rubber Soul is that it is so consistent. It's my favorite album of all-time and it only misses at the beginning and end with Drive My Car and Run For Your Life, everything in between is gold. Even those two songs aren't sore thumbs like other albums bad songs. The US release doesn't even make you listen to Drive My Car, but you do miss out on If I Needed Someone.
5 pts: Please Please Me
5 pts: Drive My Car
4 pts: No Reply
4 pts: If I Fell
3 pts: Ask Me Why
3 pts: Wait
2 pts: It's Only Love
2 pts: I'll Follow The Sun
1 pt: I'll Be Back
1 pt: All I've Got To Do
First I miss (well, maybe “miss” is not the exact word) the participation of the numerous beatlemaniacs that pop up in the forum now and then to enlighten us all about the Undisputed Greatness of The Fab Four as the Creators of Pop Music (and apparently all its sub-styles). Maybe it could be “healthy” for them to participate in this game and to approach to the Beatles catalog with critical mind.
Secondly I (respectfully) disagree about having “Revolution 1” and “Revolution” in the tournament as separate songs. As Daniel said previously there’s some Beatles songs released with different versions, most notably:
- “Love Me Do”: first single version with Ringo on drums (also in “Past Masters”) and a new recorded version with Ringo on tambourine (the most well-known LP version).
- “Sie Liebt Dich” and “Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand”: the backing instrumental tracks were the same with re-recorded vocals in German.
- “Revolution”: The Beatles recorded this song at the beginning of the White Album sessions with Lennon intending to release it as a single (with “Revolution 9” as the B-side) as a quick answer to the riots in Paris in May of 1968. The band rejected it and recorded a new version that ended being the B-side of “Hey Jude” (what a great single by the way!). Later the first version was included in the “White Album” as “Revolution 1”.
- “Get Back”, “Across the Universe” and “Let It Be”: these three songs were recorded in different sessions (“Across …” in 1967, the other two in the 1969 “Get Back” sessions) and released in different formats (“Across…” in a compilation and the other two as A-side singles). Later Phil Spector added overdubs to the later two and remixed for the “Let It Be” album.
So, summarizing, it’s true that only “Revolution” and “Revolution 1” are the only versions re-recorded that showed significant differences. Anyway it’s the same song and, in my opinion, the one eligible would be the single version (the first released and obviously the better one).
Sorry, forgot to cut and paste “Two comments about Beatles Survivor (a great game by the way, thanks a lot, John)” at the beginning of the post.
The difference between Rev 1 and Rev is that if I cut the non-original I'd be cutting an album track and I didn't want to do that, nor did I want to cut the original and better version. All of the others fall on on the Past Masters so I had no problem cutting those since I just named that collection singles and b-sides anyway. It seems silly having both but I couldn't justify cutting it... but I totally understand your point. It'll be gone soon enough.
Results in a few!