I work for a newspaper and have been writing album reviews for more than four years now. With somewhere between 350 and 400 individual reviews under my belt, I’ve been thinking about starting a Web site. Thing is, I don’t want it to be just my reviews. I already have two, and potentially three, writers lined up to do more reviews, and I’m looking for one or two more. What better place to look than here?
There is a wealth of extensive and diverse musical knowledge displayed on this site, and obviously some good writers. At first, all you would get out of the deal is some free music, the occasional free tickets to a show and your name in lights, but eventually the plan would be to sell advertising and make a little money. For this reason, unfortunately, the positions are only available to North American residents, and preferably U.S. residents. Although anyone elsewhere in the world who wants to contribute for free will be welcome.
There is more to the story, but I don’t want to divulge any more here. If you’re interested, let me know and put your e-mail with the post. I’ll get back to you and let you know what I’m looking for. Thanks to all who want to be considered.
I'm vaguely interested, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to put in the effort to really write a fair, thorough, complete review if I wouldn't be getting much back for that time spent.
My ears perked up at the sound of someone looking for someone to review music. Or I suppose my eyelids perked up since I read about it, not heard about it.
I have a strong passion for music on many different levels (I love to write songs that reek of cheese; my friends grit their teeth and smile anytime I shrill the chorus of "Over the Hills and Far Away"; I probably have more books by Joel Whitburn than any other author; and I spend my spare time creating fictitious "best of" lists for songs and albums by various artists). However, I do not have a lot of experience in critiquing music (but I am now graduating from an art college, so I am a bit familiar with critiquing others' artwork).
I may not be the greatest person to write music reviews, but I think it would be fun to at least give it a try.
Hope everything goes well with finding writers! :)