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I found this website called Songza where you can listen to pretty much every song. I've looked up a few rare ones, a few recent ones, and they all seem to be available. Not just album version, but also live versions, and they're all free for you to listen to. I doubt this is legal, but hey.. it's there.

Re: Songza

Score! I can now here "Hung Up on a Dream" by The Zombies, which I couldn't find anywhere for the songs poll!

Re: Songza

Apparently it is legal because you can't download them.. well, still quite handy for people who want to listen to an entire album before buying it.

Re: Songza

Oh my- there are unreleased Prince tracks available!

Unfortunately, the one from which I got my name ("Moonbeam Levels") doesn't seem to be working! But "Extra Loveable" is... what a bad ass jam!

Re: Songza

Hmm, seems pretty cool. Mostly seems to have anything even vaguely commercial or well known. Handy!

Re: Songza

My guiltiest of guilty pleasures is on there! It took me YEARS to find it online, and now I see I could have found it on this site!

Re: Songza

Now you're making me curious Moonbeam.. what is it?

Re: Songza

It's a crazy disco song from an Italian slasher flick called "The House on the Edge of the Park". I have a theory that every great B-horror movie must have at least one disco song, and the scene that contains is simply hysterical.

Behold the glory of "Much More", which has also recently been uploaded to Youtube!

Re: Songza

Another piece of evidence:

"Let's show 'em what we can do!"

This choreography makes me laugh out loud, especially from 00:37 to 00:44!

Re: Songza

What a goldmine! Thanks Neo!

I think it should be possible to create search links to songza instead of the links to the 30 sec samples at amazon, for almost every song at AM.

Like this: Listen


Re: Songza

I don't think that's really legal. It's at least in the gray area because it looks like it just searches the web for songs. For example, I typed in Beatles Rain and it came up with a couple dozen results some with John Lennon talking before the song. But, it's probably just like YouTube: small fish in big waters.

Re: Songza


No Waterdogs by Prayer Chain. Man that's a hard song to find online.

Re: Songza

First song I typed in the search engine: "F**k You In The Ass" by The Outhere Brothers. Had it. Heard it. Hit it. And still not able to believe how liberal the 1990's were...